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“In Denmark, during all the months of the epidemic, I did not see anyone who would wear a mask like in Poland” – says Barbara. The woman has been living for 30 years in Denmark, the first country in the EU to lift epidemic restrictions. He also visits Poland regularly. What was most striking to her when she came to the country during the epidemic? How was life in Denmark during the ongoing restrictions, and what is it like today? In a letter sent to the editors of MedTvoiLokony, she told about her observations.

  1. As of February 1, COVID-19 is no longer considered a disease that threatens society in Denmark. Thus, the country was the first in the EU to lift epidemic restrictions
  2. «Some people criticize this move, they think it is too early. There are still a lot of infections in the country, there are deaths “, notes Barbara, adding:” However, the state recognized that thanks to the high vaccination rate, we have achieved herd immunity “
  3. In Denmark, masks no longer need to be worn, although some people still use them, e.g. in public transport. “I feel relieved that the masks are gone, that I do not have to remember to always have the mask with me, that I can finally feel at ease” – admits the woman
  4. «»The freedom of wearing masks or keeping distance, which I saw in Poland, did not surprise me. I just know how it is here. I know the mentality of Poles »writes Barbara and points out what we could learn by observing the Danes
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

My name is Barbara. I have been living in Denmark for 30 years, but I am a native of Krakow. I try to visit Poland as often as possible – sometimes I’m here every month, sometimes less often. Due to the lifting of restrictions in Denmark, I would like to share my observations, also from my stays in the country during the COVID-19 epidemic.

More information about the current situation in Denmark in the article: They announced the end of the pandemic. What is happening in Denmark after the lifting of covid restrictions?.

I was not afraid of a pandemic

In March 2020, all of Denmark was virtually closed. People were surprised, as probably everywhere, but in retrospect, I believe that it was received quite calmly and humbly, although the fears were great, especially among shop and restaurant owners. After all, nothing was known. Just like in Poland, as everywhere.

Danes love being outdoors, they love being active. Here it is even 10 degrees Celsius, but the sun is shining, everyone wears shorts as if it was summer already. Fortunately, walks were allowed in the lockdown. I live near a park and I remember children riding bikes, small groups of people sitting on blankets. In Poland, it was not possible to enter the forest at that time. COVID-2020 happened to me in the fall of 19. I went through it very gently. During my illness, a lady from the health services called me and asked how I was feeling. I replied that I had virtually no symptoms at all. I heard that if it is so good, I can go outside, for walks (but not to the store, of course). And so I did.

  1. If you have had COVID-19, be sure to do these tests

There were limits in shops, of course, but people didn’t line up in front of the buildings. I have observed such situations in Poland. In Denmark, maybe I waited a little longer before Christmas, but that’s about it.

Further part below the video.

I wasn’t actually afraid of a pandemic. I told myself that whatever was supposed to be, it would still be so. Besides, I am a sanitary person. I wash my hands very often – I cannot do otherwise. More than that, it just makes me happy. Of course, there were doubts at the beginning of the epidemic. “I am supposed to touch the door handle of the block, is it dangerous?” – such questions popped up in my head then.

I am relieved that the masks are gone

Now, of course, I don’t ask myself any more. Anyway, the situation has changed a lot. Denmark recognized that SARS-CoV-2 is no longer dangerous to health and life. Some people criticize this move, they think it is too early. There are still many infections and deaths in the country.

The levels of infections and deaths caused by the coronavirus are presented in the graphic below – ed. ed.


However, the state recognized that thanks to the high vaccination rate (more than 81% of the population are fully vaccinated – editor’s note, based on, we have achieved herd immunity and thus the existing restrictions can be lifted.


Of course, there are still dispensers and disinfectants in the public space. In gyms, it is obligatory to disinfect the equipment after each exercising person. In hospitals, at the doctor’s, and in nursing homes, you still need to show your covid passport or a negative test result (PCR tests can be performed free of charge as often as is believed). Masks do not need to be worn anymore, although some people still use them, e.g. in public transport. I personally feel relieved that the masks are gone, that I don’t have to remember to always have the mask with me, that I can finally feel at ease.

The coronavirus has been relegated to the background in public discussion. Daily COVID-19 statistics are not specifically reported in newsbars. International affairs and the situation in Europe dominated the message.

I know the mentality of Poles. I just know how it is here

When I was in Poland, I saw people who supposedly have a mask, but either do not cover their nose with it, or hold it under their chin. In Denmark, during all the months of the epidemic, I have not seen anyone here wearing a mask like this. There are absolutely no such situations, the mouth and nose were properly covered. I think this is due to the fact that the Danish people are more disciplined than we are.

Are you looking for masks that do not harm the environment? Check out the first biodegradable face masks on the market, available in affordable packages.

The «freedom» in wearing masks or keeping distance, which I saw in Poland, did not surprise me. I just know how it is here. I know the mentality of Poles. Recently, a friend told me about a scene she watched on one of the streets of Copenhagen: a woman with a mask on her face was riding a bicycle. At one point a man ran up to her, shouting for her to take it off. «Why do you need this mask!» He cried. This is proof that in every society there are people who rebel. The question is what percentage of the population is. In Denmark, however, most of them complied.

  1. Did Poles believe that the pandemic is ending? The number of people who fear the virus is strongly down

Looking at how people in Denmark and Poland behave in the realities of the epidemic, I can say that responsibility for others and common sense is what Poles lack, and what we could see in the Danes. In Poland, people are more focused on themselves, in Denmark – more focused on others. We should also work on trust in public services. So far we are very skeptical of their actions. And that doesn’t make it any easier for us.

At the same time, we encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we were talking about breathing. Breathe with your mouth or nose? How To Get Rid Of Bad Breathing Habits? What is breath re-reduction and how does it affect our mental and physical health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of breathing below.

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