PMS: don’t get hung up on the cycle!

There is an opinion that women do not like to count. But at the same time, nature forces every representative of the beautiful half of humanity to constantly calculate her cycle and plan her life taking into account critical days.

Unfortunately, the female body is designed in such a way that these days our well-being changes a little – and sometimes significantly – and not for the better. And if the notorious PMS interferes with our hard-to-establish life … So you have to guess and count all the time, keep your personal calendar. And how much anxiety and emotions arise when this cycle goes astray and the “red days of the calendar” are postponed indefinitely. And if this still happens all the time, then how do you plan vacations, dates, meetings with friends and much more? We are accustomed to treating PMS and changes in the female cycle as a necessary evil that accompanies the natural course of life. Irritability, mood swings, fatigue, inability to concentrate, weight fluctuations and swelling, painful sensations … Is this really the norm for the body? Let’s figure it out!

In fact, with a balanced work of the hormonal system, the course of the cycle should not affect the usual way of life – both on the eve of menstruation and during critical days. Irregularity, soreness, changes in the volume of secretions and the occurrence of PMS can be the first manifestations of a hormonal imbalance. And the changes in the female cycle speak directly about this.

Today, there are many ways to maintain natural hormonal balance. Of course, few women dream of hormonal therapy because of the large list of contraindications and side effects, so in recent years, non-hormonal support for the body with the help of natural plant components belonging to the phytoestrogens group has become popular. Phytoestrogens are natural plant substances that have a similar structure to female sex hormones, but do not have the side effects of their synthetic counterparts. They help the body to establish a regular cycle for a long time. Among phytoestrogens, vitex, dong quai, red clover are the most popular, and each has its own advantages: vitex, for example, helps to get rid of discomfort in the mammary glands, helps the body cope with unpleasant menstrual cramps and, in general, survive this period without unnecessary nerves and tears .

So you need to choose the right support for yourself and no longer worry about unpleasant consequences.

Among the list of non-hormonal drugs that contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, a specialized non-hormonal biocomplex attracts attention. Lady’s Formula Personal Monthly System (Enhanced Formula). It is important that there are no hormones in its composition, but only natural components: 8 extracts of medicinal plants, 9 vitamins and 3 microelements.

The complex includes 3 phytoestrogens (vitex, wild yam, dong quai), which help the body maintain a natural balance of the main female hormones – estrogen and progesterone, helping to eliminate the causes of menstrual irregularities and discomfort. In addition, Lady’s Formula Personal Monthly System (Enhanced Formula) includes 5 more herbal extracts.

So, gotu kola helps maintain vitality and excellent performance, and buchu leaves help the body cope with swelling and menstrual cramps that cause pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Other well-known “women’s herbs”, in particular raspberry leaves and dandelion root, contribute to the normal flow of menstruation and comfort during “critical” days.

A distinctive feature of the biocomplex Lady’s Formula Personal monthly system (Fortified formula) is also the presence of gamma-linolenic acid in the composition, which promotes accelerated breakdown of fats and inhibits the formation of fatty tissues.

The presence of vitamins and minerals in the biocomplex, such as vitamin B6, involved in the synthesis of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, helps to maintain good health and a positive attitude. Such an important mineral as magnesium takes part in the reactions responsible for stress resistance, performance and normalization of sleep. The fact is that during menstruation, the female body consumes certain vitamins and minerals in large quantities, and their timely replenishment is extremely necessary in these difficult days.

It is important to note that the biocomplex includes two formulas, each of which corresponds to the phase of the menstrual cycle! Lady’s Formula Personal Monthly System (Enhanced Formula) very easy to take – only 1 time per day.

Another fact that deserves attention: clinical studies conducted at the MMA. THEM. Sechenov showed that after the Lady’s Formula Personal Monthly System course, 84,6% of women refused to take painkillers, 89,7% did not experience PMS symptoms that bothered them, 96% felt calmer on “critical” days, and 89,7% women did not gain weight.

Of course, everyone wants to make their life comfortable and get rid of unnecessary “women’s problems”. That is why it is important to take care of yourself and your health, contact specialists in time and, of course, provide competent support to your body!

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Relationship crisis: how to keep the inner fire after 45?

Learn more about women’s health

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