Polish problem – deafness

In just a few years, hearing aids will become as popular in Poland as glasses are today, Rzeczpospolita is alarming.

Already one third of adult Poles may have hearing problems, according to epidemiological studies. Bothersome, tiring noise is felt by over 70%. people. In large groups of people, we deal with + acoustic smog + – doctors are alerting at the XNUMXth Scientific Conference of the Polish Society of Laryngologists in Katowice, which has been taking place since Friday.

Since the beginning of the 80s, the number of hearing damage caused by environmental noise has tripled. Hearing loss becomes a social disease in Poland. In a few years, hearing aids will be as common as glasses are today, says Dr. n. med. Jarosław Markowski, head of the Department and Clinic of Laryngology at the Medical University of Silesia, voivodeship consultant of audiology and phoniatrics in Silesia.

Research from the last six years of students of the 12st and 100th grades of Warsaw primary schools has shown that XNUMX percent. of them have hearing impairment. In the entire Masovian Voivodeship, XNUMX people may have hearing problems. children and adolescents.

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