Pomegranate wine: 2 recipes at home

For the first time, pomegranate wine on an industrial scale began to be produced in Israel about 30 years ago. Then this experience was adopted by the Turks, Armenians and Azerbaijanis.

Pomegranate wine not only has a pleasant tart taste, but also retains all the beneficial substances that are contained in pomegranate seeds.

The only disadvantage of pomegranate fruit for winemaking is its high acid content. To make good wine, you have to add water and a lot of sugar.

Also made from pomegranate: liquor, tincture, syrup

Dessert pomegranate wine

From the amount of ingredients that are indicated in the recipe, you get about 1,5–2 liters of wine, with a strength of 11–13 degrees.


  1. Pomegranate – 5 kg

  2. Sugar – 350 g per liter of juice

  3. Water – 50 ml per liter of juice

  4. wine yeast

Method of preparation

  1. Before starting the preparation of pomegranates, it is necessary to wash, peel and squeeze the juice from the grains in any way convenient for you. For example, using a metal strainer and a spoon.

  2. We transfer the resulting juice and pulp into a saucepan, add water at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of juice, sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 liter of juice and wine yeast (dilute according to the instructions).

  3. Mix well and cover with cheesecloth. We leave for 3-4 days in a dark place at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. Once a day, mix the contents of the container with a wooden spatula.

  4. As soon as active fermentation begins, it is necessary to strain the wort, and squeeze the pulp with gauze.

  5. Add more granulated sugar to the fermented juice at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of juice. After mixing, pour it into a glass container (fill a maximum of 3/4 of the volume).

  6. We install a water seal or a glove with a small hole on the finger and leave it for 35–50 days in a dark room with a temperature of 18–25 degrees.

  7. After four days, you need to add more sugar (at the rate of 50 g per liter of juice). To do this, drain 1-1,5 liters of wort, dissolve sugar in it and pour it back into the container. Install the shutter again.

  8. After another four days, we introduce the remaining sugar (50 g / liter of juice). The method is described in paragraph 7.

  9. After 35-50 days, when the fermentation is completely over, we drain the wine from the sediment.

  10. We take a test. And if desired, you can add more granulated sugar or fix with vodka (2–15% of the total volume of wine).

  11. Now we fill a clean container to the very neck so that there is no room for excess air. We send young wine for 4-6 months for aging at a temperature of 5-16 degrees. Every month it is necessary to drain the wine from the sediment and pour it into a clean container.

  12. As soon as the sediment stops falling, the wine can be bottled. It must be stored in a refrigerator or cellar for no more than 3 years.

Homemade pomegranate wine


  1. Pomegranate – 6 pc.

  2. Water – 12 glasses

  3. Granulated sugar – 4 cups

  4. Raisins – 450 g

  5. Wine yeast – 1 pack

  6. Live yeast – 1 tsp

  7. A mixture of malic, citric and tartaric acid – 2 tsp.

  8. Pectin enzyme – 1 tsp

  9. Campden – 1 tablet

Method of preparation

  1. We prepare grenades in the way described in paragraph 1 of the first recipe.

  2. In a saucepan, mix the pulp and pomegranate juice with the rest of the ingredients, except for the yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave the container for one night at room temperature.

  3. In the morning, add yeast to the mixture and keep for another 6 days in a warm place, every day, stirring with a wooden spatula.

  4. After six days, pour the wine into a glass fermentation tank using a siphon and install a water seal. Leave for 3-4 weeks in a warm place.

  5. As soon as fermentation is over, we bottle the wine using a siphon and leave it to age for 1 year in a cool place.

Very important! Watch the fermentation time carefully, otherwise, instead of wine, you can get good pomegranate vinegar.

cocktails with grenadine

Relevance: 27.02.2018

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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