Polish scientists are developing an innovative molecule. A new drug for patients with mental disorders will be developed

Mental illness is one of the most serious problems of mankind today. Almost a billion people worldwide suffer from them. Polish scientists are working on a molecule that could become a component of a new drug used in psychiatry.

  1. A team of prof. Marcin Kołaczkowski
  2. The innovative molecule is ahead of the competition in terms of the mechanism of action and level of activity
  3. A new neuropsychiatric drug will be on the market in a few years
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The Polish pharmaceutical company Adamed announced that it has concluded a license agreement with the American Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc., dealing with the development and commercialization of drugs for diseases of the central nervous system. It concerns an innovative molecule developed in Poland and its use in the treatment of mental disorders. The invention is covered by several patent applications, and the intellectual property rights will remain in Poland. The companies have joined forces to develop a drug that Adamed will be able to implement in Poland and Europe, and will also have exclusivity for the drug on our market.

A team of scientists from Krakow and Warsaw worked on the molecule

New solutions are always born in a similar way. It starts with the needs of the patients. In this case, the needs are huge, because according to WHO data, mental disorders are today, right after cardiovascular diseases and cancer, the most serious health problem of mankind. Almost a billion people struggle with various types of mental disorders. Once the need is defined, the search for solutions begins.

Work on the molecule began in 2014. The molecule, which is today a candidate for a drug in the treatment of mental disorders, was created from scratch by Polish scientists in the laboratories of Adamed. The team of prof. Marcin Kołaczkowski, a leading specialist in the field of CNS (central nervous system) in the Innovation Department of Adamed and at the same time the head of the Department of Drug Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University. The team also included Dr. Joanna Śniecikowska, Dr. Adam Bucki and Dr. Monika Marcinkowska. Of course, the development of the molecule is also due to the many other people who have worked on this project for years. A large part of the research was carried out at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw under the supervision of professors Paweł Mierzejewski and Przemysław Bieńkowski, and at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

The development of an innovative drug takes at least 10 years

The molecule is not a ready-made drug for neuropsychiatry, but a serious candidate to become one. Adamed’s representatives claim that at this stage of the project’s development it is too early to clearly indicate in which disease entities the drug will be used. The answer will be known in the near future, after further research, which will hopefully confirm the properties of this molecule established in laboratory work.

When it comes to innovation, based on the research to date, it can be said that the drug candidate has completely new features compared to the currently used preparations, as well as the molecules that other companies are working on. We are talking about significant advantages regarding the mechanism of action and the level of activity. It is about effectiveness as well as safety.

Adamed funded the project, taking it to an advanced stage of preclinical development. On the other hand, the American side is to complete the evaluation of the drug’s value, conduct clinical tests and the registration process.

It is too early to indicate the approximate date of launching a new drug on the market, it will certainly take several years. However, the fact that the American company is now dealing with the development of the molecule developed by our scientists greatly increases the likelihood that the drug will reach patients faster.

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