Pneumatosis in adults
Pneumatosis in adults is a fairly rare disease. It is dangerous for its serious consequences, while the symptoms are easily confused with other intestinal diseases.

As a result of this disease, cavities filled with gas appear in the intestinal walls. They interfere with the normal functioning of the intestines, and the person experiences pain, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen. Pneumatosis causes a lot of inconvenience, and without treatment can even lead to death.

Due to the accumulation of gases that have not been absorbed into the bloodstream or have not leaked through the intestinal walls, gas cysts form. They arise on the surface of the small and large intestines, and reach the size of a large nut. Cysts may be single, but without treatment, the disease spreads more and more.

Pneumatosis occurs at any age, but more often affects infants and the elderly. Due to the imperfection of their digestive system and the low activity of the intestinal motility of such people, it is disturbed. Pneumatosis is not an independent disease. It is provoked by other diseases of the digestive system.

What is pneumatosis

The mechanism of cavity formation is not fully understood. There are several theories, but most experts agree on a mechanical cause.

It is believed that cysts are formed with a certain pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, tumors or colitis), and defects in the intestinal vessels. Against the background of these pathologies, the inner lining of the intestine is injured and becomes thin. The gas that is present in each intestine, under the influence of pressure, passes through microdamages and remains in the submucosal layer of the intestine. Cysts spread with the help of peristalsis – a wave-like contraction of the intestine.

The air cysts themselves can contain various gases: oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and others.

According to another theory, infectious diseases of the intestines can also lead to the formation of cavities. Bacteria release gases in the process of life – these gases enter through the inflamed intestinal wall and merge into blisters.

Causes of pneumatosis in adults

Diseases that violate the integrity of the intestinal mucosa can provoke pneumatosis. For example, intestinal damage by bacteria or viruses, simply infectious poisoning. Inflammation of the intestines – colitis, peptic ulcer, tumors. Adhesions can also cause pneumatosis – the fusion of sections of the intestine between loops or other organs. Adhesions occur after abdominal operations, abdominal injuries, infections.

In old age, due to changes in lifestyle and nutrition, lack of activity, intestinal obstruction may develop. In this case, the gases cannot come out naturally, they burst the intestines and accumulate in the form of cavities in its walls.

Even a simple disruption of peristalsis—the undulating, involuntary movements that rid the intestines of processed foods—can lead to the formation of cysts. Problems with peristalsis are also common in the elderly, infants, but adults often also suffer from this.

Symptoms of pneumatosis in adults

Those suffering from this disease complain of wandering pains in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness, flatulence. The development of pneumatosis is reflected in the motility and tone of the intestine, usually in the direction of their reduction. Therefore, constipation is often present, sometimes turning into diarrhea. Concerned about nausea, belching with air. If pneumatosis is extensive, vomiting, bleeding from the anus or streaks of blood in the feces joins, weight decreases, weakness increases.

Treatment of pneumatosis in adults

Pneumatosis is treated by a gastroenterologist. The specialist collects an anamnesis and prescribes an examination, tests, since it is almost impossible to establish the disease by symptoms alone. Manifestations of pneumatosis are similar to many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the underlying cause that caused pneumatosis, since it is a consequence, and not an independent disease. Be sure to follow a therapeutic diet, as well as a course of medications.

All foods that provoke gas formation are excluded from the diet. Under the ban are legumes, cabbage, sweet foods, sour-milk and containing yeast. Any drink with gas, fatty and smoked is excluded.

At first, food will be extremely sparing: steamed dishes, stewed vegetables and low-fat meat food.

If the patient is concerned about pain, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. Carminative drugs help to reduce the amount of gases. For problems with peristalsis, prokinetics may be used. And, since most patients with pneumatosis suffer from constipation, mild laxatives are needed.


To determine pneumatosis, it is necessary to “look inside”, since external signs and complaints are not specific enough.

A rather unpleasant, but informative study is a colonoscopy. The endoscope is inserted into the intestine and allows you to see and evaluate the condition of the mucosa, the size and number of bubbles. If necessary, take a small piece of tissue to study it in the laboratory. Other diseases that may manifest in a similar way are excluded.

Another research method is irrigoscopy. A barium contrast mixture is injected into the intestines, and then an X-ray is taken. The mixture fills the intestines, repeating its shape, which helps to detect areas of narrowing, the presence of gas in enlarged intestinal loops. You can also notice ulcers, tumors.

Plain x-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity allow you to see bubbles on the walls of the intestine. Rarely, MRI is also used.

Modern treatments

Treatment is aimed at the underlying disease that provoked pneumatosis. If the problem is in an infectious lesion, you can not do without antibacterial drugs. In the case of tumors after a biopsy, the method of removing the formation is determined.

One of the modern methods of treating pneumatosis is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The blood is actively saturated with oxygen, as a result, the pressure of venous blood gases decreases. This contributes to the resorption of gas cavities.

With the development of complications of pneumatosis – complete intestinal obstruction, peritonitis and others, an urgent operation is performed.

Prevention of pneumatosis in adults at home

The prognosis for pneumatosis, if treated on time, is favorable. It is important to consult a doctor in time if you feel unwell, so as not to start the disease. This will be the best prevention – immediately treat all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, without waiting for their complications in the form of pneumatosis.

You need to follow the rules of a balanced diet, monitor your weight and engage in physical activity to the best of your ability. It prevents constipation, improves intestinal motility.

Avoid low-quality products, be sure to wash vegetables and fruits before eating. Intestinal infections can be much more of a problem than diarrhea.

Popular questions and answers

Such a rare disease, however, occurs in the general population. Do not ignore the first symptoms of a possible illness, consult a doctor. Learn more about pneumatosis Gastroenterologist, Ph.D. Xenia Bondareva.

Why is pneumatosis dangerous?

The danger of this condition lies in the development of various complications that can lead to death.

What are the complications of pneumatosis?

Due to excessive accumulation of gas, there is an increase in pressure in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to a change in the shape of intestinal loops and the formation of volvulus or obstruction of the intestine.

The larger the size and number of bubbles, the greater the likelihood of intestinal obstruction against the background of complete or partial blockage of the lumen of the organ. This may be accompanied by general intoxication of the body and the occurrence of infectious-toxic shock with a fatal outcome.

Air cysts excessively compress the walls of the intestine, disrupting its nutrition and causing the development of ischemia and necrosis. Severe damage to some areas can cause a rupture of the intestinal wall with the development of peritonitis – inflammation of the abdominal cavity. If emergency care is not provided, then sepsis is also possible – “inflammation of the blood”.

When to call a doctor at home with pneumatosis?

If you are concerned about constant severe cramping pains that are not associated with eating, vomiting, rapid heart rate, pallor of the skin, a feeling of severe fullness in the abdomen, stool and gas retention, you should urgently seek qualified medical help. Do not wait “suddenly pass”, call an ambulance.

Can pneumatosis occur on its own, not as a secondary disease?

This condition is rarely an independent pathology. In most cases, it occurs against the background of other lesions of the digestive system, such as:

● intestinal infections;

● various tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;

● congenital anomalies in the development of blood and lymphatic vessels; ● intestines;

● atony;

● various colitis and enterocolitis;

● Crohn’s disease;

● adhesive disease.

The development of pneumatosis can provoke an unhealthy lifestyle: physical inactivity, nervous strain, excessive consumption of products that increase gas formation (legumes, cabbage, flour products).

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