
Polyneuropathy is a particularly serious disease in which severe damage to the peripheral parts of the human nervous system is diagnosed. Such a unique disease is mainly characterized by one important characteristic, when the distal parts of the nerves are first affected, then the disease takes on another ascending character, gradually spreading proximally. Peripheral paralysis is considered the main manifestation of polyneuropathy.

It should be noted that in many areas strongly innervated by numerous affected nerves, one can always distinguish serious vegetovascular disorders, signs of poor trophism of all tissues, and impaired sensitivity. Along with this, symmetrical areas are often affected.

In medicine, polyneuropathies are always classified according to several criteria, the main types, depending on the cause of the process, are inflammatory, toxic, traumatic and allergic. Depending on the pathomorphology, such types as demyelinating polyneuropathies and axonal polyneuropathies can be noted.

Acute axonal polyneuropathy is often the main consequence of severe poisoning, which pursue the main goal of suicide, and sometimes are committed as a criminal phenomenon. The disease usually proceeds against the background of an overlaying clinic of a typical acute poisoning. That is why all therapeutic measures are primarily aimed by doctors at a quick detoxification of the body.

Significant clinical signs of the presented disease in most cases appear only after a few days, and the restoration of the human body occurs within a few weeks.

The cause of subacute polyneuropathy can be the metabolic processes of the body and serious toxic damage to the underlying nervous tissue. This type usually develops over about 18-20 days, and it usually lasts for several months. Unlike subacute, chronic polyneuropathy can often develop over a longer period of time. Chronic intoxication is considered the main cause of this type.

In many cases, intoxication due to ethyl alcohol is detected. Other causes are various systemic diseases, among which experts include diabetes mellitus, collagenoses, cirrhosis of the liver and all kinds of oncological diseases.

The rare Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rather acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. It usually develops as a result of serious or long-term infectious diseases. It should be mentioned that until now the exact cause of this unique ailment has not been established by doctors. Some experts classify this type of disease as a large autoimmune group. This is characterized by segmental demyelination.

The cause of diphtheria polyneuropathy is considered to be a toxin that is released by a dangerous causative agent of diphtheria. It is he who affects many cranial nerves, which can often be accompanied by serious disorders of a different nature. These include speech disorders, impaired vision and swallowing, as well as breathing, and many others. Some patients develop paresis, tendon reflexes fall out, and even sensitivity is disturbed.

Such a form as diabetic polyneuropathy is very common in the modern world, since every year the number of people seriously ill with various types of diabetes mellitus increases. In this case, it occurs in about half of all people with diabetes. Often, this disease can be the initial clinical manifestation of serious diabetes.

Subacute demyelinating neuropathies can often have a different origin. For the presented types of diseases, as a rule, a special undulating course is characteristic, the main difference of which is periodic relapses. This disease often develops over several weeks. However, it should be noted that the complete absence of specific provoking factors.

The reason for the development of chronic demyelinating polyneuropathies are similar reasons as in chronic axonal types. Experts have found that a wide range of certain drugs can be a major factor in the development of the disease.

Reasons for the development of polyneuropathy

If we combine all the possible causes of the development of different types of polyneuropathy, we can note various acute poisonings with methyl alcohol, arsenic, carbon monoxide and numerous organophosphorus compounds, such as karbofos and dichlorvos. Other important factors are serious chronic intoxication, diphtheria, vitamin deficiency and diabetes mellitus. Systemic pathologies include uremia, cirrhosis of the liver, collagenoses, hypothyroidism and dangerous oncological diseases;

Often, certain drugs are the cause of the development of polyneuropathy. the main ones are amiodarone, isoniazid and metronidazole. Other drugs are also excluded.

Symptoms of polyneuropathy

The most basic symptoms of polyneuropathy are identified by experts as muscle weakness in the important distal parts of the limbs, respiratory failure, a significant decrease in all reflexes or their absence, paresthesia – prolonged sensation of goosebumps all over the skin, a significant decrease in pain, skin or tactile sensitivity, as well as severe damage to proprioreceptors in the joints leading to stability violations.

You can also mention various trophic disorders, muscle atrophy, burning pains without specific localization, noticeable violations of sweating in humans, changes in temperature and standard color of the limbs, as well as swelling of their distal parts. important symptoms are all kinds of problems with speech and swallowing, as well as serious visual impairment, which include spasm of accommodation and movement disorders of human eyeballs.


Polyneuropathy must be accurately differentiated from other dangerous diseases that severely affect the human nervous system. Numerous lesions of some nerves have specific clinical features that are very similar to polyneuropathy. But in this case, they are considered mononeuropathies. In addition, the correct collection of the necessary anamnesis plays an important role in the modern diagnosis of polyneuropathy.

As a rule, in most cases, the main criterion indicating this disease is a certain concomitant disease that causes it.

It is recommended to perform a wide range of studies that help identify this dangerous pathology.

Unique electrophysiological studies will quickly differentiate axonal polyneuropathies from typical demyelinating ones. A complete blood count makes it possible to detect the presence of toxins, due to which the justification of an accurate diagnosis is carried out. Modern magnetic resonance imaging will help to identify all the foci of demyelination, and then judge by them the volume and level of certain lesions.

Nerve biopsy is a last resort when specialists have not been able to detect a specific pathology, possibly the main cause of polyneuropathy. A special histological examination is intended to obtain information about the immediate state of the nerve. Neurological status is also often assessed.


After establishing the main cause that caused polyneuropathy, a special therapy is always carried out, aimed at eliminating it as soon as possible. As a rule, modern treatment of diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, diphtheria and other possible pathologies is prescribed. In most cases, a number of specific areas and innovative techniques are also used in the necessary treatment of polyneuropathy. Therapy with certain drugs improves the conduction of impulses along all fibers.

Among other things, a suitable hormone therapy based on the use of glucocorticoids or vitamin therapy can be prescribed by a doctor. It is believed that it is vitamin therapy that is especially effective in certain types of polyneuropathy, which are provoked by beriberi. However, in the treatment of other common types of this disease, a wide range of vitamins impress with exceptional antioxidant properties, allowing you to protect the nerve from severe damage by active radicals.

Reflexology is preferred by many European specialists. Plasmapheresis is always effective in polyneuropathy, if it is caused by toxic damage. In combination with drug treatment, a special massage and the necessary physiotherapy exercises are shown, which will help maintain a person’s muscles in good shape. Magnetotherapy and electrical stimulation of the spinal cord, as well as individual nerves, also give good results with long-term treatment.

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