Podcast “Will not write off”: how to become a producer of your life

Education – an opportunity or a requirement? Results or thrill? About what education is and why we began to live in the lifelong learning paradigm in the podcast “Will not write off” from Trends

Previously, people received one education, mastered one profession for life. Now the world and the labor market have become more complex: new forks, problems, tasks and challenges have appeared. To cope with them, you need to constantly and differently learn. The concept of lifelong learning is about how to learn to learn, but where did it come from and what is education in general?

In the first issue, Maxim talked to Petr Safronov, a philosopher, consultant on the strategic development of educational organizations, and an education historian. They figured out what education is as a term and phenomenon, to whom and why the future is being sold, and why lifelong learning is not about studying educational materials.

Release Timeline

1:23 — Study or education: what is more relevant? 10:19 — “In any uncertain situation, run to study”: the rituality of modern education 18:50 — Pierced the painted hearth: three components of Life Long Learning 21:47 — How to come to a conscious choice of education and stay on your track? 30:04 — “The future in a marketing package” or self-produced: a contradiction of speeds 37:46 — Portrait of a “good person” and the importance of critical thinking

Conversation highlights

Lifelong learning is a way to explain to people that the education provider is no longer responsible for what happens to them. In the concept of lifelong learning, they become producers of their education and life.

Education is exactly the situation in which we become producers: we invest our money in ourselves as our own product. And education is more about the social infrastructure of the state.

The current situation with education is more similar to the 50th century than to what it was XNUMX years ago. There is a feudalization of education and its expansion beyond educational institutions. An example of such feudalization is the territorial educational complexes in Moscow, and expansions are the creation of corporate universities within large companies.

Education can be viewed in two dimensions: as a platform that provides a person with opportunities and a situation where we are forced to constantly educate ourselves. We as a “global person” exist in the second. Education becomes the key to survival and adaptation.

There is no crisis in formal education. At the same time, we find ourselves in a situation where teachers and children do not have a meaningful relationship with each other. We continue to go to school, but we do not understand why. School is a ritual of passing the OGE and the Unified State Examination, the effect of a rut, but unlike the XNUMXth century, this ritual is devoid of life. The teacher has lost moral and academic authority, he is no longer the bearer of ethical and scientific norms. Children do not really understand what kind of expertise a teacher can give beyond the framework of successfully passing the next test.

Lifelong learning does not mean that we move along the same trajectory, learning something throughout our lives. This means that we sometimes stop and admit that we have learned and taught the wrong things.

how to be and what to do

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Episode links

  • The Founder movie about McDonalds owner Ray Kroc
  • Class society, language and power. “Letter to a Teacher”: Lorenzo Milani and the Barbian School
  • Petr Safronov on the image of a student in modern education
  • Consortium for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. Today it represents the dominant approach to questions of educational goals.
  • An essay by Stanford specialists on the change in the language of Mirbank in the post-war period, in the context of which the transformation of ways to talk about education is also clearer

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