Pomegranate wine: what is useful, how to cook, what to eat

Modern winemaking has gone far beyond the usual grape drinks for every person. Pomegranate wine, plum and even peach wine are produced on an industrial scale. Technologies for the production of homemade fruit wines are also developing every year, delighting winemakers.

Is there pomegranate wine

The first factory-quality pomegranate wine was made about 30 years ago in one of the provinces of Israel. Some time later, the baton was taken over by the largest suppliers of this fruit – Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia. The development of this area of ​​winemaking has aroused interest among lovers of home-made alcohol, so now you can find a large number of recipes for the production of pomegranate wine, oriented to home conditions.

Pomegranate wine: what is useful, how to cook, what to eat

The main disadvantage in the production of such a drink is the high acidity of the fruit. In order for the wine to ferment properly, water and a fairly large amount of sugar are added to the grape juice. Almost every bottle in the store is made using a similar technology. At home, winemakers use wine yeast to speed up the fermentation of pomegranate wine.

Benefits of pomegranate wine

Thanks to the production technology, the beneficial properties of pomegranate juice are preserved in the wine. Drinking pomegranate wine in moderation can completely minimize the harm of alcohol, as well as bring great benefits to the body. The main useful properties of such a drink are usually attributed to:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • improvement of the general condition of the nervous system;
  • slowing down the aging of the body;
  • powerful antioxidant effect;
  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins.

Wine improves immunity due to the content of linolenic acid in it, which also allows you to regulate fat metabolism and inhibit the formation of carcinogens in body tissues. The benefits of pomegranate wine are also due to the high percentage of vitamins B6, B12, C and P, which strengthen the body and help it better fight viruses and infections.

Pomegranate wine can bring special benefits to women. It contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels and, as a result, reduces mood swings during menstrual cycles. Also, the use of this drink during menstruation helps to reduce pain.

How to make wine from pomegranate juice

The main component of any wine is the juice squeezed from the fruit. To obtain high quality pomegranate juice that meets the standards of winemaking, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of quality fruits. It is advisable to choose the most ripe pomegranates, which at the same time have not undergone the appearance of mold.

In the right fruit, the peel is even and does not contain traces of mechanical damage. The grains must be fully ripe. It is believed that the sweeter the fruit, the better the final product can be obtained in the manufacture of wine.

Important! Before squeezing the juice, green grains must be removed. So you can reduce the overall acidity of the drink.

There are two methods for fermenting wine – using yeast and by natural fermentation. Both methods have the right to life, since each of them is used to make drinks from raw materials of different acidity.

How to make pomegranate wine without yeast

The technology of making wine from pomegranate juice without the use of yeast at home involves adding a small portion of sourdough to the juice. Unlike grapes, on the surface of which wild yeast lives, pomegranate seeds are reliably protected from the surrounding air by a dense crust.

Important! It is necessary to prepare the right amount of starter in advance, depending on the amount of the planned product.

Raisins soaked in warm water for several days are considered the standard starter for making such a wine. The standard ratio is 100 g of dry red raisins per 100 ml of water. To speed up the production of sourdough, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to a glass of raisins. It is believed that 3-4 days is enough for the wild yeast from the raisins to become active.

Pomegranate juice, sugar, water and sourdough are mixed in a fermentation tank. After that, the tank is covered with a lid and a water seal is installed. After the end of fermentation, the wine is filtered and poured into barrels for further infusion.

How to make pomegranate wine with yeast

Factory wine yeast is good because it is able to digest all the sugar contained in the juice into alcohol. However, to speed up fermentation, an additive in the form of sugar is still used. Water is also added to balance the acid balance of the finished drink.

In general terms, this technology for making wine, except for yeast, is no different from the previous version. The ingredients are also mixed in a large vat, after which they are placed under a water seal until complete fermentation. In fact, the use of wine yeast to make pomegranate wine can significantly increase the degree of the drink.

Pomegranate wine recipes at home

To make a good drink, you need the right raw materials. Pomegranates can be grown on your own, bought at the nearest supermarket. The main thing is that they are all quite ripe and sweet.

There are a large number of recipes for pomegranate wine at home – with the addition of raisins, citrus fruits or cereals. Each person involved in home winemaking has his own special way of preparing this drink, which he considers right. A novice winemaker can easily choose the recipe he likes, you just need to follow the instructions clearly.

Pomegranate wine: what is useful, how to cook, what to eat

Classic homemade pomegranate wine recipe

Preparation of wine according to traditional winemaking technology allows you to get a product with a pure taste and indescribable fruity aroma. For cooking you will need:

  • 2 liters of pomegranate juice;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • wine yeast.

Juice is obtained in any convenient way. Sugar, water and wine yeast diluted according to the instructions are added to it. All ingredients are well mixed in a fermentation tank. Then the container is covered with a lid and a water seal is installed. The readiness of wine is determined by the absence of traces of fermentation. After that, the finished product is filtered, bottled and sent for storage.

Delicious pomegranate wine with raisins

Raisins are used as an ingredient necessary for sourdough. In addition, the fermentation of the drink on such a starter contributes to the light carbonation of the drink. To make wine, you will need:

  • 5 kg of pomegranates;
  • 350 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  • 30 ml of water per 1 liter of juice;
  • 50 g red raisins;
  • 25 ml of sourdough per 1 liter of juice.

Fruits are peeled and white films between grains. In any way, juice is squeezed out of the grains. The resulting juice is poured into a fermentation tank, sugar, water, raisins and sourdough are added to it. All ingredients are mixed for maximum divergence of the starter, after which the container is covered with a lid and placed under a water seal. The finished must is sent to ferment in a warm room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees.

Important! Shake the container once a day. This action will activate the yeast.

When the wine stops showing signs of fermentation, it will need to be filtered through cheesecloth. Filtered wine is poured into a barrel or other container. After 3 months, the drink is filtered again and finally bottled.

Homemade pomegranate wine with barley

The recipe was invented in the USA at the end of the XNUMXth century. Barley allows you to balance the taste of wine and make it whiter and lighter. A prerequisite is the maximum ripeness of the selected pomegranates. For cooking you will need:

  • 15 ripe pomegranates;
  • 1,5 kg of sugar;
  • 200 g of barley;
  • 4 L of water;
  • wine yeast.

Barley is boiled in 2 liters of water for 2 hours. Then the broth is filtered, and the barley is thrown away. Barley broth is mixed with pomegranate juice, water, sugar and wine yeast diluted according to the instructions. The container with the wort is covered with a water seal and sent for fermentation.

After fermentation, the wort is filtered and poured into a barrel for further maturation. The finished product is bottled, tightly corked and sent for further storage.

Red pomegranate wine with citrus

Another recipe comes from America. A distinctive feature of the finished product is the original aroma of citrus and slight sourness. For such a drink you will need:

  • 20 large pomegranate fruits;
  • zest of 4 lemons;
  • 4 orange;
  • 7,5 L of water;
  • 2,5 kg of sugar;
  • wine yeast.

Remove the zest from citrus fruits. Juice is squeezed out of oranges and pomegranates, mixed in a fermentation tank. Water, sugar and peel are added to it. Wine yeast is diluted according to the instructions on the manufacturer’s packaging. The container is placed under a water seal and sent to a warm place for fermentation.

After fermentation, pomegranate wine must be carefully filtered. For this, gauze rolled up in several layers is used. The finished wine is poured into a barrel and sent for 3 months to ripen.

What do you drink pomegranate wine with?

Traditionally, before serving, hand-made pomegranate wine must be cooled to 12-14 degrees. Since the drink is not too sugary, refrigeration helps it retain its acidity and leave a long pleasant aftertaste in the mouth. If the wine is served warm, then for most people it will resemble compote.

Important! Usually pomegranate wine seems too light, but you should be on your guard – intoxication from it comes much faster than from traditional grape wine.

Since the wine is light and sweet, it is best enjoyed with desserts. The best options would be traditional Armenian, Turkish and Azerbaijani sweets – baklava or Turkish delight. The use of wine with such dishes allows you to fully reveal its notes, as well as immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a country in which pomegranate wine is a national calling card.

Pomegranate wine: what is useful, how to cook, what to eat

What to eat pomegranate wine

In addition to sweets, pomegranate wine goes well with unsweetened fruits – apples, cherries or pears. It is also common to use such a drink with citrus crops – orange and grapefruit.

How pomegranate wine affects blood pressure

Traditionally, pomegranate juice is considered to be a great helper in the fight against high blood pressure. Drinking a small glass of homemade wine from pomegranate juice during a hypertensive crisis helps to reduce pressure by 10-15 units. This method of pressure reduction works effectively with slightly elevated blood pressure.

Important! If health problems are significant, it is recommended to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Experts agree that regular consumption of a small amount of pomegranate juice wine can save a person from vascular diseases in later life. Another useful property of pomegranate wine is that it reduces the frequency of vascular spasms, thereby keeping blood pressure within normal limits.

pomegranate wine calories

Like any other alcohol, pomegranate wine is considered a fairly high-calorie drink. The average calorie content of 100 ml is up to 88 kcal or 367 kJ. The average nutritional value per 100 g is as follows:

  • proteins – 0 g;
  • fats – 0 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5 g;

Depending on the cooking recipe, the nutritional content may vary. So, when using a decoction of barley, cereals secrete protein. Adding citrus or increasing the amount of sugar slightly increases the level of carbohydrates.

Contraindications for pomegranate wine

The main contraindication to drinking this drink is low blood pressure. Since the substances contained in the composition of wine contribute to an active decrease in blood pressure, it is highly recommended not to use it for people prone to hypotension. A glass of pomegranate wine during a hypotonic crisis can be fatal.

It is also worth refraining from using it for people prone to allergic reactions. Pomegranate is a strong allergen that can cause asthma attacks and reddening of the skin. In extreme cases, redness of the eyes can be observed, accompanied by severe itching.

Terms and conditions of storage

Since the technology of home production of wine from pomegranate juice has not yet been fully developed and brought to the ideal, the shelf life of the finished product is noticeably inferior to grape wine. It is believed that such a drink can be stored for up to 2 years, subject to the correct storage conditions. Like any fruit wine, a pomegranate drink is recommended to be consumed as early as possible from the moment it is ready.

Pomegranate wine: what is useful, how to cook, what to eat

To keep the product characteristics as long as possible, you need the right room. A cool cellar with a temperature of 12-14 degrees is best suited for storing wine. If it is impossible to organize the correct storage conditions, you can keep the bottles in kitchen cabinets, but at the same time their shelf life will be reduced to a maximum of six months.


Pomegranate wine is gaining popularity every year. Despite the fact that it is far from the success of the traditional grape, its benefits and unique taste promise great prospects. Prepared according to the right recipe, it will not leave indifferent any gourmet.

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