“(…) We express our disapproval and regret over the sentence issued,” wrote the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians in a statement, referring to the published judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal on abortion. “We are appealing for the withdrawal of the decision depriving women of the right to choose, and for medics the possibility of providing help in accordance with the principles of the Code of Medical Ethics” – urge the medics.
- The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal: the provision allowing abortion in the case of a high probability of severe and irreversible impairment of the fetus or an incurable disease that threatens its life is inconsistent with the constitution
- The Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians spoke on the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal. It maintained its post which they released in October
- PTGiP: the legal consensus existing so far allowed every woman to make the right, most appropriate decision for her
- Members of PTGiP appeal for the withdrawal of the decision “depriving women of the right to choose, and of allowing medics to help in accordance with the principles of the Code of Medical Ethics”
- More information about the ongoing protests related to the Constitutional Tribunal’s verdict can be found on the TvoiLokony home page
Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal on abortion
On October 22, 2020, the Constitutional Tribunal ruled that the provision allowing abortion in the case of a high probability of severe and irreversible impairment of the fetus or an incurable disease that threatens its life is inconsistent with the constitution. On January 27, 2021, the judgment was published, which means that it entered into force.
In its justification, the Constitutional Tribunal indicated that human life is a value at every stage of development and that as a value derived from constitutional provisions, it should be protected by the legislator.
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The Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (formerly the Polish Society of Gynecologists) also spoke on the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal – first after the ruling in October, but also today – after the publication of the ruling. The medics maintained their position on this matter.
We recall what the experts said a few months ago.
“We are witnesses to the despair and tragedy of pregnant women and their families”
“In view of the Court’s decision (…), as the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (PTGiP), a scientific society that brings together the greatest authorities in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology in Poland, we express our disapproval and regret over the judgment issued,” announced the experts .
As the members of PTGiP emphasized in the statement, thanks to the progress in medicine, it is possible to distinguish narrow subspecialties “conducting research and treatment at the highest substantive level”. An example is perinatology focused especially on “examining the condition of the fetus, assessing its development, possibilities of intrauterine treatment and determining the consequences of pregnancy with identified abnormalities”.
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In addition, access to the most modern research tools, such as ultrasonography, genetic tests, and obstetric knowledge, allows in most cases to detect a lethal defect (i.e. a severe developmental disorder that directly or indirectly leads to the death of the fetus or newborn) or a defect that deeply impairs the development of the fetus, preventing its later functioning.
As a result, doctors had the opportunity to provide a pregnant woman and her relatives with reliable and detailed information about the condition of the fetus and its development possibilities. “Until now, the pregnant woman had the opportunity to make a choice regarding the further fate of such a developing pregnancy” – experts emphasize.
“We doctors are the first to communicate this very unpleasant news, unfortunately we are also the first to see the pain and suffering of women receiving this information. When dealing with women in an extremely abnormally developing pregnancy, we are witnessing the despair and tragedy of pregnant women and their families »- write members of the Polish Society of Grace and Pedagogy.
- Experts: Prenatal testing is about giving children life. The judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal cannot be combined with diagnostics
In connection with such difficult and dramatic situations, an opportunity was created, inter alia, undergo hospice deliveries, “in conditions of full respect and empathy for the decisions made by the women affected by the misfortune”.
“We call for the withdrawal of the decision depriving women of the right to choose”
Specialists from the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians emphasize that the legal consensus existing so far allowed each woman to make the right and most appropriate decision – “a decision made by herself”. Doctors would like to remind you that these elections were always preceded by a consilium examination to clarify any doubts. There was also an opportunity to consult organizations and individuals, including clergy, chosen by the pregnant woman, who could help her make the final decision regarding the pregnancy.
Moreover, until now, the law allowed obstetricians-perinatologists to perform specialist obstetric examinations – the so-called prenatal tests, in accordance with the principles of the Code of Medical Ethics, which requires the use of the latest medical knowledge in treatment.
«It should be noted that they mainly serve to reassure the vast majority of mothers whose pregnancy is developing normally. On the other hand, in those with fetal malformations, prenatal examinations allow the woman to make a decision about the future of pregnancy, including the possibility of introducing intrauterine or postpartum treatment, selecting the method, time and place of delivery, and preparing the pregnant woman, her family and a team of specialists. for causal or palliative treatment after birth »- the experts explain in a statement.
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In their opinion, the consequence of the CT decision may be a significant limitation in the performance and development of prenatal tests in Poland“Which will set us back, not just doctors, but society as a whole, to a time when we could only read from the secret circulation of Western scientific journals what is happening in world medicine.”
“We call for the withdrawal of the decision depriving women of the right to choose, depriving them of access to the latest medical knowledge, and the possibility of helping us doctors in accordance with the principles of the Code of Medical Ethics” – emphasizes once again its position of the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians.
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