Polish water. It is unlikely to add health

Cloudy with bacteria. This is the water of many places in Poland. NIK has checked what is flowing from our taps. The inspection of the water supply systems showed that the water outlets in many municipalities are not sufficiently protected and that the discharge of sewage is supervised.

In order for the taps to receive properly cleaned and good water, it is necessary to properly protect the water outlets. It is not only about biological pollution, but also those resulting from human activity. Meanwhile, over 40 percent. the controlled owners of water intakes did not apply for the establishment of a protection zone covering the area of ​​indirect protection, despite the fact that there was a risk of water pollution.

A significant source of possible contamination is improper collection and disposal of waste in places where septic tanks are used instead of sewage systems. In the controlled communes, the degree of their sewage system was over 26%. to nearly 93 percent The remaining inhabitants of the communes used mainly septic tanks. What’s worse, nearly 60 percent. the communes covered by the inspection did not examine the frequency of emptying the septic tanks, limiting themselves only to informing the inhabitants about the obligation to empty the tanks systematically. In the opinion of the Supreme Audit Office, such a situation increases the risk of environmental pollution, and in areas with unfavorable geological conditions, also the risk of contamination of groundwater and surface waters, which are sources of water supply for human consumption.

The comparison of the data available in the municipalities on the amount of sewage discharged through sanitary sewage systems and discharged from septic tanks (septic tanks), in relation to the amount of water supplied to farms, showed that only a small amount of liquid waste, generated and collected in septic tanks, is treated . The amount of sewage sent for treatment accounted for over 12 percent. up to 38 percent the amount of water supplied. According to the Supreme Audit Office, the above data indicate a major problem related to the unrecorded discharge of sewage from septic tanks.

The inspection showed that the permissible water quality parameters were significantly exceeded. The research of sanitary inspectors showed that in the first quarter of 2016, 32 such cases were found in 20 places where water was introduced to the water supply network. The concentrations of iron and manganese were most often exceeded. Very often the water was methane and there were coliform bacteria in it.

In the opinion of the Supreme Audit Office, the bodies of the State Sanitary Inspection should not allow such water for consumption.

The audit of the Supreme Audit Office showed that over 40 percent. controlled heads or mayors did not inform the inhabitants of the commune about the water quality in the manner required by law, e.g. by making such information available in the Public Information Bulletin. However, over 50 percent. the inspected owners or managers of water intakes failed to fulfill their obligations.

In order to improve the situation, according to the Supreme Audit Office, cooperation between the Ministry of the Environment, Health, the Chief Sanitary Inspector and, above all, local government officials is necessary.

Experts from the Supreme Audit Office inspected 30 units, including 12 water supply companies, 12 municipal offices and six poviat sanitary and epidemiological stations.

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