Do you want to be rich? Be it! Most effective trainings aimed at achieving financial well-being are built around a simple but effective scheme. Pessimistic thoughts about poverty deliberately program particularly impressionable comrades into poverty. Conversely, the more positive we think, the more effort we put into achieving wealth. And it, in turn, is willingly attracted to the cheerful and active. However, there are several objective reasons for real, not far-fetched poverty, and we will talk about them in our article.
Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Believe me, demotivators and various linguistic programming techniques would not be so popular if people did not willingly fall for them. And the thing is that for most ordinary people it is very important to pronounce not only the goals themselves, but all the steps to achieve them. Speak, cheer yourself up, give yourself the right mindset for wealth and success.
In addition to the well-known morale-boosting installations, there are at least three that can turn you into a weak-willed person without ambition and a penny in your pocket in a matter of days. Here they are, the enemies of all financially prosperous mankind, the three horsemen of the Apocalypse:
- Loser who lives under the slogan: «I’m just unlucky.» An ideal excuse for those who are aware of the failure of the situation, but do not want to do anything to improve it. Moreover, he does not even notice that poverty is already sneaks up on his wallet, because just suffering, referring to bad luck, is much easier!
- The debtor sincerely believes that you can always borrow a little, but how then give? What if interest? What if there are fines? In general, even the most harmless a loan is a direct path to a debt hole. Getting out of it is difficult, expensive and long.
- A workaholic is ready to work day and night just to earn some money. The question of profit is secondary for him. In addition, it is convenient to go to work, not think about how to increase your income, but simply serve your labor service, dreaming of a pension.
Friendship with money: truth or myth?
Chronic poverty, in fact, does not have any direct causes, as well as solutions. However, there are a few simple tips to help you sort things out:
- Life needs to be planned predict and protect against poor people. No no! We are by no means We urge you to limit communication in them, but you should always remember: like is drawn to like.
- If you are faced with installations for poverty, it is best to get rid of them as soon as possible, work through each case in order to completely eliminate their bad influence.
- Save right! At least 10% of each income should go to the «safety box» — this is your guarantee for a comfortable existence.
- Invest as soon as a good option turns up. As an investment, your money will not only be saved, but will largely multiply.
Be sure to ask yourself the right questions: where can I find an additional source of income? How much can I save? Where can you invest the available money without loss? Is it possible to make money on expenses and how to do it? It is easier and more efficient to look for a solution to a global problem in stages.

Summing up, we can say that the cause of poverty is not so much an objective impossibility to get out of the money hole, but a personal unwillingness to make efforts. The inability to plan income and expenses, weak motivation to take actions for the benefit of your own financial independence — all this can “reprogram” your subconscious and make you move along the false and unpromising path of least resistance.