Polypectomy of the cervix

Polypectomy of the cervix is ​​a surgical manipulation, which consists in removing neoplasms from the upper layer of the uterine mucosa. The purpose of the operation is to thicken the mucosa or identify polyps on its surface. Before the appointment of a polypectomy, a complete diagnosis of the patient’s body is carried out, and during the operation, the individual characteristics of the female body are taken into account.

What is the procedure for?

Polyps are a consequence of the pathological growth of endometrial tissue, which affects the well-being of a woman and the normal processes occurring in her body. Polyps occur against the background of a strong inflammatory process, when a woman suffers from genitourinary infections or does not observe the hygiene of her own body.

In most cases, polyps appear on the upper layers of the mucosa and grow rapidly. The formation of polyps is not complete without a strong pain syndrome. Polypectomy not only eliminates the main cause of poor health, but also relieves concomitant symptoms. Both adult women and young girls are at risk for polyps.

Indications for the procedure

A direct indication for surgical intervention is the formation and growth of polyps. A common negative process affects the patient’s well-being, her menstrual cycle and the quality of intimate life. With a progressive disease, the patient’s ability to conceive and bear a healthy child is called into question. Polyps have a stalk that penetrates into the inner layers of the mucosa, so polypectomy is the only possible option for removing neoplasms.

Over time, without proper treatment, the leg grows towards the bloodstream and feeds on blood, allowing the polyp to constantly feed and grow. The number and size of polyps directly depends on the state of the female body. For women after abortion, the formation of polyps is a common occurrence. In cases where a woman has not undergone proper rehabilitation after an abortion, she is prescribed a polypectomy. The basic problem that leads to the formation of growths on the uterine mucosa is a hormonal imbalance.

It is advisable to prescribe a polypectomy to patients who have experienced severe inflammation with formed polyps. With the consequence of a protracted inflammatory process, it is necessary to fight with radical methods. Surgical intervention is also necessary for patients with postpartum trauma. Whatever the cause of the occurrence of polyps, a polypectomy is prescribed to improve the condition of a woman, followed by proper rehabilitation and prevention.

Preparatory process

Several procedures are used to remove polyps, including scraping and cauterization. The disadvantages of such methods can affect the patient’s well-being and her further recovery. To prepare the female body, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis to establish an accurate diagnosis and determine hidden diseases or chronic pathologies.

Before performing a polypectomy, the uterus is examined by a gynecologist. In addition, ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics) and colposcopy are prescribed. Such diagnostic methods allow you to assess the state of the whole organism. Determination of contraindications to surgical intervention is the primary task of the attending physician. During hysteroscopy, it will be possible to make an accurate diagnosis and confirm the need for a polypectomy. Metrography (ultrasound image of the uterus) will allow you to assess the condition of the mucosa and the degree of its damage.

Before polypectomy, a diagnostic curettage of the uterus is performed with the material obtained sent for further histological examination. Only an integrated approach to solving the problem will provide stable positive results. The appointment of a polypectomy without preparation and further rehabilitation is not carried out.

Additional diagnostics

Immediately before the polypectomy, a comprehensive diagnosis is performed. During the examination, the attending physician determines the course of the future operation. The patient is prescribed:

  • blood test;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • smears;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Ultrasound with contrast.

Polyps that are removed by polypectomy may resemble similar diseases in symptoms. You can confuse signs of growth of formations with uterine fibroids or adenomyosis. Only the attending physician is able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a procedure for the removal of pathological formations. The patient does not prescribe a polypectomy on his own.

Why is a polypectomy performed urgently?

Polyps are dangerous neoplasms on the surface of the uterus that can harm the female body at any age. Cystic polyps are benign neoplasms that grow and increase in size without proper treatment. In the initial stages, such formations are not dangerous, but the larger the polyp becomes, the greater the threat of cancer.

Atypical polyps are precancerous conditions that need to be treated urgently. The longer a woman delays with the removal of polyps, the harder it is for her to recover from the operation. Formations that have arisen against the background of hormonal failure, without complex treatment, can lead to infertility of the patient. Polypectomy is a forced measure that stops the disease. With the help of a surgical operation, the main formations are removed. For pregnant women with proliferation of polyps in the uterus, it is advisable to perform a polypectomy: the attending physician evaluates the risks for the mother and her child.

Removal of cervical polyps

For the treatment of polyps, several methods are used at once. Polypectomy is carried out in combination, otherwise good results cannot be achieved. Immediately after careful preparation, the patient is sent for the procedure: during the operation, the cervix is ​​​​captured with bullet forceps. The method of capturing the polyp depends on the structure of the stem of the neoplasm.

If the stem is thin (protruding or visible in the cervical canal), then it should be removed with twisting movements. With small formations, they act differently: all polyps rotate around an axis in one direction. To capture the legs in such cases, forceps are used. In places where the polyp departs, the mucosa is smeared with iodine tincture (the concentration is 5%). If multiple polyps are observed and in the absence of contraindications, additional probing is performed, and then curettage of the uterine mucosa.

Polypectomy of fibroids

Fibrous polyps are characterized by a thin stalk that is difficult to remove. To capture it during a polypectomy, a twisting technique is used. If the polyp is large and covers a significant area of ​​the damaged mucosa, large forceps are used to remove the formation. In such cases, an anterior hysterotomy is performed. In the presence of a thick leg in fibrous neoplasms during polypectomy, they are pulled out without additional scrolling. Due to the thick pedicle, the uterus can be inverted, which they try to avoid during the procedure.

After part of the polyp comes out, the tumor capsule is cut with scissors. Only after such actions is the unscrewing of the remaining part of the formation. A simple pedicle cut does not give such a good result as a complex polypectomy. The method reduces the likelihood of bleeding in the uterus. Tumor exfoliation reduces the chance of vascular damage.

Possible complications

The consequences of a polypectomy pose a danger to a woman and her body. During the operation, bleeding from the bed of the pulled out tumor may occur. If bleeding begins during surgery or a vessel is damaged, the damaged tissue must be ligated. For these purposes, the bleeding areas of the uterus are chipped with catgut. In some cases, it is necessary to pack the bleeding vessels for 10-12 hours. The same measures are used to stop bleeding in a distended cervical canal.

Eversion of the uterus is a consequence of an incorrectly performed operation. If during a polypectomy the thick stalk of the polyp is not removed completely or is not pulled out in the correct way, the uterus is inverted. During the procedure, you must be extremely careful, especially in cases where a polypectomy is performed during pregnancy.

Damage to the uterus is a dangerous consequence of polypectomy. Damage occurs due to improper removal of a polyp with a thick stem. If the polyp capsule was not incised before pulling out, damage to its wall will occur. Incorrect section of the leg leads to bleeding. Polypectomy is a complex process that requires highly qualified surgeons and medical staff.

Recovery after the procedure

After a polypectomy, the patient needs rest and rest. Pain after surgery can last up to 2-3 weeks, in some cases up to a month. Accompanied by spasms in the uterine area with minor bleeding: abundant discharge indicates the occurrence of dangerous consequences of the procedure.

For the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed painkillers. For reinsurance, a woman who has undergone a polypectomy is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Antibacterial agents are part of the preventive measures. 2 weeks after polypectomy, a second ultrasound examination is performed, which will show the dynamics of mucosal recovery.

Home care

After a polypectomy at home, the patient recovers for a long time. In the first couple of weeks, a woman is forbidden to use syringes or tampons. Hot baths or saunas are excluded. Such actions can lead to uterine bleeding. During the rehabilitation period, it is better to exclude strong physical exertion or going to the gym. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse until complete recovery. The recovery time after polypectomy and additional procedures is purely individual.

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