“Polyanka” salad with champignons: mushroom season
Polyanka salad is a win-win option for a festive, including New Year’s, table. In addition, this spicy, hearty salad can be considered a full-fledged lunch or dinner, because it contains more than half the daily value of protein, as well as half of the fats and carbohydrates that the body needs.
The main components of the Polyanka salad are cheese and mushrooms. You can use your favorite Russian and Dutch cheeses, or try the more sophisticated Parmesan, Edam and Oltermani (the latter is low in fat). As for mushrooms, canned champignons are more often used to prepare “Polyanka”. If you wish, you can take fresh ones and pre-fry them with onions in vegetable oil. You can also try making a salad with fried mushrooms.
Salad “Mushrooms in a Glade”: a classic cooking option
You will need: – 1 can of canned mushrooms; – 150-200 grams of hard cheese; – 1 boiled chicken fillet; – 3-4 potatoes; – 1 medium onion; – 4 eggs; – salt, pepper – to taste; – 100 grams of mayonnaise ; – dill – for decoration.
Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and line the bottom of a deep salad bowl with them. Cut the onions into half rings and lay them on top of the mushrooms. Anoint the onion-mushroom layer with mayonnaise (or apply a mayonnaise mesh on it, this will turn out to be less high in calories). Then cut the pre-boiled and cooled potatoes into small cubes and put them on the previous layer, then coat with mayonnaise. The last three layers of Polyanka: finely chopped boiled eggs, mayonnaise and grated cheese. It is recommended to decorate the dish with dill on top.
In order for all layers to be well saturated, it is recommended to cover the salad with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours
Didn’t you manage to get some canned mushrooms? It doesn’t matter, you can use the usual ones instead – just fry them in sunflower oil. In addition, try to prepare the Polyanka salad with honey agarics – they will give it a different, exquisite sound.
Decorating options for Lesnaya Polyana salad
If you think that decorating with dill is not enough, you can decorate your salad in a more unusual way. To achieve this, the recipe needs to be slightly modified. Before cooking, line the bottom of the bowl with plastic wrap. Then put in it not chopped, but whole canned mushrooms. Change the order of the layers of the salad so that the potato is the last one and the cheese and eggs are in the middle. After Lesnaya Polyanka has cooled down, it should be prepared for serving. Cover the salad bowl with a large flat dish and then turn over. And here in front of you is a real forest hillock with even rows of shiny mushrooms on top.