Polysegmental pneumonia in adults
This disease has recently been heard – it can develop, including against the background of a coronavirus infection. And it often goes very hard. How to protect yourself and what to do if there are

What is polysegmental pneumonia

Human lungs are divided into segments – these are areas that include a certain amount of lung sacs (alveoli) with one common large bronchus and a common circulatory system. In total, there are 10 segments in each lung, inflammation of several of them is polysegmental pneumonia, a rather severe form in which a lot of lung tissue is affected, and much less oxygen enters the blood.

Without treatment, acute respiratory failure quickly develops, and death can occur.

Causes of polysegmental pneumonia in adults

Doctors do not consider polysegmental pneumonia a separate pathology. Multi-segment involvement usually occurs as a complication of previous lung problems. Most often, the inflammatory process is bacterial in nature or caused by viruses.

The development of a polysegmental lesion usually occurs:

  • as a complication of classical pneumonia if it is not treated;
  • if antibiotics are incorrectly selected or bacteria are not sensitive to them;
  • if it is an atypical form of pneumonia (chlamydial, mycoplasmal or viral);
  • with fungal infection of the lung tissue;
  • in premature babies, people with weakened immune systems.

Polysegmental pneumonia is typical for people who drink alcohol for a long time, because of which the body is constantly in a state of intoxication, its defenses are suppressed.

Signs of polysegmental pneumonia in adults

Polysegmental pneumonia can be in several variants:

  • community-acquired – people become infected with bacteria or viruses in their familiar environment;
  • nosocomial – it is caused by especially aggressive types of bacteria that live within the walls of medical institutions.

According to the localization of the process, pneumonia can be:

  • right-sided – this form happens more often, since the right main bronchus has its own structural features, which makes it easier for microbes to penetrate this half of the lungs;
  • left-sided – often with complications, since the heart and aorta are located nearby;
  • bilateral – the most severe form, very often leads to death, if at least a little delayed with treatment.

Signs of all forms of pneumonia at the initial stage are very similar. Patients have symptoms from the lungs themselves and general intoxication. The more symptoms a patient has at the same time, the sooner they need to be treated.

The first signs are similar to a cold, but the condition quickly worsens. Arise:

  • a strong cough that does not go away, but only intensifies and literally exhausts a person;
  • chills, sweating;
  • wheezing when trying to take a deep breath;
  • pain in the chest, which depends on which side is affected – with severe inflammation, the pain can be almost constant;
  • temperature of 38 – 39 ° C and above, which does not subside;
  • joint pain, muscle soreness;
  • dizziness, nausea, severe headache.

Important! For pneumonia, temperature stability is typical – it usually stays at high numbers and is poorly controlled by antipyretics. But there may be pneumonia at a temperature of 37,5 ° C or even less.

Treatment of polysegmental pneumonia in adults

Polysegmental pneumonia can develop very rapidly, damaging all new parts of the lungs. Therefore, it is important to recognize it as early as possible and actively treat it – at the first sign, call the doctor at home. And, most likely, he will decide that you need to be hospitalized in a hospital – it is extremely dangerous to stay at home with this form of pneumonia, the risk of complications is high.


The first thing that the doctor analyzes is the patient’s complaints, the features of their appearance and the examination data. It is important for the doctor to carefully listen to the lungs from the side of the back and chest, both on inhalation or exhalation, and on holding the breath. In addition, he will measure pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation. Tests help confirm the diagnosis and determine the type of pneumonia:

  • X-ray of the lungs or in difficult cases CT;
  • blood tests (general with leukocyte formula, biochemical and blood clotting, liver tests, blood sugar);
  • urine tests;
  • sputum examination (culture, smear microscopy, PCR tests).

In difficult cases, bronchoscopy may be prescribed – examination of the lumen of the bronchi for cancer, foreign bodies, fluid.

Modern treatments

Most polysegmental pneumonias are bacterial in nature, so the basis of treatment is antibiotics. They are selected by a doctor based on sputum analysis data. Protected penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and other groups of drugs may be prescribed. However, it is important not only to stop the cause of inflammation, but to deal with its consequences. For this purpose, apply:

  • antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuklin, Nise, Ketoprofen, etc.);
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  • drugs that thin and remove sputum (Ambroxol, Bromhexine, ACC, Ascoril, Ambrobene, Fluditec and others).
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  • drip infusion of solutions that support the functioning of organs and tissues (glucose, saline, rheopolyglucins);
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, group B, vitamin D).

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe oxygen support, breathing exercises, exercise therapy and physiotherapy (as the condition improves).

Prevention of polysegmental pneumonia in adults at home

As in the case of other types of pneumonia, for the prevention of polysegmental pneumonia, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, fully eat foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants. And drink more fluids.

It is important to get vaccinated against influenza, and for the elderly and people with chronic diseases, also against hemophilic and pneumococcal infections.

It is also important to follow simple hygiene rules – wear masks, wash your hands, avoid contact with sick people.

Popular questions and answers

Polysegmental damage to the lungs is a dangerously serious complication, with untimely treatment, there may be deaths. Therefore, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors and be aware of the dangers of pneumonia. Will tell us more about it pulmonologist Natalya Neeshpapa.

What are the complications of polysegmental pneumonia?
Polysegmental pneumonia is when more than 2 segments of the lungs are affected. It can be single sided or double sided. Accordingly, if the lesion has affected a large area of ​​​​the lungs, then this can cause respiratory failure, up to a complete cessation of breathing and death of the patient.
Is it possible to completely cure polysegmental pneumonia or will there be consequences?
Like any other type of pneumonia, polysegmental pneumonia is perfectly treated with modern drugs. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, rehabilitation for uncomplicated and non-severe pneumonia is not particularly required.

We often underestimate the strength of our body. Lung tissue is able to regenerate itself. Oxygen cocktails, physiotherapy, inhalations – do not have much effectiveness and evidence base.

When to call a doctor at home for polysegmental pneumonia?
The doctor should be called in the following cases:

● elevated body temperature (38 – 39 ° C) for 3 – 5 days;

● rapid breathing (more than 26 – 28 breaths per minute)

● shortness of breath at rest and at the slightest physical exertion;

● low blood oxygen levels (less than 95%)

● low pressure (less than 90/60 mm Hg).

Is it possible to treat polysegmental pneumonia at home, independently or with folk remedies?
Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Treatment with folk remedies and self-administration of drugs are unacceptable!

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