Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Plum Zarechnaya early is considered a popular culture among summer residents, because it is unpretentious in care, grows for a long time, and blooms in spring. Its fruits are delicious, and it does not take much trouble to get a harvest. The plum variety Zarechnaya early will find application in home practice and farm selector agricultural technology.

History of variety breeding 

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Early ripe plums of the Zarechnaya early variety were obtained not so long ago. In 1986, the variety was bred through the selective crossing of three different plums. A year later, a derivation “formula” was obtained, which contained characteristics and notes from the observations of scientists. It was also already known how to care for her and when it is better to plant. Plum Zarechnaya in 1988 was registered in the State Register by G. Kursakov as an early ripening variety. It was liked by many appraisers, and thanks to its characteristics it grows in latitudes with a temperate climate. Home plum Zarechnaya early can withstand cold and heat, which makes it universal for many gardeners and breeders.

Most often it can be found on the territory of the CIS countries and the Baltic states. Sometimes plums can be found in areas of central Siberia, where summers are warm and winters are not very severe.

Description plum Zarechnaya early

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Early ripe varieties of plums are characterized by low growth, so their crown is sprawling and dense. The average foliage speaks of the impossibility of growing a dense crop, but this does not prevent the owners from enjoying ripe fruits.

The description of the Zarechnaya plum can be stopped in more detail on the crown and foliage. The branches of this plum variety have a rounded shape, low shoots. The crown does not grow and develop quickly, but the foliage appears earlier than the shoots. This is not typical for early plum varieties, but Zarechnaya early is considered an exception in this regard.

The shoots of the early Zarechnaya plum are small, brown. At the same time, the kidneys are saturated brown, but small with a sharp crown. Pointed “bodies” are distinguished by the shape of a droplet, which are tightly pressed with the whole mass to the shoots.

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

The Zarechnaya plum variety has large leaves that are slightly pointed, but still remain round. This compensates for their not dense location, and due to their space they create a shadow. The flowers can be described as white with a yellow tint shoots, inside which the pistil is twice as large as the stamens. Inside, they are quite bright at the base – greenish with a slight orange color.

The fruits of the Zarechnaya early plum variety are quite beautiful:

  1. These are beautiful purple sweets.
  2. Their shape is even, round, not flattened.
  3. The mass of one plum reaches 60 g.
  4. Wax coating is not too dense.
  5. The pulp of the Zarechnaya plum has a sweet taste with sourness, which disappears closer to the period of full ripening.
  6. The skin is not thick, but dense. It is hard to bite through it, but it preserves the taste and prevents the fruit from spoiling.

Thanks to these characteristics, Zarechnaya early plum tolerates transportation conditions very well. Transportable, almost indestructible in the cold store, and often it is the subject of export and import. The tasting score is 4,7 points, which is not bad for an early variety with small fruits and such a crown.

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Domestic plum Zarechnaya early, the description of which is gaining the attention of many selectors, is considered a table-technical variety. This makes it in demand among private traders and farming companies.

Characteristics of a variety 

The characteristic of the Zarechnaya early plum variety differs from other species. Its data on resistance to cold and frost deserve special attention. Also attracted by its ability to survive intense heat without requiring additional watering.

Drought resistance, frost resistance 

Plum variety Zarechnaya early easily tolerates drought and frost. Annual and biennial seedlings should be covered with snow in the first years of life. In summer, only two waterings are enough, as the tree quickly blooms and bears fruit.

Pollinators of plum Zarechnaya early

The plum variety Zarechnaya early is considered self-fertile, therefore, plums of the Renklod Tambovsky or Etude variety are always planted next to the seedlings. These pollinating plums allow you to get a rich harvest. The study will “transfer” its properties, rewarding the seedlings with future sweet fruits. One variety is enough. If you plant two pollinators at once, the Zarechnaya early plum will adopt the properties of both varieties at once.

Important! When planting Etude and Renklod Tambovsky, it is important to keep the distance between pollinators.

It is best to plant them on opposite sides of Zarechnaya Domnaya. Then the fruits will be evenly on the plum, and the ripening will be the same as in the description.

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

It blooms in early spring, and after a few weeks it is ready to bear fruit. She shares them as quickly as she blooms. In just a week, plums of this variety grow, but ripen towards the end of spring. Then you can feel the sour taste, and quite dessert.

Yield and fruiting 

The flowering time of the Zarechnaya early plum is short – only a few weeks after the snow has melted. Already after the appearance of the buds, the plum bears fruit – a week after the flowers bloom. An early-growing variety produces a crop evenly distributed on the crown. The fruits ripen quickly, and the taste does not change, despite the timing of the harvest.

Scope of berries

The self-fertile plum Zarechnaya early is used for domestic and commercial purposes. Private owners plant it in their country garden. Farmers resort to planting large plots. Part of the plum goes to processing, where various secondary products are obtained from it, such as purees, juices and jams. For home use, it is suitable for baking, compotes and jams. You should not use it for drying, as the skin is dense, and the final product is too hard.

Disease and pest resistance

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

So that the plum does not hurt, it is advisable to plant it in the region in which it is zoned. The Zarechnaya early plum variety is not susceptible to severe and frequent diseases, but it is worth taking care of disease prevention, as sometimes it is affected by fungus and “colds”.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

It has many advantages, but it also has disadvantages. The height of the Zarechnaya early plum tree reaches more than 2 m, which is an indisputable advantage, because the crop on it is large and dense due to medium-sized plums. Among the shortcomings, one can only single out that the plum variety is early, and sometimes it is not suitable for seasonal sale.

Planting plum Zarechnaya 

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Before you stock up on materials and plant a garden with fruit trees, you should figure out which variety to plant. Much depends on the rootstock, water and soil fertility. The yellow plum Zarechnaya is also a relative of the early plum, but it differs in color and fruit pulp. Accordingly, these two varieties will look good together, since they need a maximum of one pollinator.

Important! Plum variety Zarechnaya early loves sunny weather and freedom of space, so you should not plant a garden closely.

Plum Zarechnaya early does not tolerate hurricanes and strong winds, so you need to prepare a shelter in advance that would protect plums of this variety. Just the same for them, you can pick up a small area right behind the house or along the fence. Clay and sand are the most terrible enemies for them, therefore they avoid such areas. The water level should reach 2 m, then the plum will take root.

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Between plums of the same variety there should be at least 3-4 m, preferably 5-6 m, so that they can spread their branches. The crown will create a shadow, so abundant watering in the summer is not necessary.

Recommended dates 

Early spring is considered the best time for planting, as the name of the plum indicates. It is permissible to plant annual seedlings, but only by the end of spring, and in autumn – only two-year-olds. Then the trees will survive both the winds in winter and the slushy demi-season bad weather.

Choosing the right place 

Early, like the Hungarian Zarechnaya plum, loves a cozy place, a nook that will protect from unnecessary winds and frosts. Do not plant in the sun, because an excessive amount of UV rays will be superfluous for the crown of the plum tree.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby 

It is not recommended to plant fruit trees that are not pollinators. There are few of them for the Zarechnaya early plum, so it is permissible to plant one variety. There should not be an abundance of other fruit trees.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Before planting, a hole is dug 60 x 60 in size. This is enough for the roots to grapple with the ground. A stake is installed at the bottom of the pit, which will serve as a support. Plum Zarechnaya early is not located close to the stake – it is 17-18 cm away from the center.

Landing algorithm 

The very process of planting a plum variety Zarechnaya early is as follows:

  1. After landing, the pit is covered with earth.
  2. Fertilizers do not need to be prepared, only after instillation.
  3. A moat is made around the plum, where water is poured.

Immediately after filling the soil, you need to water the plums abundantly. It is advisable to do this in three or four visits, so that the earth is initially saturated, and the plum can “drink” for the next few weeks.

Plum Aftercare

To improve and maintain the quality of fruits, it is worth adjusting the degree of fruiting and crown density:

  1. Unwanted layers are removed.
  2. Dry branches are pruned.
  3. The distance between the fruits is also manually adjustable.
  4. Branches are thinned out in harvest years if it is necessary to reduce fruiting or make it uniform annually.

It is also important to install a support that will not come into contact with the tree trunk. They also need to be installed under the branches so that they do not break under the weight of the crop. It is not necessary to feed the first years of life. Plum variety Zarechnaya early does not need this, what is its advantage. But in the third year it is worth fertilizing:

  • At the end of spring, urea is added and diluted in a bucket of water.
  • Next month, more urea – already 1,5 times more.
  • In August, there is as much urea as it was in May, at the end of the season.

The tree no longer needs to be fed. It remains to monitor the growth and uniform spreading of the crown.

Important! To form a crown on your own, since the early Zarechnaya plum is not inclined to this, you need to cut not the side branches, but the central main one.

Low trees endure winters better when they grow in breadth rather than up. Care will also be simplified, because not everyone can get to the top.

Plum variety Zarechnaya early, fruiting in 2015

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention 

Plum Zarechnaya early: variety description, photos, reviews

Diseases affect plum varieties President and Zarechnaya early, which are similar to each other in this:

  1. Sometimes a plum of this variety can get sick with bushiness and rust.
  2. Scab is also common.
  3. Clasterosporiasis and moniliosis are more common.
  4. Coccomycosis is the main problem if it appears.

Some diseases are very difficult to get rid of. Also, plums of the Zarechnaya early variety are threatened by the danger of pests: ringed silkworms love trunks and branches, like the plum codling moth. And the hawthorn and the fruit mite eat the leaves and all the fruits. Aphids attack shoots and early fruits.


Plum Zarechnaya early is a heat-loving tree that bestows fruits. So that the plums of the Zarechnaya early variety do not get sick, you need to carry out prevention. The fruits must have the declared taste, and the condition of the tree must remain satisfactory.

Reviews of gardeners about plum Zarechnaya early

Kostrov Evgeniy Evgenievich, 39 years old, Kyiv
For a long time I dreamed of planting a plum that would not require different feeding and care. I didn’t water it especially, because in summer and spring the earth is wet, the seasons are rainy. The fruits went to the second year, but I had to leave them, because I did not have time to cut off the flowering. But I do not prune and always get a stable harvest. Probably could have been more, but he missed this moment.
Timofeev Arkady Valerievich, 65 years old, Lviv
I never dealt with plums, but I had to – my granddaughter was born. For her sake, I planted Zarechnaya early because, like the baby was born early. By the way, my old garden began to bloom when my granddaughter was brought into the house. Stayed for a short time, but everything came to life. Then the cacti blossomed, and the apple trees, and even my pears. I did not expect to get such a harvest, but still there is a miracle in this matter.

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