A preparation for herpes, based on a newly invented compound called cystapep, has been developed by chemists from the University of Gdańsk. Tests show that the substance is more than twice as effective as those currently available on the market. The preparation may be available for sale in a year.

A group of scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Gdańsk and the Swedish company ZULA Diagnostics AB are involved in the project. The Poles are responsible for developing the composition of the new herpes preparation and partially testing its effectiveness, while the Swedes mainly dealt with research and formalities related to the approval and introduction of the agent for use on the market.

The active substance in the preparation will be a certain chemical compound resulting from the significant modification of the human cystatin C protein. One of the inventors of the new compound called cystapep is prof. Franciszek Kasprzykowski from the University of Gdańsk. “We came across this compound, which turned out to have very strong antibacterial and antiviral properties, by accident during research on cystatin C in the laboratory of Professor Anders Grubb from the University of Lund” – told PAP Prof. Kasprzykowski, who, along with several other scientists, is a co-owner of the property rights to the newly invented relationship.

As noted in an interview with PAP, Dr. Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło, who is the coordinator of the work of the Polish research team, the discovery of cystapep was the result of 20 years of work of prof. Kasprzykowski. “This discovery was preceded by many years of research and numerous complicated syntheses, as a result of which a group of new chemical compounds was obtained. These compounds were then tested and one of them – later named cystapep – was found to have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. These properties prompted us to try to develop a medicinal preparation ”- explained Rodziewicz-Motowidło.

Herpes is caused by certain types of viruses. Most of the medications used today for this ailment are based on a chemical called acyclovir, which has antiviral properties. “Cystapep turned out to be much more effective than him. Already in laboratory tests, when acyclovir and cystapep were administered to the same virus strain, the latter compound dealt with the virus two and a half times better: by fighting the virus at a lower concentration “- told PAP Dr. Maria Smużyńska, who is also a member of the research team.

The scientists explain that the preparation works very well in tests performed by people suffering from herpes. The preparation – in the form of a hydrogel in which it is to be introduced to the market, is currently being tested by about 100 volunteers: Swedes and Poles. “In our country, these include students and employees of the University of Gdańsk: they come to us by themselves, after the information spread through the university through word of mouth ”- explained Dr. Smużyńska.

She added that people who have already tested the substance praise its effectiveness very much. “In fact, one application is enough to turn itchy vesicles into scabs within three days” – explained Dr. Smużyńska, who also tested the cystapep effect personally.

As reported by Dr. Rodziewicz-Motowidło, tests carried out by volunteers, is one of the procedures necessary before the introduction of a new preparation supporting the treatment of herpes symptoms for sale. She added that the Swedish partners have already carried out most of the toxicological studies etc. necessary for the approval of the substance on the market. “We are still waiting for the last certificates. If everything goes according to plan, we hope that the cystapep hydrogel, which will receive the market name “Magisk”, will go on sale in a year “- told PAP Dr. hab. Rodziewicz-Motowidło.

She added that the hydrogel containing cystapep can be used not only to fight the symptoms of herpes, but also as an antibacterial, non-runny nasal spray.

Work on the new preparation began in 2008 and is carried out as part of the international EUREKA project. Polish scientists obtained about PLN 860 for research from the National Center for Research and Development, while the Swedes obtained from a twin institution in their country a sum of about PLN 1,3 million.

Anna Kisicka (PAP)


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