Polio in Ukraine. First case of polio in six years

The paralysis caused by the polio virus was confirmed by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in a one-and-a-half-year-old child. The ministry emphasized that the toddler’s parents were consciously looking for people who could have contact with him and vaccinated him, citing religious reasons. In Ukraine, this is the first time since 2015.

Ukraine: too low level of polio immunization of children

The first symptoms of polio were observed in the child on September 1, and two days later the little patient was hospitalized with symptoms of paralysis of the lower limbs. The toddler comes from the Rivne region. There is an epidemiological group in the region looking for people who may have come into contact with him.

The Ministry of Health emphasizes that in Ukraine, the level of vaccination against polio among children under one year of age is insufficient this year – it amounted to 53% in the first eight months. At this rate, it will not be possible to achieve the 95% required for herd immunity by the end of the year.

It was also ensured that the country has a sufficient number of vaccines purchased with state funds.

Polio – what is this disease?

The BBC Ukraine website reminds you that polio was previously reported in Ukraine in 2015. Then the disease was confirmed in two children in the Zakarpattia Oblast.

Polio, also known as Heine-Medin disease, is usually transmitted by direct contact – mainly by the oral route, and to a lesser extent by airborne droplets. The disease usually affects children under the age of five. Polio viruses can cause nerve damage manifested by paresis or paralysis of the muscles (usually permanent), which can lead to motor disability, paralysis or respiratory failure. In some cases, this disease can be fatal.

PAP / from Kiev Natalia Dziurdzińska

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