Podiatrist – who he is, description of specialization, podiatry examination

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Beautiful feet are a showcase of every woman, especially in summer, when we often discover them in sandals. However, it is worth remembering that taking care of your feet should not be associated only with aesthetic reasons. Many people forget that feet carry our body throughout life, so it’s important to take care of them regularly. For this purpose, it is worth visiting a podiatrist’s office, a person dealing with foot disorders.

A podiatrist is a specialist in the field of treatment foot diseases. Although the name of this profession suggests a relationship with medicine, it should be remembered that a podiatrist is not a doctor and his profession is related to cosmetology. Nevertheless, podiatrists often cooperate with dermatologists, surgeons and even diabetologists.

Patients suffering from diseases such as ingrown toenails, athlete’s foot, bunions, corns and others should visit the podiatrist. In addition to treating the aforementioned diseases, the podiatrist will interview the patient about foot care and help eliminate mistakes made while taking care of the feet.

The task of the podiatrist is to eliminate diseases related to the feet. The area of ​​the podiatrist’s activities includes the treatment of serious diseases, such as diabetic foot (a complication after diabetes manifested by insufficient blood supply to the feet, reducing pain sensitivity and slowing the healing of wounds and ulcers), as well as less serious ailments, such as, for example, ingrown toenail (ingrowth of the inner edge of the nail into the skin) or athlete’s foot (red spots or blisters with itching or burning on the feet).

In addition to the treatment of the above-mentioned diseases, the podiatrist also deals with foot massage or foot dressing, the selection of an appropriate orthosis, and even professional nail clipping. You can also go to a podiatrist in order to obtain professional advice on foot care and preventive treatment of related diseases.

Other medical conditions that the podiatrist will help with

Do podiatrist people who struggle with cracking or dry heels can be successful. This is a common condition because the skin on the heels is much thicker than the skin on the rest of the body. It is also more prone to keratosis and drying out, which in turn very often leads to cracking and drying out of the heels.

Another disease that should be referred to a podiatrist is the warts on the feet, i.e. changes in the skin with a yellow or greenish color caused by the entry of HPV into the body. The occurrence of warts on the feet should be consulted as soon as possible with a podiatrist or dermatologist, because they can infect the patient’s healthy skin in a very short time.

Another common ailment that the podiatrist will help us cure are corns. Fingerprints we call calloused lesions on the feet. They arise as a result of pressure, most often caused by wearing inappropriate footwear. Although this ailment is one of the most common foot disorders, the pain caused by calluses can be so severe that it prevents the patient from walking freely.

Podological examination It begins with collecting information from the patient about his lifestyle or past injuries. Often the interview itself may be sufficient to make an appropriate diagnosis. The next stage is testing Podoraskopem.

The patient has to take off his shoes and stand on a special mat, from which the image of the feet is sent to the computer. The first, static part of the test gives a picture of the weight distribution on each foot and shows where the center of gravity is. The second, dynamic stage shows, for example, the patient’s gait pattern as well as whether the steps are evenly taken. The final stage of the examination is manual examination. Podolog it examines the mobility of the joints or the position of the pelvis, among other things. It also helps to determine if the patient has any problems with the muscular system (contractures or muscle wasting). After the examination, the doctor is able to determine whether the patient needs, for example, specialized insoles.

Beautiful and well-groomed feet are the dream of many women. However, it should be remembered that we should not only care about the aesthetic aspects of our feet. Taking care of their health and treating any changes in their feet will bring relief and allow them to return to their normal lifestyle.

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