Poles are increasingly afraid of the coronavirus. The desire to take the third dose is growing [PROBE]
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Recently, the level of Poles’ fear of contracting the coronavirus has been growing dynamically week by week, according to the latest data from the research agency Inquiry. At the same time, the desire to use the third dose of the vaccine increases.

  1. In the previous measurement, 42 percent. Poles declared fear of contracting the coronavirus, currently the result is as much as 5 percentage points higher and amounts to 47%.
  2. In turn, the percentage of people who directly indicate that they are not afraid of being infected fell by 4 percentage points – such responses were now given by 37 percent. people
  3. About 10 percent interest in taking the third dose increased
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Vaccinations against COVID-19. How many Poles want to get vaccinated?

Currently 39 percent. people who are not yet vaccinated declare that they want to benefit from the COVID-19 vaccine (“definitely yes” and “probably yes” responses summed up), which means an increase by as much as 5 percentage points compared to last week.

Interestingly, at the same time, the percentage of people who directly reject the intention to get vaccinated increased (answers “definitely not” and “probably not”), which currently amounts to 44%. – in the group of people who have not been vaccinated so far. The other people replied that they did not know yet whether they were going to get vaccinated.

Further part under the video.

In the previous week, vaccine rejection was 4 percentage points lower. This may mean that attitudes towards vaccination among the unvaccinated group are starting to polarize – some people have an increasingly negative attitude, while others are gradually starting to look more favorably on the idea of ​​using the vaccine. However, to confirm this hypothesis, we should wait for the data from the coming weeks.

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination?

Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Recently, we have observed a sharp increase in Poles’ fears of contracting the coronavirus. Just a month ago, only 36 percent. of the respondents experienced such anxiety, which was one of the lowest results in the entire period of measurements. Currently, the fear of becoming infected is declared by as much as 47 percent. people, which in turn is the level last recorded in mid-May. During the month, the level of concern increased by as much as 11 percentage points. Naturally, the percentage of those who say that they are not afraid of the coronavirus is declining in a similar way – currently 37 percent. people give such an answer.

Further part under the video.

Coronavirus: Do Poles want to take advantage of the third dose of the vaccine?

Due to the growing number of infections and the growing fear of the coronavirus, the willingness to vaccinate with the third dose of the vaccine is also increasing among people who are already vaccinated. Last week by 10 percent. the percentage of respondents wishing to use the third dose increased, and only 8 percent. rejects this possibility.

About the study

The survey has been carried out from December 21, 2020 on a representative sample of adult Poles using the CAWI method in weekly waves of approx. 700 people (online survey on the YouGov panel).

O Inquiry

Inquiry is a Polish market research agency. Since 2019, Inquiry has been cooperating with the international company YouGov, being its exclusive representative in Poland.

This may interest you:

  1. The pediatrician warns parents. “Any child who is not vaccinated will get sick”
  2. It has not been that bad in Europe yet. ECDC has published a new map
  3. A little-known symptom of COVID-19. When it shows up, go for a test

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