Pomegranate juice: benefits and harms to the body
A popular drink was not just given to people after serious illnesses – pomegranate juice is able to strengthen the immune system and improve blood composition. What other useful properties does pomegranate juice have?

History of pomegranate juice

Pomegranate is the fruit of a tree containing hundreds of juicy grains with a stone inside. From the Latin language “pomegranate” is translated as “grainy”. The homeland of the plant is considered to be North Africa and Asia, but now it is common in all countries with a fairly warm climate.

The pomegranate has been a symbol of abundance and fertility since antiquity. Previously, it was considered a delicacy of fairly wealthy people, all because of the high cost of the fruit and the similarity of its corolla to the shape of a crown.

The pomegranate fruit is very juicy, but it is not very convenient to eat because of the large number of seeds. They began to squeeze juice from the fruit and use it in cooking.

Composition and calorie content of pomegranate juice

Caloric value on 100 g55 kcal
Proteins0,23 g
Fats0,01 g
Carbohydrates12 g

Benefits of pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice contains a variety of amino acids that normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, improve digestion. That is why pomegranate sauce is so often served with meat – not only because of the taste.

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The drink contains many trace elements: vitamin C, B vitamins, as well as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Long-term intake of small doses of pomegranate juice increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is necessary for people with anemia, in the recovery period after surgery and illness.

Potassium and magnesium improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels in hypertension.

The antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice improve the condition of the body, cleanse toxins and strengthen the immune system. Juice is useful for the prevention of seasonal colds.

Harm of pomegranate juice

– It is worth being wary of undiluted pomegranate juice, especially on an empty stomach. Due to the high concentration of acids in the composition of the juice, it can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and pain. And for people with peptic ulcer and gastritis, this drink is generally contraindicated, – says Gastroenterologist Irina Warsawskaya.

The same organic acids are bad for dental health, so people with weak enamel or caries should drink juice through a straw or rinse their mouths with water.

Due to the property to strengthen the use of the drink, it is better to limit it to people suffering from constipation. People without health problems can drink a small amount of diluted pomegranate juice.

The use of pomegranate juice in medicine

Doctors often recommend drinking pomegranate juice to those recovering from long-term illnesses. It is especially useful for people with anemia, as a high concentration of iron contributes to an increase in hemoglobin. Vitamin C in pomegranate juice aids in the absorption of iron. Usually juice is taken in a small amount, but for a long time.

Pomegranate juice is used to treat prostatitis, it is also a good diuretic, so it is recommended to drink it for women with premenstrual syndrome and edema.

This drink has a higher potassium content than other vegetable and fruit juices. Pomegranate juice will be useful for heart disease, high blood pressure.

Pomegranate juice helps to stop diarrhea due to its fixing properties. And for people with low stomach acidity, juice helps digest food.

It is also included in some diets due to its low calorie content and high content of nutrients. But it should be borne in mind that pomegranate juice, on the contrary, stimulates the appetite, so taking it can increase the feeling of hunger.

In cosmetology, masks for hair and skin based on pomegranate juice are used. Organic acids help cleanse the skin of dead skin particles and nourish the deep layers of the epidermis.

The use of pomegranate juice in cooking

“Pomegranate juice is valuable only when freshly prepared,” warns Irina Varshavskaya. Therefore, it is better to buy fruits and make juice yourself.

But bottled juice can also be used for cooking. It is used for marinating meat, especially for barbecue. Acids soften the fibers and make the meat juicy, with a pleasant sourness. Refreshing sweet cocktails and desserts are also prepared on the basis of pomegranate juice.

pomegranate juice jelly

Sweet and sour jelly perfectly quenches thirst. Garnish with pomegranate seeds, orange peel and mint leaves.

Pomegranate juice300 ml
Sugar35 g
Instant gelatin7 g
handful of pomegranate seedsfor decoration

Pour pomegranate juice into a saucepan and mix with sugar. While stirring, bring to a boil and add gelatin. Remove from heat and stir vigorously until gelatin dissolves. After cooling slightly, pour into portion molds or bowls. Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Garnish with pomegranate seeds before serving.

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Pomegranate meat sauce

The traditional sauce is made from whole grains, but there are also accelerated versions from ready-made pomegranate juice. Instead of long boiling, the juice is thickened with starch, and the taste of the sauce is not inferior to the classic one. You can add spices to taste in pomegranate sauce – for example, adjika or black pepper

Pomegranate juice300 ml
Sugar1 Art. a spoon
Starch1 hours. Spoon
Lemon juice1 hours. Spoon
Saltto taste

Bring half the juice to a boil in a saucepan, add sugar and cook, stirring constantly. The juice should reduce its volume by about half.

At this time, the rest of the juice must be mixed with starch and, while stirring the future sauce in a saucepan, pour in the juice with starch. After boiling, add lemon juice and salt and boil for a few minutes. Then remove from heat and cool.

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How to choose and store pomegranate juice

Fresh juice, squeezed right in front of you or on your own at home, is most useful. But pomegranate juice sold in glass bottles retains its taste and some properties for a long time.

The composition should not contain anything other than juice: sugar, ascorbic acid, flavors can be added to improve the taste.

Store the drink in a dark, cool place for several months, and after opening the bottle – no more than three days. Freshly squeezed juice is drunk immediately, if necessary, you can put it in the refrigerator in an airtight container for a couple of days.

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