Polyhydramnios in pregnancy – causes, symptoms and treatment

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Polyhydramnios in pregnancy is an excessive amount of amniotic fluid. This ailment is quite rare and so far the direct causes of its occurrence have not been identified. Polyhydramnios is a life-threatening condition, so it’s important to recognize it and start appropriate treatment. What are the symptoms of polyhydramnios and how can it affect my baby’s health?

What is polyhydramnios in pregnancy?

Polyhydramnios in pregnancy is too much amniotic fluid. The volume of amniotic fluid depends on the age of pregnancy, in the initial stage it is about 10 ml and increases until the 36th week of pregnancy. Just before delivery, the volume of amniotic fluid fluctuates around 800 ml. Amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid is one of the conditions for the proper development of a child. Amniotic waters contain amniotic cellular elements and proteins, they are a source of active enzymes. The amniotic fluid is constantly replaced, so it is fresh throughout the entire period of pregnancy. The role of the amniotic fluid is to transport and exchange nutrients. Moreover, amniotic fluid is a natural cushion for a child against various injuries. Interestingly, the mechanism of the amniotic fluid formation is still not fully understood.

Polyhydramnios and its causes

So far, no unequivocal causes of polyhydramnios have been shown. Therefore, there are various possible factors that could cause these polyhydramnios. Among the most common causes of polyhydramnios are:

  1. fetal defects, e.g. fusion of the esophagus or duodenum, anencephaly or congenital toxoplasmosis;
  2. genetic anomalies of the fetus;
  3. maternal diabetes;
  4. multiple pregnancy;
  5. serological conflict;
  6. macrosomia, that is, a very large weight and size of the fetus;
  7. Parvovirus B19 infection or rubella.

Symptoms and diagnosis of polyhydramnios

The amount of amniotic fluid is assessed by the attending physician by performing an ultrasound examination. However, there are a few basic symptoms that could mean polyhydramnios:

  1. the belly is overly tense, spherical and large;
  2. enlarged uterus;
  3. pregnant weight increases much too quickly;
  4. a pregnant woman experiences shortness of breath;
  5. during ultrasound examination, the doctor and problems with hearing the child’s pulse;

What is affected by polyhydramnios?

Polyhydramnios can threaten the health and life of a child, which is why it is so important to diagnose this condition promptly and correctly. To be specific, polyhydramnios may cause the placenta to detach prematurely or to break off the amniotic fluid. This, in turn, can affect premature birth or umbilical cord prolapse. Polyhydramnios also causes incorrect positioning of the baby, which is an indication for a caesarean section. In the case of polyhydramnios, the child may also be hypoxic.

Treatment methods for polyhydramnios

Before undertaking any particular treatment, a physician must determine the cause of the occurrence of polyhydramnios. After the ultrasound examination, the patient is usually referred for further diagnostic tests that may show, for example, gestational diabetes. Your doctor may decide to perform amnioreduction, which is a procedure to reduce the amount of amniotic fluid. The procedure is performed by puncturing the abdominal wall. It should be noted, however, that if the cause of polyhydramnios is not recognized, there is a high probability that the uterus may again accumulate excessive amniotic fluid.

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