Pomegranate for prostate and more
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More than half of Poles in their XNUMXs begin to have problems with urination and intimate life! It is the source of many male complexes, lowering the quality of life, often the beginning of the end of sexual activity. The prostate is still an embarrassing matter for men, they avoid the subject, they are ashamed of the embarrassing examination, they don’t know how to care for the prostate gland. And it could be otherwise …

Pomegranate for male problems

For years, scientists have been looking for an effective and safe method of taking care of the proper functioning of the prostate gland. It turns out, however, that a proper diet and supplementing it with ingredients important for health can ensure health for years. This is confirmed, among others, by research (Paller et al,), the results of which were presented at the congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Well, in the USA for several years men with prostate cancer were given regular drinking pomegranate juice. Research has not conclusively confirmed that pomegranate may be an effective treatment for prostate cancer, but the results were surprising! As many as 80% of respondents experienced a fourfold slowdown in the growth of PSA – an indicator of disease progression! The same results were obtained in another six-year study by Allan J. Pantuck (National Cancer Institute, USA). The period of PSA doubling rose from 15,4 months to 60 months (Pantuck et al., 2009), but it was not known why 20% of the respondents did not have such an effect.

Pomegranate yes, but fermented!

The breakthrough was the discovery of the German medical doctors Karl and Ludwig Jacob, who subjected the pomegranate concentrate to light bacterial fermentation. This released a huge amount of beneficial polyphenols, previously not digestible for people with poor digestion (hence the lack of effects in 20% of respondents). The fermented concentrate is incomparably richer in polyphenols than fresh pomegranate juice, and their antioxidant power is surprisingly high. Most pomegranate juices available on the market do not have such properties. Pomegranate is an expensive fruit and many of these juices are diluted with currant or cherry juice. The cheap, sweet “pomegranate juices” that are flooding the market are sterilized from tart polyphenols, and the lack of polyphenols is no effect.

Compared to fresh pomegranate juice, fermented pomegranate juice concentrate has much less fruit sugars, a much greater amount of bioactive polyphenols, and their antioxidant power (TEAC) is 37 times higher!

Very interesting studyThe impact of pomegranate polyphenols on prostate health was conducted by Jacob and Klippel. It was published in Polish “Urological Review” (2009/10/5(57).

For many men, fermented pomegranate concentrates are very an important alternative taking care of the health of the prostate. Bioactive polyphenols have a beneficial effect on the prostate. Importantly, pomegranate polyphenols do not cause progressive impotencewhich is a side effect of some treatments. On the contrary, the beneficial effect of pomegranate juice on the condition of blood vessels also brings improvement in patients with erection problems (Forest et al., 2007), thanks to this many men revive and get rid of their male complexes! It was considered that the intake of dietary supplements during treatment containing pomegranate polyphenols supports the effects of traditional treatments.

Using a patented live bacterial fermentation method Ludwig and Otto Jacob, created natural dietary supplements successfully used to maintain prostate health. They can be successfully used both by men who already have prostate hyperplasia or cancer, as well as prophylactically by those with a family history of prostate problems.

Fermented pomegranate not only for men

Pomegranate polyphenols have a beneficial effect not only on the prostate – they lower cholesterol, improve blood circulation and the condition of the vessels, including the coronary and cerebral arteries. Research confirms that Pomegranate polyphenols can inhibit the destruction of articular cartilage caused by inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (Ahmed et al., 2005, Shuklaet al., 2008 a and b). Their impact is not insignificant in improving the quality of life of patients as well significant pain relief. Polyphenols also have a strong overall vitalizing effect. Therefore, products with fermented pomegranate polyphenols can be successfully used by both men and women.

It has been unquestionably proven in numerous studies that pomegranate polyphenols are multifaceted protective action on blood vessels (Jacob, 2007a). In patients with coronary artery disease, they do significant improvement of the blood supply to the heart muscle reduce the incidence of angina by half (Summer et. al., 2005). Studies conducted on patients with a narrowed carotid artery confirmed that after a year of consuming pomegranate juice carotid deposits decreased by 35% (Aviram et al., 2004).

Products with fermented pomegranate

The fermented concentrates are also available in Poland. They are a rich source of concentrated and easily digestible polyphenols. For example: for one bottle of 500 ml of the product GranaProstan or Strong Polyphenum About 50 sun-ripened pomegranates are used. Only 10 ml or two GranaProstan capsules contain as much as about 300 mg active polyphenols. This is as much as a bottle of high-quality red wine or 1,5 liters of fresh pomegranate juice! A very high concentration of tart polyphenols can be felt immediately. The product is sufficient for approx. 50 days of use.

For men with prostate problems, it can be recommended GranaProstanandProstalovit (also with elevated cholesterol levels).

For both sexes, concentrates of fermented pomegranate polyphenols can be recommended: Strong Polyphenum or GranaForte.

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