Polina Agureeva: “I think about my inner movement”

She seems to be hiding behind the characters of her many-sided heroines. Strong and tender, mocking and tough, straightforward and changeable… These traits can be seen in her as well, and seem like masks covering her real self. Polina Agureeva never plays herself. It is all the more interesting to leaf through her photo album with the actress and hear her comments.

Polina Agureeva is 31 years old.Actress of the theater “Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko”. Laureate of theater and film awards. Roles in the films “The Long Goodbye”, “Euphoria”, the series “Liquidation”. Performances by P. Fomenko’s Workshop: “Dowry” (April 30, May 11, May 17), “One Absolutely Happy Village” (May 13), “White Nights” (May 8, 9), “Egyptian Nights”.

“For the New Year, my three-year-old son gave me a ring with a pearl. Petya chose it himself at the newsstand, but was worried that he had no money. We wrote a letter to Santa Claus, asking for “Land of Dinosaurs” for Petya. What if there will be a ring for me too? And what was our surprise when, on New Year’s Eve, Santa Claus brought the “Land of Dinosaurs” and a ring. Petya shouted: “Mom, look, something is shining! Congratulations!” And now he checks all the time: “Did you put on my ring? Look, don’t lose it, take care of it!“ It’s nice that my son treats me tenderly. I want him to be responsible for other people.”

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