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Papaverine (Papaverinum hydrochloricum) – from Latin. Papaver – poppy seed. An isoquinoline alkaloid found in opium, a substance obtained from the dried juice of immature poppy seeds. Opium was used in medicine, especially in Europe and the United States, since the nineteenth century as an analgesic, hypnotic – for smoking or as a tincture (laudanum). Papaverine is a substance with a spasmolytic or diastolic effect. In terms of action, it is classified as third, after codeine and morphine. Injected papaverine directly affects muscle cells. It is not addictive, unlike other opium derivatives.

Papaverine – application

Poppy it is used for the contraction of smooth muscles within the abdominal cavity: the gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract, contraction of the bile ducts, bile and intestinal spines. Within the urinary tract with symptoms of painful urge to urinate, with kidney stones. With uterine contractions, spastic constipation, inflammation of the bile ducts and bronchi. Poppy It is also used in vascular surgery, due to its diastolic effect on blood vessels, coronary vessels, brains and the retina of the eye.

Dosage of papaverine and contraindications

Poppy is available only by prescription in the form of 20 mg / ml (40 mg / 2 ml) ampoules. It is intended to be administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection in doses of 40-120 mg (2-6 ml), up to 4 times a day.

Poppy can only be used in adults. In pregnant women decision to use papaverine can only take doctor. The use of papaverine is not recommended when breastfeeding. Some medical conditions require additional tests before starting papaverine use. Do not use the drug after a heart attack, in patients with glaucoma, angina, hepatic dysfunction, heart failure. Use with other drugs, especially diastolic drugs, should be consulted with a specialist. A contraindication is allergic to any component of the preparation.

They are also available in the market medicines containing papaverine, incl. stomach drops for indigestion and anorexia, as well as diastolic suppositories for intestinal or renal colic. Synthetic derivative poppy – drotaverine shows a stronger and longer effect. Drotaverine dilates vessels by increasing blood flow in tissues, and comes in the form of tablets or ampoules for injection. Poppy it is metabolized by the liver, excreted in the urine.

Side effects of papaverine

Papaverine at higher doses may induce relaxation of the muscles of the entire body, the recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. May occur incl. dizziness, somnolence (may impair your ability to drive), constipation, appetite and concentration disorders, mood changes, increased sweating, breathing difficulties, facial erythema. In the event of side effects, discontinue use of the preparation and consult a physician. In the case of simultaneous use of Levodopa (a drug used, among others, in Parkinson’s disease), poppy flower may weaken its effect.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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