Plums: benefits, medicinal properties

And this is a very important reason to add them to your diet.

Superfoods usually include any exotic: avocados, for example, or goji berries, chia seeds. On the other hand, experts say that fruits and vegetables grown far from our habitats are not particularly useful. First, during transportation, many useful substances disintegrate in them. And in the supermarket, they can then lie for weeks waiting for you to come. Secondly, our body is simply not “sharpened” for foreign food. It is not for nothing that they say: “What is good for a Russian, death for a German.” But there are also our, domestic superfoods. It’s just that they are not so popularized.

For example, an ordinary plum. Scientists have recently begun to seriously study its properties. And we were amazed: it turns out that plums reduce the likelihood of developing colon cancer. And not only fresh, dried too. Prunes, due to their mild laxative effect, removes toxins from the body and fights free radicals that cause our cells to develop along a pathological path.

In addition, the plum contains a lot of antioxidants – they not only protect us from cancer and the destructive effects of the environment, but also help preserve youth. By the way, there are more antioxidants in plums than in blueberries. But this berry was still considered an unsurpassed source of phytonutrients.

And that is not all. Experts have found that the extract from plums and peaches can kill breast cancer cells, and this is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. Moreover, these antitumor properties have a targeted effect: unlike chemotherapy, which kills all cells indiscriminately, both malignant and healthy, plum extract acts only on cancer cells.

– plums contain a lot of fiber, which is very beneficial for digestion;

– these fruits contain vitamin K1, important for bone health, vitamins of group B, C and, A – they are necessary to maintain immunity, health of eyes, skin and hair;

– plums – an excellent source of “vitamins for the heart” – magnesium and potassium, as well as manganese and copper;

– they help lower cholesterol levels;

– work as diabetes prevention;

– help fight osteoporosis;

– phenolic compounds, carotenoids, alpha-tocopherol help fight malignant tumors.

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