Poles on sick … leave

During an inspection by the Social Insurance Institution, it comes to light that sick employees are treated on trips abroad or by planting their home garden, writes Dziennik Polski.

Throughout 2013, the Social Insurance Institution withheld or limited the payment of sickness benefits in the amount of as much as PLN 212 million.

In turn, the Social Insurance Institution in Kraków in 2013 saved nearly PLN 1 million on the same account. Half of this amount consists of suspended payments after the inspection of 20 thousand. ill Krakow residents, examined in the offices of ZUS examiners – it turned out that almost every 10 patients simulate the disease. And the payment of the remaining amount was suspended after the checks in the homes of patients – enumerates the journal.

Suspension of sickness benefits is due to the fact that the insured often treat their sick leave as an additional leave and, for example, go on holiday abroad, renovate their apartment or work in the garden, says Anna Szaniawska from the Krakow branch of the Social Insurance Institution.

As he adds, it also happens that, despite being on sick leave, entrepreneurs work in their company, and employees earn extra money elsewhere. (PAP)

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