Poles are working on a vaccine against coronavirus
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The Medical Research Agency (ABM) is involved in research into a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the cause of the COVID-19 disease. Three Polish research centers are to help.

Coronavirus vaccine

The decision concerns the commencement of own research “Research on the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine and support for research work on the search for an effective therapy”, which will be carried out in partnership with Polish and international centers.

As part of the project, the Medical Research Agency selected three Polish centers for cooperation – Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Biotechnology and Antibiotics, together with a team of prof. Marcin Drąg from the Wrocław University of Technology, the National Cancer Center in a consortium with the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Medical University of Warsaw, and the Medical University of Wrocław. Activities will also be carried out in cooperation with foreign partners, including the National Institute of Health in the United States.

Dr Radosław Sierpiński, president of the Medical Research Agency

We take up the challenge to the epidemiological threat of our citizens, looking for an effective way in the fight against CoV-2. I believe that apart from the sanitary and epidemiological protection of Poles, which is implemented by the government at the highest level, we must actively engage in global work on finding an effective method of prevention and treatment of this disease.

He does not hide that he counts that thanks to cooperation with the American side and leading research groups from the world, it will be possible to contribute to such important and necessary solutions.

ABM said that talks are currently underway regarding the shape and possibilities of cooperation with, among others, the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the director of the Institute of Infectious Diseases in Washington, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci. ABM ensures that it is also conducting advanced talks with international universities in Europe, and the Chinese Embassy and researchers from Germany and Canada have also declared openness to cooperation.

Polish scientists are fighting the coronavirus

One of the concepts prepared as part of the project is a proposal implemented by the National Institute of Oncology and the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which, in cooperation with other scientists, plans to use an innovative technology combining the use of bacteriophages and nanoparticles to develop a therapy against SARS-CoV-2 virus infections.

«In our project, we want to use a nanoparticle that will be placed on the head of a bacteriophage. This nanantibody will be able to recognize the SARS-CoV-2 virus and prevent it from entering human cells. Bacteriophages have been used in therapy for decades and are safe for humans. In contrast, nanoparticles have recently been tested as potential drugs. So far, no one has used the bacteriophage-nanoparticle combination to fight human viruses. We are pioneers »- emphasizes, quoted in press materials, project leader prof. Jan Walewski, director of the NIO-PIB.

Polish scientists will also look for effective therapies among known drugs by intensifying work on SARS-CoV-2 Mpro protease inhibitors. The purpose of the test is to inhibit the action of the enzyme, thereby blocking the spread of the virus. Responsible for the implementation of the concept are scientists from the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Biotechnology and Antibiotics, together with a team of prof. Marcin Drąg from the Wrocław University of Technology. The works are carried out in cooperation with the group of prof. Rolf Hilgenfeld from Lübeck University in Germany, who had a huge impact on extinguishing the previous SARS epidemic (in 2002/2003).

Wroclaw Medical University, under the supervision of prof. Ewa Jankowska, and will lead work on the use of chloroquine (an antimalarial drug) in patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection at an early stage of the disease with mild symptoms to prevent severe pulmonary complications.

«I am convinced that the concepts we have selected are innovative and important projects with great scientific potential that may contribute to the development of a vaccine or effective methods of coronavirus therapy. I believe that joint actions undertaken by the Medical Research Agency and outstanding researchers will bring the results expected by everyone »- emphasizes Sierpiński.

The initial amount allocated to the project is PLN 5 million. “If necessary, these funds will be dynamically increased” – declared the president of ABM.

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