Poles neglected their health. “This is how we responded to the stress of the pandemic”
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Already every second Pole has long-term health problems. We evaluate our health – physical and mental – the worst in three years – according to the Polish National Health Test 2022. The survey report has just been published.

The latest report of the National Health Test of Poles – the largest health study on the Polish Internet, which has been run by Medonet since 2020 – shows that Poles still have many lessons to learn in the field of caring for and their health. Moreover, the results are worse than last year.

  1. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT of the Polish National Health Test 2022 *

From the report summarizing the data of 300 thousand. of respondents show that – in terms of caring for health and compliance with recommendations, Poles have not yet returned to the situation from before the pandemic. Compared to last year, we use fast food and sweet drinks more often, we also use stimulants and legal highs. The momentary interest in a healthier diet that we saw in the early stages of the pandemic has declined. Today we eat mainly meat again, we use fruit and vegetables far too seldom.

– In last year’s edition of the test, we saw that many more people started to eat vegetables and fruits, that there was a much lower percentage of smokers than 2 years ago, so it seemed that the trend would go in the right direction, and here it was a big surprise – said the editor-in-chief of MedTvoiLokony, Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając, who was today a guest of the program “Onet Rano.”

Why are this year’s results worse? – asked the host of the program, Tomasz Sekielski.

– The question is good, but there is no answer to it in the test, we did not ask our respondents about the reasons for the behavior. It seems to me that it was a difficult time for all of us and it is possible that in this way people were relieving themselves of the stress associated with the pandemic – added Dr. n. med. Joanna Didkowska from the National Institute of Oncology, one of the members of the Research Council.

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