Polyp of the pancreas

A pancreatic polyp is a benign formation that is not prone to rapid growth. In order not to mislead readers, it is worth mentioning right away that polyposis growths in this organ of the digestive system cannot, in principle, occur. This is due to the fact that there are no large cavities in the pancreas, as well as mucous membranes from which a polyp could grow. It can form only in the duct of the organ, but it is almost impossible to detect it there, moreover, such a tumor does not give any symptoms. Therefore, most often the phrase “pancreatic polyp” means a cyst, hemangioma, fibroma, lipoma, leiomyoma, neurinoma or schwannoma.

In general, a benign tumor is rarely detected in the pancreas. According to statistics, such neoplasms are diagnosed in no more than 3 people out of a million.

Symptoms of a pancreatic polyp

Polyp of the pancreas

As a rule, all benign hormonal tumors of the organ, except for cystic formations, do not give any symptoms.

They manifest themselves only as they reach an impressive size:

  • Due to pressure on neighboring organs, a person may experience pain. Their character is constant, aching, sometimes they are able to intensify with a change in body position;

  • Depending on where the tumor appeared, the localization of painful sensations will differ. If the neoplasm is located in the body of the organ, then the upper abdomen hurts, if in its head, unpleasant sensations are localized in the epigastrium, if in the tail, the left hypochondrium hurts;

  • When there is pressure on the intestines, it can become obstructed.

Those tumors that produce hormones are able to have a more radical effect on the body.

It all depends on which hormone the neoplasm produces:

  • If there is excessive secretion of insulin, then the patient experiences constant weakness, suffers from excessive sweating. Such patients are often irritable, they have attacks of tachycardia and dizziness;

  • If the tumor produces gastrin, then this causes the formation of many ulcers in the stomach and intestines. The patient experiences discomfort in the epigastric region. The pain can be quite intense. In addition, heartburn appears, belching of sour contents, intestinal motility is disturbed. This causes disruptions in the digestive process, as well as diarrhea;

  • With excessive production of glucagon, the patient begins to rapidly lose weight, he has signs of anemia. The surface of the tongue becomes scarlet and smooth. A rash like erythema migrans appears on the body. More often it is localized in the inguinal zone and on the hips. Mucous membranes are affected. Almost all patients have stomatitis or gingivitis, and women have vaginitis. Diabetes mellitus is another sign of a tumor that produces glucagon.

As for the cyst of the pancreas, it can manifest itself as follows:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen;

  • Increased fatigue and weakness;

  • An increase in body temperature not associated with infectious diseases;

  • Diarrhea.

All these symptoms appear when the formation reaches an impressive size. If the cyst is small, then it can only be detected by chance, during a routine ultrasound examination.

Causes of a pancreatic polyp

There are certain factors that can influence the growth and development of a neoplasm:

  • Genetic predisposition to the process of neoplastic degeneration of tissues;

  • Living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions;

  • Adherence to bad habits, in particular, smoking and alcohol abuse;

  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the body. Most often, tumors develop against the background of chronic pancreatitis;

  • Wrong nutrition. If the menu is dominated by fatty foods, there is a lack of fiber, vitamins and trace elements, then this can lead to the formation of benign pancreatic tumors. Irregular food intake, as well as overeating, are provoking factors;

  • The occurrence of a tumor can be provoked by injuries of the organ, as well as internal hemorrhages as a result of various diseases.

Diagnosis of a pancreatic polyp

Polyp of the pancreas

An ultrasound scan will be required to detect the tumor. The patient is referred by a gastroenterologist. The disadvantage of this diagnostic method is that it does not allow visualization of small hormone-producing tumors. Therefore, if such a neoplasm of the pancreas is suspected, it is advisable to undergo an MRI and CT scan. This will enable a more detailed examination of the organ.

In addition, scintigraphy and angiography may be performed. These methods are appropriate for suspected insulomas, gastrinomas and hemangiomas. In order to exclude the presence of atypical cells, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy with subsequent study of the material obtained.

From laboratory diagnostic methods, a biochemical blood test is performed, as well as the determination of specific oncomarkers, the level of which should not normally be increased.

Treatment of a pancreatic polyp

It will not be possible to get rid of a benign tumor of the pancreas using conservative methods. The patient will need to undergo surgical treatment.

The type of surgery may be:

  • Enucleation. This procedure allows you to save the patient from the formations located on the surface of the organ. However, their size should not exceed 20 mm, and there should be no risk of their malignancy. In order to prevent bleeding, the method of electrocoagulation is used, and the bed of the existing tumor itself must be carefully sutured. This method of treatment allows you to keep the body functioning;

  • Resection. This method of surgical intervention involves the removal of a certain part of the organ along with the existing neoplasm. A similar operation is performed for large tumors, as well as for their malignancy. A separate resection of the tail or head of the gland, or pancreatoduodenal resection can be performed, when part of the duodenum is subject to additional removal;

  • Endovascular embolization of arteries. The essence of the procedure is that the blood vessels that feed the existing neoplasm are blocked. The result is the death of tumor tissue. A hydrogel or occluder is used as an embolizing material. This is a very effective and less traumatic method of treatment.

In the case when multiple benign formations are found in the patient, and resection is impossible, the patient is prescribed symptomatic therapy. It will depend on which hormone is produced by the tumor. Most often, drugs that lower blood sugar levels are required. In this case, it is impossible to do without a maintenance diet.

It is worth mentioning therapeutic nutrition separately, since it will be absolutely necessary after the operation. You will have to stick to a strict diet for quite a long time, and sometimes throughout your life.

General principles of nutrition:

  • It is necessary to consume food in small portions, at least 5 times a day. It is important to observe the diet and try to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. This will avoid unnecessary stress on the body, as it will prepare it in advance for the next meal;

  • The patient will need to give up fried and baked foods. Possible cooking methods are boiling, stewing or steaming;

  • In the first time after surgery, food is frayed or boiled to a slimy state;

  • It is worth abandoning the consumption of canned food and semi-finished meat products. As for meat in a non-processed form, it should be of low-fat varieties. It is advisable to eat poultry and fish.

Most often, the patient is recommended to adhere to the dietary table at number five. It will be possible to return to the previous menu only after consultation with the doctor.

If the patient has multiple gastrinomas, then he is shown drugs such as Omeprazole, Ranitidine, Famotidine. They are aimed at eliminating gastric hypersecretion.

There is no effective prevention of the disease. Therefore, only a rational diet and refusal to drink alcohol can be recommended. If symptoms of a gastrointestinal disease appear, you should immediately seek medical advice.

As for the prognosis for recovery, with the timely detection of a benign neoplasm of the pancreas, it is most often favorable. It is worth noting that such tumors rarely malignantly degenerate. However, the risk of developing intestinal obstruction or mechanical jaundice leads doctors to recommend surgical removal of the formation.

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