Amanita muscaria is found in almost all forests of Russia. It looks impressive – white specks are scattered on a red background. To be mistaken and not understand that this is a poisonous mushroom is simply impossible even for a novice mushroom picker. In the red fly agaric, there is a large amount of muscarine poison, which can fatally poison a person with a dose of 0,5 g.
Symptoms are similar to drunkenness and delirium tremens, later the poisoned person falls asleep and after waking up feels much better, but only after 2-3 days complete recovery occurs. Those people who have problems with the kidneys, heart, blood vessels are at risk of dying after poisoning with red fly agaric. The same applies to children.
White fly agaric is considered very poisonous. It grows in coniferous and mixed forests and reaches 10 cm in diameter, the cap, the color of which is white, and the plates are dirty pink. The mushroom itself on the break smells unpleasant. Leg with a thickened bottom, there is a ring made of torn film.
No less dangerous and smelly fly agaric. Young mushrooms have a cone-shaped cap, which gradually flattens out, and a torn fringe forms along the edges, which is very similar to a pale toadstool. The plates are convex, white, the length of the leg reaches 15 cm, there is a ring from the film. The smelly fly agaric has such a name for a reason, it really smells unpleasant.
The panther fly agaric is similar to red, only the color of the cap is brown, grayish or greenish-brown with white wart spots. The plates are white, the leg is thin, long, reaching 13 cm. Under the cap of an adult mushroom there is a ring from the film.
The toadstool fly agaric is not so poisonous, but still dangerous. The first symptoms of poisoning appear 2 hours after the poison enters the body. It looks like a panther, but the hat is up to 10 cm in diameter and is white-greenish in color with white convex flakes. The plates are also white-greenish, there is a yellowish ring on the leg, the leg itself is up to 10 cm long and up to 2 cm thick.
The porphyry (gray) fly agaric grows mainly in coniferous forests. It is tall, up to 15 cm, but has a small cap, up to 9 cm. The color of the cap is brownish-brown, red-brown with a purple tint. The leg is thin, gray, with a white-gray film. The pulp is white with an unpleasant odor.
Other poisonous mushrooms
The satanic mushroom often ends up in the baskets of inexperienced mushroom pickers along with boletus, boletus and boletus. If you look closely at the Satanic mushroom, you will notice that it has characteristic features. The cap is whitish in color, and the stem is mostly dark, reddish. At the break, the mushroom turns slightly blue, the smell is inexpressive, and the old mushrooms have an unpleasant smell.
A pale grebe is a very dangerous mushroom. Its poison phalloidin in the amount of 30 g is fatal to humans. To do this, it is enough to eat only one third of an adult mushroom. Moreover, after heat treatment, the mushroom is still dangerous. Toadstool can be confused with russula. However, the poisonous mushroom has a skirt with a leg. The similarity with champignons can also mislead an inexperienced mushroom picker. But if you look closely, you can see that the toadstool has white plates, and the leg with a Volvo.
The false chanterelle often ends up in the basket along with the real ones. But mushrooms can be distinguished: – by color; – according to the shape of the plates; – by the color and smell of the pulp; – on the leg.
In the false chanterelle, the color is brighter, it may even be brownish, but along the edge it is always lighter. The surface is velvety to the touch, while the surface of a real chanterelle is smooth. The cap is small (3–6 cm), even, convex in young mushrooms, funnel-shaped in adults. The plates are thin, they can even be branching, they never pass to the pedicle. In a real chanterelle, the plates, on the contrary, are thick, passing to the leg. The flesh of a poisonous mushroom is yellow with an unpleasant odor; when pressed, the color does not change. And in a real chanterelle, the flesh at the break is white, with a pleasant smell, the color changes to reddish. The leg of the false mushroom is thin, hollow in the cut; in a real chanterelle, the leg is never hollow.