Pollock fillet with vegetables

How to cook the dish ” Pollock fillet with vegetables»

Ingredients of the recipe “Pollock fillet with vegetables»:
  • Onion 316gr
  • Carrot 250g
  • Pollock (fillet) 772gr
  • Soy sauce 2 tbsp.spoons
  • Water 2 tablespoons

Nutritional value of the dish ” Pollock fillet with vegetables “(per 100 grams):

Calories: 60.5 kcal.

Squirrels: 9.3 gr.

Fats: 0.5 gr.

Carbohydrates: 4.7 gr.

Number of servings: 1Ingredients and calories of the recipe ” Pollock fillet with vegetables»

ProductMeasureWeight, grWhite, grFat, gAngle, grCal, kcal
onion316 gr3164.42032.86148.52
carrot250 g2503.250.2517.2580
fresh pollock772 gr772122.756.950555.84
Heinz soy sauce2 tbsp.401.04017.273.2
water2 tbsp.400000
Total 1418131.57.267.3857.6
1 serving 1418131.57.267.3857.6
100 grams 1009.30.54.760.5

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