In 2012, Poles will buy over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, dermo cosmetics and dietary supplements for PLN 10,6 billion. Currently, we buy fewer of these products than in 2009, when the main driving force was the flu epidemic – states the report of the analytical company PMR entitled OTC market in Poland 2010. Switch strategies and development forecasts for 2010-2012.
In 2009, the market of over-the-counter drugs, dermo-cosmetics and dietary supplements grew by as much as 11%; this year, PMR expects only 3 percent. growth. The total value of the OTC products market at the end of this year will amount to PLN 8,7 billion.
The high incidence of influenza has fueled strong market growth, especially in the case of OTC drugs. In total, according to the data of the National Institute of Hygiene in 2009, the number of flu cases reached almost 1,1 million, the highest number since 2003, when 1,2 million cases were recorded – says the co-author of the report Monika Stefańczyk, chief analyst on the pharmaceutical market. PMR. This year, one should take into account that there will be fewer infections, hence a decrease in the number of purchased over-the-counter drugs.
In the following years, Poles will start to buy more and more dietary supplements; their sales will grow faster than the sales of OTC drugs, notes PMR. Analysts assume that the popularity of supplements will be due to, among others, aging of the population, increased interest in self-medication, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy appearance, and the consequent interest in natural and herbal products.
Poles will buy most of these products in pharmacies; despite the growing availability of OTC drugs outside pharmacies, only 13 percent will be sold.
This is due to the fact that, according to the ordinance of the Minister of Health of October 2010, only OTC drugs based on 52 active substances can be sold in non-pharmacy outlets (in grocery stores, gas stations, kiosks, drugstores, etc.) – believes Stawarska.
Only dietary supplements can be sold outside pharmacies without any restrictions (PAP).