
Useful properties and use of this bedstraw

Useful properties of bedstraw

Podmarennik – This is a magnificent perennial honey cake of the madder family. Straight, short-pubescent stems grow from 10 to 75 cm high. The upper shiny leaves with a pointed edge have a dark green tint, the lower ones are represented by a grayish-velvety pubescence. Small yellow flowers of the plant are collected in dense pyramidal panicles. They have a delicious honey aroma. Such a plant blooms from mid-June to the end of August. Bedstraw has a bitter astringent taste.

As a rule, not only flowers and grass, but also the rhizomes of the plant are widely used for medicinal purposes. It boasts antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, analgesic, diaphoretic, laxative, tonic, estrogenic, sedative and hemostatic effects on the human body. In addition, the bedstraw produces a powerful wound-healing effect. Almost all parts of the plant contain flavin and tannins, various glycosides and acids, as well as coumarins, carotenoids anthraquinones and vitamin C.

Bedstraw has been shown as a sedative and pain reliever. It is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, for stomach pains, diarrhea, jaundice, various bleeding, for the treatment of skin rashes, wounds and abscesses, as well as for hysteria and epilepsy. In addition, the effectiveness of the plant during the treatment of skin cancer has been proven.

Bedstraw application

The miraculous rhizomes of the bedstraw have long been used to treat pneumonia, endometritis and kidney disease. Such an excellent antipyretic is also effective for various problems of the cardiovascular system. Bedstraw is part of many herbal preparations, which are indicated for infectious diseases. A healing decoction from such a plant significantly enhances potency, and in the absence of female secretions, restores the menstrual cycle.

Outwardly, various decoctions and infusions of the plant are prescribed for bruises, purulent wounds and cuts, as well as for the treatment of extensive burns. A decoction from the aerial part is often prescribed by gynecologists for douching for uterine cancer and cervical erosion. With an infiltrate of the mammary gland, it is recommended to apply a pounded slurry from the grass of the plant to the chest area. With dysentery, the intake of grass powder inside is indicated. The healing juice of the bedstraw is prescribed for diabetes mellitus. In the presence of ulcers, it is recommended to cover the wounds with plant powder. Ointment from grass juice effectively relieves inflammation in abscesses.

To prepare the infusion, we take 400 grams of boiling water for 4 tablespoons of herbs, insist the mixture for about 4-5 hours, after which the infusion must be well filtered – and you can use it for taking baths and lotions for various wounds, ulcers and other skin lesions. With impotence, a course of taking fresh juice is prescribed 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons each. For the treatment of angina pectoris, experts recommend using an infusion of bedstraw at the rate of 20 grams of rhizomes per 500 ml of boiling water.

Types of bedstraw

There are several main types of such a plant, which are extremely common in the territory of the CIS countries.

Northern bedstraw. Northern bedstraw is a perennial plant. Its height can vary from 15 to 85 cm. Small lanceolate leaves with three veins are arranged in whorls of several. Northern bedstraw boasts beautiful white flowers. It is widely distributed in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and also in the Caucasus. As a rule, such a plant prefers forest meadows and damp floodplain places. It often settles on stony placers, the outskirts of swamps, rocks and along roads. For medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves and stems of the northern bedstraw are used.

The bedstraw is real. The real bedstraw is a wonderful perennial with a straight branched stem. Yellow flowers, collected in an interesting dense panicle, have a wonderful honey aroma. Such a plant is fragrant throughout the summer months. This bedstraw is found in hayfields. It prefers nutritious soils, where it grows in huge plantations. In height, this species can reach about 60–70 cm. The pointed leaves of a real bedstraw are dark green above, and below they have a velvety gray pubescence. The taste of such a plant is quite bitter and slightly astringent.

Podmarennik is tenacious. The tenacious bedstraw is an unusual malignant plant that is resistant to grazing. The stems of such a plant are dotted with small teeth, thanks to which it climbs over smooth bread straws. The stems are covered with narrow whorled leaves. White small flowers are collected in rare semi-umbels of axillary type. The fresh juice of the herb is indicated for diseases of the goiter and liver, and it is also used against cancer and dropsy. The presented herbaceous plant is an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It is indispensable for all kinds of skin lesions and diseases of the epidermis.

Fragrant bedstraw. The perennial fragrant bedstraw is a beautiful herbaceous plant, the height of which is from 10 to 65 cm. The oblanceolate leaves are collected in charming whorls of about 8 pieces. The inflorescences of the fragrant bedstraw consist of several apical semi-umbels, at the base of which there are about five bracts. Delightful fragrant flowers are located on short pedicels. Their diameter does not exceed 7 cm. Fragrant bedstraw blooms from mid-spring to early summer. It is distributed in the Crimea, the European part of Russia, Belarus, Siberia, the Far East, as well as in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Since such a plant contains a huge amount of useful trace elements and substances, it is widely used for medicinal purposes.

Bedstraw ordinary. Common bedstraw is a rather tall herbaceous plant growing up to 85 cm. A slightly branched faceted stem bears whorled small leaves of a linear type. Leaves are slightly hairy above, more hairy below. Delicate golden flowers are abundantly located at the ends of the shoots. Common bedstraw blooms from late June to September. Its habitat consists of forest edges, slopes, dry meadows and small slopes. Common bedstraw is rich in essential oils, silicic acid, tannins, as well as flavonoids and organic acids.

Bedstraw is soft. Bedstraw soft is an amazing herbaceous plant with a smooth tetrahedral stem. Lying or ascending stems are covered with linear-oblong leaves, at the ends of which there are small spines. The leaves are collected in small whorls of 8 pieces each. White and rather small flowers are located in numerous semi-umbels. They are collected at the ends of the stems in graceful panicles. The presented species blooms in late June or early July. It grows well on grassy slopes, in meadows, and is also often found along roads. With heart disease, a soft bedstraw is simply irreplaceable. It should be noted that it is widely used in modern homeopathy.

Contraindications to the use of bedstraw

Since the bedstraw has a pronounced diuretic effect, it is prescribed with caution to people with diabetes. Courses of treatment with such a plant should include week breaks due to the astringent effect. It is not recommended for small children and expectant mothers to use a bedstraw.

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