Poorly differentiated lung cancer

Poorly differentiated lung cancer

How the disease occurs, referred to as low-grade squamous cell lung cancer, worries few of the sick.

Such a malignant tumor in the early stages of development can be determined by such signs, depending on which part of the organ is affected by the disease. For this there is a classification:

  • Peripheral cancer;

  • Cancer central;

  • Cancer miliary;

  • And the most dangerous, mediastinal cancer.

And there is also cancer, located in the upper part of the lungs, it is poorly manifested, but its consequences are very deplorable.

Why is cancer called low-grade?

If benign cancer cells are similar to healthy ones, then malignant ones, i.e. poorly differentiated ones have an irregular structure, they have a disproportionate nucleus, and cellular organisms do not fulfill their purpose.

Poorly differentiated small cell lung cancer

It is a common oncological disease, the disease feeds on energy from healthy organs. They are characterized by rapid division and spread to new surfaces. This disease is more common in men.

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