Polina Dibrova spoke about pregnancy and childbirth

The wife of the TV presenter visited the Rostov maternity hospital and conferred with expectant mothers.

The star wife and mother of three adorable kids never ceases to amaze with her activity. Recreation, sports, education, self-development … Today she tells subscribers how to make a candy bar with her own hands, and tomorrow she shares the secrets of an ideal figure and gives advice on her blog about motherhood on Instagram. To be honest, not every mother with many children will be able to boast of so many varied and at the same time useful things. But, obviously, for 28-year-old Polina there are no boundaries – neither in time nor in space. In Rostov-on-Don, as the presenter of the column about childbirth, she came to talk with those who are preparing for motherhood. “I am interested not only as a journalist, but also as a woman to find out how maternity hospitals are arranged in my homeland,” explained Polina.

Polina admitted that the problem of finding a suitable maternity hospital did not affect her. The spouse was engaged in solving this issue.

– I am an obedient wife (laughs). As my husband said – so I did. All three children – Sasha, Fedor and Ilya were born in the same medical institution. When I got pregnant for the second time, a branch of the maternity hospital was built in Lapino (a village near Moscow where the family lives), in which I became a mother for the first time. After that, I gave birth literally across the street from home.

Doctors from two Rostov maternity hospitals took part in pregnant get-togethers. A detachment of “pot-bellies” literally bombarded the Aesculapians with questions. The distinguished guest took an active part in the conversation, revealing to the guests the story of her nine months of happiness.

– I took vitamins only in the first trimester, – said Polina. – I swam a lot. I didn’t do any other physical exercises. I attended courses for expectant mothers only during the third pregnancy, and before that I was looking for all the necessary information on the Internet.

According to Dibrova, during pregnancy she did not adhere to any diets and ate whatever she wanted:

– If it occurred to me to eat fast food, I would not hesitate to do it, because I think that if the body asks for something, then it needs it. Fortunately, I wanted quality and wholesome food.

Polina admitted that all her childbirth went without complications and surgical intervention.

– When asked if Dmitry Alexandrovich and I are planning to give our three heroes a sister, I will answer this way: if we talk about me, then physically I am ready to give birth to at least ten. But for now, Dima and I decided to throw all our efforts into raising our boys and devote maximum time to them. Although it is possible that when the sons grow up a little, we will decide to become parents again.

At the meeting, they discussed the issue of “stellar” births. As it turned out, their cost sometimes reaches a million rubles.

– I think that the professionalism of the Rostov doctors is at a high level, therefore the birth itself – in Moscow or in the Don capital, is not very different. The choice of a place and a doctor is up to mom.

According to Polina, the only thing that can cause discomfort to women is the common birth halls, where several women can be at the same time.

– I would advise expectant mothers to just enjoy the pregnancy. It’s only nine months. To be honest, I really missed my tummy. At first, even Dima used to put his hand on his stomach, and I would ask with a smile: “What are you? There is no one there anymore. ” Therefore, I advise you to enjoy these wonderful moments of life as much as possible.

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