Polyhydramnios during pregnancy. Video

Polyhydramnios during pregnancy. Video

Amniotic fluid, or, as it is also called, amniotic fluid is very important for the course of pregnancy. Indeed, it is in this aquatic environment that the fetus spends almost all weeks of its intrauterine development. Excess or insufficient water can symbolize serious health problems for the mother, which can easily lead to health problems for the baby. However, you should not panic, because such a situation, if detected in a timely manner, lends itself well to correction.

Polyhydramnios during pregnancy

The diagnosis of polyhydramnios is made for a pregnant woman if, according to the results of an ultrasound scan (ultrasound), it is found that the amount of water in the womb significantly exceeds 2 liters. As a rule, women who are in the third trimester of pregnancy can hear such a diagnosis. However, sometimes we are talking about the chronic development of the disease. And in that, and in another situation, the intervention of doctors is required, conducting more accurate tests and studies and determining the cause.

Causes of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

There are many reasons that cause excessive accumulation of water in the uterus. Some of them relate to the state of health of the mother, others signal problems in the child. In any case, an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist should understand this.

Some of the most common causes of polyhydramnios include:

  • disorders of the development of the digestive system of the fetus
  • disorders of the development of the nervous system, including problems with swallowing
  • inactivity of the fetus
  • dropsy of the fetus (edema, heart failure)
  • intrauterine infections (syphilis, rubella, toxoplasmosis and many others)
  • maternal diabetes
  • chromosomal problems of the child, incl. and Down syndrome

It should be remembered that polyhydramnios is often found in multiple pregnancies. This is due to the fact that the body lays in a larger amount of fluid so that every child is enough. This situation also needs to be controlled.

Naturally, when making a diagnosis of polyhydramnios, you should not immediately panic and cheat yourself with the presence of severe anomalies in a child. After all, for a start, everything needs to be carefully checked. To do this, you will have to pass a number of tests, which will be prescribed by the observing doctor, depending on the severity of the situation.

In some cases, the amount of water slightly exceeds the norm, and in this situation, doctors talk about moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy. Such a diagnosis suggests that the situation has not yet become quite critical and is quite capable of being corrected by preventive methods.

Symptoms of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

Despite the fact that the amniotic fluid is inside, and it is impossible to see its amount with the naked eye, there are a number of symptoms by which such a pathology can be suspected in a pregnant woman.

So, for example, with polyhydramnios, a pregnant woman has a feeling of chronic fatigue, she is tormented by swelling, rapid pulse or shortness of breath. In addition, pain in the groin or lower back area may often appear, and sometimes there is swelling of the anterior wall of the peritoneum. Feeling the baby becomes problematic due to the tension of the uterus. An indirect sign of polyhydramnios can also serve as stretch marks on the abdomen, which suddenly begin to appear in large quantities.

You should not despair when you find suitable symptoms in yourself, because they can indicate other health problems. You just need to report all existing deviations to the doctor. He will make an accurate diagnosis

The diagnosis of polyhydramnios is based on the results of ultrasound and the calculation of the amniotic index. According to a special scheme, the doctor calculates the indicators, and if they exceed the index 25, he can already talk about the presence of an excess amount of water in the body of the pregnant woman. Based on the results of the analyzes and studies received, treatment is prescribed.

Naturally, when it comes to diseases of the mother, it is necessary first of all to correct them – renal diseases, endocrine diseases require a thorough examination by a specialized doctor. Medicines are selected based on the fact that a woman is in a position (after all, not all drugs are allowed while carrying a child).

In addition, in parallel with the main drugs, those are prescribed that are designed to improve the situation directly in the uterus. These are those that improve microcirculation, uteroplacental blood flow and metabolic processes. Thanks to treatment, the amount of water can be noticeably reduced, and the threat will be removed. Also among the recommended drugs are diuretics, which help to remove excess fluid from the body of a pregnant woman.

Another procedure that is used as a treatment for polyhydramnios is amniocentesis

During the procedure, a catheter is inserted through the sheath directly inside and excess water is pumped out.

The middle or mild stage of such a pathology as polyhydramnios in most cases allows the pregnancy to be carried to the very end. True, the expectant mother will have to regularly take courses of antibiotics, which are the prevention of oxygen starvation of the child. In the event that polyhydramnios is in a rather neglected form (especially if there is a threat to the mother’s life), a decision is made on the delivery of a woman by cesarean section. It should be borne in mind that this happens at a period of, as a rule, 37 weeks, when the fetus is already quite viable, and the chances of survival are almost 100%.

Also, often with polyhydramnios, premature births occur. In this case, the child is born naturally, but for some time remains under the scrutiny of neonatologists. A side effect of this delivery may be uterine bleeding in the mother.

In order not to have to be treated for polyhydramnios in the last trimester and not to jeopardize either their health or the health of the baby, every pregnant woman needs to take preventive measures.

First, the regime of the day of a pregnant woman must undergo correction. The recommendation to be outdoors more often is not a whim of doctors. Oxygen makes all body systems work properly, saturates cells, nourishes them and regulates metabolic processes. In addition, during movement, no congestion is formed in the pelvic region, which is also an excellent prevention of the development of polyhydramnios.

Prevention of polyhydramnios in pregnant women

Proper nutrition and comfortable sleep also contribute to the normal development of pregnancy without any problems.

Another recommendation applies to the planning of pregnancy.

In order not to worry about the health of the child and your own for a long time, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist for infections before pregnancy

It is also advisable to update or deliver for the first time vaccinations against such dangerous diseases as rubella, chickenpox, etc. If there are animals in the house, they should also be taken to a doctor in order to exclude the development of toxoplasmosis.

And, of course, regular observation by a doctor and delivery of all tests on time will be an excellent prevention of polyhydramnios. After all, it is this that will help to “catch” the disease at the very beginning and prevent the development of a strong pathology.

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