«Point of happiness»: an effective way to turn on immunity

In autumn, it is especially important to maintain immunity. Humidity and cold are an ideal environment for viruses, and, as you know, there is no other weapon against them. In Taoist medicine, there is the concept of a «point of happiness», which activates the body’s immune response. Where is it located and how to influence it?

The “point of happiness” is located in the center of the chest. How to find this point? Feel the dimple between the collarbones. Now go down two fingers. Then apply light pressure. So you will determine the point that is sensitive to even a slight pressure.

It stimulates the thymus gland (thymus), in which protective blood cells T-lymphocytes mature. The same gland produces a number of hormones that tone up the immune system. There are several ways to turn on the «happy point» to improve the functioning of the organ associated with it.


In Taoist medicine, there are several ways to turn on hot spots on the body. The most famous is acupuncture. In this case, needles are used. However, only specialists can carry out such procedures. At home, you can use the technique of acupressure — point self-massage.

For example, such an exercise: with rotational movements, massage the “point of happiness” 9 times in one direction and the same amount in the other.

Another method of influence is percussion, that is, tapping. Tap on the active point in the center of the chest, the pace and strength of tapping can be different — the main thing is that the process does not cause pain. If you perform these techniques correctly, you will soon feel a slight warmth spreading in your chest. Thanks to this exercise, the blood supply to the thymus increases.

«Crane Wings»

In Taoist medicine, there is the concept of «disclosure» of the active point. To do this, you need to relax your chest. There are several exercises in qigong, one of the most famous is the “Crane Wings” from the Sing Shen Juang course. How is it done?

  • Stand up straight, feet close. Your arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, as if you are holding a weightless tray in front of you.
  • Slowly and easily raise your hands up. Forearms perpendicular to the floor, fingers pointing to the sky.
  • Spread your arms bent at the elbows to the sides. This position should create tension in the chest area.
  • Lower your elbows down, forearms parallel to the floor. Imagine that your hands are resting on invisible pillows.

Feel how this movement opens the chest, frees the center of the chest and the “happy point”. Repeat the exercise several times. Follow the pleasant sensations in the chest — relaxation, opening, warmth.

Such simple exercises — work through relaxation and self-massage — allow you to tone up the immune system, support it. Try to do self-massage and exercise, for example, in the morning before brushing your teeth. And very soon you will notice that your health will become stronger.

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