Reishi mushroom is found in the sources under a different name. Its popularity is due to the presence of incredibly healing properties. Mushrooms are difficult to find in the wild, so they are often grown on their own on sawdust or stumps.

What is Reishi Mushroom and what does it look like?

In scientific sources, the medicinal type of mushrooms is called Ganoderma lacquered. In Japan, there is another name – Reishi Mushroom. The literal translation means – a mushroom of spiritual strength. The Chinese gave the name – Lingzhi, meaning “sacred mushroom” or “mushroom of immortality.” On the territory of the post-Soviet space, the mushroom is better known as the lacquered polypore.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

The lacquered skin of reishi justifies the name of the mushroom

Varnished tinder fungus grows on dry and dying trees. Most often found in deciduous forests on birch, oak, alder, beech. Occasionally, Reishi can be found on pine trees. A tinder fungus grows on the lower part of the trunk or stump. Sometimes the mycelium settles on the roots of an old tree. It seems that mushrooms grow simply from the ground. One-year fruiting bodies are more common, but there may be two- and three-year-old reishi.

Important! In nature, the mushroom grows in summer. When grown at home, fruiting bodies can be harvested year-round.

Cap Description

Reishi has an unusually beautiful brown hat with a diameter of 3-18 cm. The rounded shape looks like a loose fan. The edges of the reishi cap are slightly wavy, thin, and can be bent down. Glossy skin gives beauty. The gloss is reminiscent of a lacquered finish. On the surface of the cap, growth zones are clearly visible, each of which has a different shade.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Shades of growth zones of the fungus vary from brown to orange, and the edge may be white.

The flesh of young reishi resembles a cork. As it ages, it becomes hard, almost wooden. The taste qualities and aromatic substances of the fungus are not expressed. The spore-bearing layer consists of many tubules, with a maximum length of 1,5 cm. Reishi pores are round in shape and small in size. The color of the spore-bearing layer in a young tinder fungus is white. Over time, it acquires a brown color.

Description of the leg

Outwardly, Reishi may have minor differences when compared with mushrooms grown on different substrates. However, the structure of the legs remains common among tinder fungi. It grows on the side of the hat, and not in its center.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

At the tinder fungus, the leg is located on the side of the cap

Among similar species, Chinese reishi mushrooms differ in that they grow on tall stems. The length varies from 5 to 25 cm. The thickness of the legs is 1-3 cm, depending on age. The shape resembles an uneven cylinder. The structure of the skin and color is similar to the cap.

How and where does reishi mushroom grow in Our Country

The homeland of the tinder fungus is considered to be the territory of China, Japan, and Korea. The mushroom is widespread in southern Asia. For this reason, it was believed that the high cost is associated with the place of growth.

On the territory of other countries, Reishi lives more in subtropical and less often temperate latitudes. In Our Country, Ganoderma has chosen the forests of the Krasnodar Territory, Altai and the North Caucasus.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Healing tinder fungus is found in the deciduous forests of Our Country

Finding reishi in the forest is difficult. Only experienced mushroom pickers know the places. It is pointless to look for mushrooms on fresh trees. You need to go to areas where there is a lot of moisture, dry trunks, stumps and the sun warms up well.

Rules for collecting reishi mushrooms

They go hunting for mushrooms in the summer. The best period is July – early November. Finding and collecting reishi requires a lot of time and effort. Hence the high cost of production. For medical purposes, Ganoderma, artificially grown on a substrate or stumps, is more often used.

How to Dry Reishi Mushroom

Dried Ganoderma goes on sale. When self-collecting reishi, the fruiting bodies are first wiped with a dry cloth. They cannot be washed. Hats and legs are cut into large pieces, dried in the oven in two stages. The first time the mushrooms are laid out on a baking sheet with parchment, heat treated at a temperature of 45 оC for 3 hours. At the end of the first, the second stage of drying immediately begins. The parchment on the baking sheet is replaced, the dried fruit bodies are laid out, they continue to dry in the oven for another 3 hours, but at a temperature of 75 оC.

Important! Dried reishi is packaged in clean jars, sealed tightly with lids, and stored for up to two years.

Is the mushroom edible or not?

Reishi is not poisonous, but it is not an edible mushroom either. Ganoderma is used only for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Infusions, extracts, powders, tablets and other preparations are made from the tinder fungus.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

The beautiful tinder fungus is not an edible mushroom

What does reishi mushroom taste like

Ganoderma has a pronounced bitter taste. It is because of this, as well as the solid structure of the pulp, that the mushroom is not eaten.

Twins and their differences

Trutoviki have many varieties. All of them are parasites, as they grow on a tree and feed on it. However, only the Ganoderma lacquered mushroom has a long stem. All other tinder fungi grow to the tree with a hat.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Agaricus is the only mushroom that can be confused with reishi

Reishi’s counterpart is Agaricus. In the people it is called agarik. The tinder fungus is inedible, and is similarly used for medicinal purposes. Only an inexperienced mushroom picker can confuse agaric with reishi. It grows similarly on a tree, only without a leg and loves larch, fir, cedar. Less commonly, agaric is found on birch. The mushroom cap grows into the wood. Agaricus has a rough surface. Growth zones are white, gray with brown areas. A tinder fungus grows up to 10 kg in weight, up to 30 cm in length.

Benefits of reishi mushroom

Due to the unique healing properties and saturation of vitamins, it is customary to use reishi mushroom only for medicinal purposes. The fruiting body contains:

  • polysaccharides that help strengthen human immunity;
  • amino acids that remove toxins;
  • cancer-destroying acids.
Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

The mushroom of immortality is saturated with useful substances and vitamins

The pulp of the mushroom contains vitamins B, C, D, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements. Ganoderma has phytoncides, saponins, alkaloids.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Reishi contains several times more nutrients than popular foods

Healing properties of ganoderma

Buddhist monks also knew about the medicinal properties of the mushroom. It was an integral part of their life. Now Reishi is used by medical centers in France, Japan, America and other countries.

What does reishi mushroom cure?

The tinder fungus is considered the best antioxidant of natural origin. It has been established that after taking preparations based on the fungus, the body, liver and other human organs are rejuvenated.

In more detail, Reishi accept:

  • for weight loss;
  • against diabetes, allergies;
  • with diseases of the kidneys, joints, gastrointestinal tract;
  • during a cold;
  • to strengthen immunity, improve mood, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • with benign and malignant tumors, nodular goiter, pathologies of the central nervous system.

Reishi-based preparations are taken as a general tonic, helping to normalize sleep and lead an active lifestyle.

How does reishi mushroom affect blood pressure

Preparations based on tinder normalize blood pressure. Improvement of the patient’s condition occurs after 1-2 weeks of admission.

How to Prepare Reishi Mushroom for Healing

In order for Ganoderma to help in curing a specific disease, you need to properly prepare the drug from the fungus.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Reishi is used to make infusions, extracts, brew healing tea

How to make reishi mushroom tincture with vodka

For an alcoholic medicinal tincture, you need 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol diluted with distilled water up to 70 о. 50 g of crushed mushroom is placed in a glass dish. You can use a dark glass bottle as a container. The contents are poured with vodka or alcohol, insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Shake the bottle periodically. When the alcohol tincture of the reishi tree fungus is ready, it is not necessary to strain it. They usually take 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals, but it all depends on what ailment is being treated.

Lacquered Tinder Powder

The powdered mushroom is used as a food supplement. A pinch of reishi spice is added to tea. The powder can be used to prepare therapeutic agents, such as ointments or rubbing.

Extractor in oil

Oil extract has effective healing properties. To prepare the extract, you will need 50 g of dry mushroom powder and 500 ml of linseed oil. Crushed reishi is poured into a bottle. The oil is heated to a temperature of 45 оC, pour into a container with powder, cork and shake. Reishi extract is infused for 7 days. Use oil for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Advice! During treatment, it is effective to alternate the intake of oil extract and alcohol infusion every three days for 1-1,5 months.


Water infusion is prepared immediately before use. There are several recipes. The first option involves infusing 50 g of reishi powder in a thermos with water heated to a temperature of 45 оC, throughout the day. Infusion of 1-2 tbsp. l. added to ordinary drinking water, consumed on an empty stomach three times a day.

The second option is based on placing in a thermos 1 tbsp. l. tinder powder. Two glasses of water are boiled, raw materials are poured, left to infuse for 8 hours. Ready infusion drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 to 4 times a day.

How to make reishi mushroom tincture on wine

Among alcohol tinctures, a drug prepared with wine is famous. It helps to cure asthma, heart disease, nervous system disorder. For the preparation of wine infusion take 3 tbsp. l. mushroom powder. Raw materials are poured into 500 ml of red wine, insisted in a cool place for two weeks. Ready infusion is not filtered. Take from 1 to 3 tsp. half an hour before meals. The frequency and duration of taking Reishi depends on the treatment of a particular ailment.

How to Use and Take Reishi Mushroom for Medicinal Purposes

There are no general instructions for taking drugs based on Ganoderma. It all depends on the form of release, the treatment of a particular ailment and other factors. It is important to remember that reishi mushroom can bring benefits and harms, so you should consult a doctor before using it.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Means based on tinder fungus are used internally and externally.

How to take reishi mushroom for cancer

Mushroom-based preparations are included in general therapy only with the permission of the doctor. Self-medication can lead to bad consequences. In the fight against tumors, 4 recipes are often used:

  1. 1 st. l. ground mushroom pour 500 ml of water. Boil 30 minutes. Use a decoction before meals for 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Alcohol infusion is taken 20 drops before meals 3 times a day.
  3. Ground mushroom flour is added to food during cooking a couple of minutes before it is ready.
  4. A glass of boiling water is poured into a thermos 1 tbsp. l. chopped reishi. After 12 hours of infusion, tea is drunk in 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

There are other options, but positive reviews from those who have used reishi mushroom are more about these recipes.


The disease is associated with the deposition of salts in the joints. Pain in the legs and arms begin to manifest itself more often in older people. It is impossible to cure the disease completely. However, the use of preparations from Ganoderma helps to relieve inflammation, swelling, redness, and relieve pain. Ganoderic acids, as well as substance C 6, are responsible for the pain relief process. All substances contain mushroom extract.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

Preparations from tinder fungus are used in the clinic for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Reishi triterpene ganoderic acid reduces the level of triglycerides and lipoproteins in the blood in patients up to 74%, leading to active inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis. Taking the encapsulated drug “Lin Chi” for 10 days helps to reduce blood pressure by 42,5%.

With bronchopulmonary diseases

For the treatment of the respiratory system, the pharmaceutical industry produces capsules containing reishi extract. However, medications are less effective than fresh decoctions and infusions. Useful substances of the fungus accelerate the recovery of patients with tuberculosis. To prepare and take the decoction, use the following recipe:

  1. In a saucepan with 700 ml of water, add 1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom. Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  2. The resulting broth is filtered through gauze. Drink 1 glass before meals 3 times a day.

The decoction can be heated before use. To make the drink more pleasant, add a little honey.

Important! If during treatment with a decoction of reishi, a deterioration in the condition is noticed, you should consult a doctor.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

With diseases of the digestive tract

Reishi is taken by people with gastrointestinal disease. The substances contained in the composition relieve inflammation, improve the functioning of the digestive organs. The mushroom helps in the treatment of the pancreas. A decoction is obtained from 500 ml of water and 2 tsp. ground mushroom. The drug is brought to a boil, after which it is left to infuse for 30 minutes. The broth is drunk before meals in a heated form, 1/3 cup.

For liver diseases

If liver disease is associated with excessive alcohol consumption, Ganoderma will help to remove toxic substances, speed up the process of their metabolism. Reishi extract is taken for treatment. The patient learns about the improvement of the condition by the disappearance of weakness, dizziness. In addition, the extract protects the liver from destructive biological and physiological factors affecting it.

With diabetes mellitus

Ganoderma polysaccharides help lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Patients are prepared with an aqueous decoction that acts as an adjuvant to medications. The decoction enhances the properties of insulin, prolongs its action.

For allergies

Allergic reactions are often manifested by skin itching, the appearance of edema. Ganodermic acids and other active substances eliminate symptoms, alleviate the patient’s condition. Extracts, ointments and other preparations from the fungus help in the treatment of almost all manifestations of skin dermatitis.

Against viruses, infections, fungi

The lacquered polypore is able to stop the spread of a viral infection or fungus throughout the human body. According to reviews, the medicinal properties of the reishi mushroom are well manifested in the fight against herpes. The decoction is taken 30 minutes before meals. To prepare 2 tsp. crushed mushroom pour 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered through gauze.

For immunity

To prevent the development of any disease, tinder preparations are taken simply to maintain immunity. Studies have shown that after a month of taking Reishi, the immune system index was restored to a normal value and was maintained for a year.

Against depression and fatigue

The initial manifestations of depression, fatigue eventually develop into neurasthenia, complex neurological diseases. Decoction, extract, capsules, tincture of reishi mushroom has a calming effect, helps to get rid of stress.

How many days to drink ganoderma

In each individual case, the duration of the drug is determined by the doctor. The recommended doses must be observed and not self-medicate. Usually, any preparation from the tinder fungus is used for no more than a month. Reishi intake is started only after a two-week break. For oncological patients, the continuous course is extended up to 2 months.

Can you take reishi mushroom while pregnant?

Doctors do not recommend taking reishi preparations for pregnant women, as well as mothers who are breastfeeding babies.

Benefits of reishi mushroom for weight loss

Ganoderma is useful not only for treatment. The mushroom helps to get rid of excess weight, restore balance in the body, thereby improving the overall well-being of a person.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Lacquered polypore helps reduce appetite, which is useful for overweight people who decide to lose weight

In different sources, truth and lies are found about the reishi mushroom, so weight loss lovers need to carefully check the information so as not to harm their body. It is true that tinder preparations help:

  • remove excess fluid from the body that causes swelling;
  • reduce appetite;
  • dissolve fatty deposits;
  • enhance metabolic functions;
  • improve the elasticity of the skin;
  • feel empowered.

The action of drugs is aimed at blocking the absorption of fats by the human body. After reaching the norm, the weight is kept in one position for a long time, there is no tendency to gain extra pounds.

For weight loss, special mushroom preparations are sold. The most popular are capsules. However, there are also reishi tea preparations, specialty coffees and hot chocolates.

The use of varnished tinder fungus in traditional medicine

In the east, the mushroom is considered the best in the list, which includes 365 of the most effective medicinal plants. The Chinese consider Ganoderma more valuable than even ginseng.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Chinese pharmaceutical industry launches Ganoderma capsules

Medical institutions in developed countries such as America, Canada and France are studying the medicinal properties of the fungus. Pharmaceutical companies in Japan sell a dry extract of Ganoderma, which is considered the best anticancer drug. The Chinese industry has launched the production of slimming capsules.

The use of ganoderma for cosmetic purposes

The tinder fungus is rich in polysaccharides and polypeptides that slow down skin aging. The effect is achieved by enhancing the synthesis of nucleic acids. As a result, cell division increases.

You can learn more about rejuvenation from the video:

Reishi – “Mushroom of Immortality”

Tinder extract restores the water balance of the skin, gives the body elasticity, smoothness. Additionally, a barrier is created that prevents infections from penetrating the skin. Pure extract is usually not used, but added to skin care products.

Reishi mushroom contraindications

Reishi mushroom has useful properties and contraindications that you need to know before taking drugs. First of all, tinder fungus should not be taken by pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 1 year old. The fungus is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, people with hemorrhagic diathesis, if there is a tendency to bleeding.

Important! Before any use of drugs from the tinder fungus, you should consult a doctor.

How to grow reishi mushroom at home

Thanks to artificial cultivation, Geoderma is not worth its weight in gold, since it is difficult to get a mushroom in nature. Grow tinder fungus on stumps and sawdust. One sowing is enough for 5 years of harvesting.

More information about growing reishi is shown in the video:


on stumps

If there are old stumps from fruit trees on the site, they will be an excellent basis for growing tinder fungus. You just need to buy mycelium. The trunks of coniferous trees are not suitable for this purpose.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

The tinder fungus grows well on the stumps of fruit trees.

If there are no stumps, dry logs can be placed in nutritious moist soil. To sow the mycelium in the wood, holes are drilled 7 cm deep and 1,2 cm in diameter. The mycelium is sold on wooden sticks. They just need to be inserted into the holes and covered with paraffin. The area with stumps is covered with a film. You can sprinkle the logs with slightly damp soil. Germination will begin at a temperature of 20-26 оC.

On sawdust

The most popular method is growing tinder fungus on sawdust. The substrate is poured into bags. 20% barley or oat husk and 2% chalk or gypsum are added to sawdust from the total volume.

Polypore varnished (Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma): medicinal properties and contraindications, photo and description, reviews of doctors in oncology

Growing tinder fungus on sawdust resembles the cultivation of oyster mushrooms

The substrate is not used dry. First, it is soaked in water, sterilized at a temperature of 90 оC. After cooling, the prepared mass is laid out in bags. Mycelium is sown in layers. Bags are installed in a ventilated area. The air temperature is maintained 18-26 оC, humidity – at least 75%. Germination will begin in 15-20 days. By this time, cuts should be made on the bags with a knife for fruiting bodies.

Interesting facts about varnished tinder fungus

The miraculous power of the mushroom was first mentioned in the treatises of Chinese doctors dated 2000 years ago. A similar mention contains the ancient medical literature of Japanese healers. Here the mushroom is mentioned as a means of giving eternal youth and longevity.

Reishi Mushroom Reviews

Treatment with tinder fungus should not be carried out without consulting a doctor. There are many reviews on this subject. They are worth studying for general information.

Reviews of real people about the use of ganoderma

Viktoria Donchenko, 25 years old, Moscow
I have been obese since childhood. I learned about the miraculous mushroom from a familiar nutritionist. Capsules from Geoderma took a month. Weight dropped by 10 kg. Now I’m taking a break. Until I gained extra pounds. Appetite has decreased.
Evgenia Korostyleva, 37 years old, Krasnodar
A decoction of tinder was taken to calm the nervous system. After a month of taking, nervous tension disappeared. Sleep got better. In addition, autumn, winter and spring passed without colds. I felt a general improvement in my condition.

Reviews of doctors on the use of reishi mushrooms in oncology and not only

Valentina Tkacheva, nutritionist
Of all my patients, 80% went on to lose weight after taking a monthly course of capsules. Reishi did not have a negative impact on the body. In addition, there are positive changes in patients with stomach disease.
Yana Talyzina, therapist, nutritionist
I prescribe Reishi-based weight loss products to all my patients. This is the only drug that allows you to maintain good physical shape without harming other organs. After taking the course, people notice an improvement in well-being, they suffer less from colds.


Reishi mushroom will only bring benefits when taken properly. We must not forget about the recommendation of the attending physician and, if something went wrong, you should immediately go to the reception.

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