Rough whip (Pluteus hispidulus)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Pluteaceae (Pluteaceae)
  • Genus: Pluteus (Pluteus)
  • Type: Pluteus hispidulus (Rough Pluteus)


  • Agaricus hispidus
  • Agaric hispidulus
  • Hyporrhodius hispidulus

Plyuteus rough (Pluteus hispidulus) photo and description

Current name: Pluteus hispidulus (Fr.) Gillet

A very rare small spit with characteristic dark grey-brown scales on a light background.

head: 0,5 – 2, extremely rarely up to four centimeters in diameter. From whitish, light gray, gray to grayish brown, dark brownish gray. It is covered with dark scales in the center and finely fibrous lighter, silvery hairline closer to the edges. First, hemispherical or bell-shaped, then convex, convex-prostrate, with a small tubercle, then flat, sometimes with a slightly sagging center. The edge is ribbed, tucked.

plates: Whitish, pale gray, later pink to flesh red, loose, broad.

spore powder: Brown pink, nude pink

Споры: 6-8 x 5-6 µm, almost spherical.

Leg: 2 – 4 centimeters high and up to 0,2 – 0 cm in diameter, white, silvery-white, shiny, entire, longitudinally fibrous, slightly thickened and pubescent at the base.

Ring, Volvo: None.

Pulp: White, thin, fragile.

Taste: indistinct, soft.

Smell: does not differ or is described as “weak musty, slightly moldy”.

No data. Probably the mushroom is not poisonous.

Rough whip is not of interest to amateur mushroom pickers due to its small size, in addition, the mushroom is quite rare.

On litter with a high content of decayed wood or on decomposed twigs of hardwoods, especially beech, oak and linden. It is tied mainly to untouched forests with a sufficient supply of timber. It is listed in the Red Book of some European countries with the status of “vulnerable species” (for example, the Czech Republic).

From June to October, possibly to November, in the forests of the temperate zone.

Pluteus exiguus (Pluteus meager or Pluteus insignificant)

Photo: Andrey.

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