Polish women over 50 are losing interest in sex. Why?

As much as 43 percent. Polish women aged 50-59 admitted that they had only little, very little or no sexual needs – showed the latest report on the sexuality of Poles, prof. Zbigniew Izdebski.

The first results of these studies were published at the end of 2011 and referred to our society as a whole. This time they concerned the sexual needs of Polish women. It turned out that women over XNUMX have the lowest libido in our country – said prof. Izdebski on Tuesday at the press conference initiating the educational campaign “Free your passion and desire”.

The report shows that only 15 percent. of the surveyed women aged 15-59 stated that they had high or very high sexual needs. On the other hand, 13 percent have small needs. women aged 18-24 and 18 percent. ladies aged 40-49.

Problems with libido are declared by 45 percent. married women and 30 percent. those who are virgins. Widows, divorced and separated persons mention it much less often. As much as 81 percent. people who experience problems in sex, regardless of gender, do not report to a specialist for help – said prof. Izdebski.

The specialist noted that women with less sexual needs are also less satisfied with their sex life. They experience orgasm less frequently and their intercourse lasts shorter. They also show less need for touch and closeness. Why? They associate tenderness with foreplay and an attempt to initiate sex that they are not interested in. For the same reason, they are reluctant to hug each other – explained the sexologist.

The report shows that the majority of Polish women (73%), regardless of their sexual needs, declare that they are happy in their relationship. 55 percent feels that they are attractive to each other with their partner. Although women with lower sexual needs are less likely to understand each other well with their partners, they talk about loneliness more often and are less often satisfied with life at all – added Prof. Izdebski.

In his opinion, Poles only declare that they are satisfied with their sex life. This is due to the fact that we have not very high expectations in this regard. And when we are in trouble, we do not look for help – emphasized prof. Izdebski. And prof. Krzysztof Tomasz Niemiec, a gynecologist and a member of the scientific council of the campaign, pointed out that women with less sexual needs often come to terms with it. They believe that it must be so, because it is a natural consequence of aging and the hormonal changes associated with menopause.

Meanwhile, lowered libido can be treated. There is no one cure for sexual potency, but there are many therapies that can help, he added. He mentioned the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men, dietary supplements and couples therapy. He emphasized that the best results are achieved by combining various treatment methods. The basic condition, however, is to report to a specialist.

Unfortunately, doctors did not mention that for many women, it may turn out to be, for example, eliminating depression, vaginal dryness and supplementing the level of hormones more important than couples therapy and the use of dietary supplements. The latter have an impact on the condition of the mucosa, but also on the level of female libido. A woman’s sexual needs are also influenced by mood, and it is not difficult to worsen it, or even cause depression, during and after the menopause. Therefore, joint therapy with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and psychiatrist may be helpful.

The survey used in the report was conducted by TNS OBOB from August 24 to September 22, 2011 on a representative group of our compatriots. In home interviews and in self-completed questionnaires, two groups of Poles aged 15-49 and 15-59 were interviewed.

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