The Polish Medical Mission, an organization that has been dealing with humanitarian and development aid all over the world for over 20 years, is collecting funds to help Ukraine. The main goal is to urgently respond to the needs of residents in areas affected by hostilities.
Our Country war – Ukraine [LIVE REPORT]
Invasion of Ukraine. Polish Medical Mission to help Ukraine
In cooperation with the Polish Humanitarian Team, the most necessary medical supplies, necessary to provide urgent assistance to the inhabitants of the zone affected by the attacks, will be purchased in the coming days, and then transported from Poland. Among the purchased products there will be, among others haemostatic, hydrogel, occlusive and valve dressings, sterile gauze, elastic bands and Kramer splints. The needs were identified in collaboration with the partner organizations present on site.
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– We take into account various scenarios and provide aid both in eastern Ukraine and in every place where it is needed. We have experience both in working in Ukraine and in the last months of helping to save the lives of refugees reaching Poland. If necessary, we are able to engage the help of volunteer doctors and expand our activities. We are ready to act immediately, and the help will be there within a few days – says Małgorzata Olasińska-Chart from the Polish Medical Mission.
– All our activities will be a response to the changing political situation and local work opportunities, and at the moment our help is primarily material. However, as an experienced organization, we have a team of volunteer doctors who are also ready to help – he adds.
Polish Medical Mission –
The Polish Medical Mission Association (PMM) has been running humanitarian programs in the poorest countries of the world for 22 years, providing medical assistance to the most needy social groups. We are a humanitarian, non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and alleviating suffering through healthcare, humanitarian and development aid. The mission of PMM is to improve the quality of life by conducting health interventions and programs that build local potential in communities around the world in need of support.
- Find out more: Crisis on the border. Polish Medical Mission: we have not dealt with anything like this in Poland
The statutory objectives of the State Museum at Majdanek are realized through direct medical aid, feeding programs, education of local medical personnel, construction and equipping of health centers, serving the most injured and in need.. The beneficiaries of the State Museum at Majdanek are the inhabitants of the poorest regions of the world, victims of wars and natural disasters, refugees and groups at risk of social exclusion. We take special care of pregnant women, newborns and children. We work in the Middle East – in Syria, Iraq and Jordan, in Africa – in Tanzania, Senegal, Zambia, Malawi, as well as in South America, Venezuela and Colombia. The Polish Medical Mission was present in Ukraine in 2014-15.
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