Plum yellow self-fertile

Plum yellow self-fertile is a variety of garden plum with yellow fruits. There are many varieties of this plum that can be grown in home gardens. Their cultivation practically does not differ from the agricultural technology of ordinary plum varieties – red or blue. You can read about the features of the yellow plum, its varieties, the method of cultivation and care in this article.

What is the difference between yellow plum

Yellow plum is considered a hybrid form obtained from cultivated cherry plum and wild plum. The result is a plant characterized by good resistance to poor growing conditions. According to the description of plum varieties, yellow self-fertile fruits in such varieties are distinguished by their excellent sweet taste and versatility of use: they can be eaten fresh, as well as home-made preparations from them – jam, jam, compotes.

Important! The advantage of the yellow plum is its self-fertility, which means that by planting even 1 tree in the garden, you can be sure of getting a stable harvest every year.

Plum yellow self-fertile

Varieties of yellow self-fertile plum

It cannot be said that there are many varieties of yellow self-pollinating plums, but it is enough to choose one that you like if you want to plant it in your summer cottage or backyard. For example, you can choose such varieties.

In memory of Timiryazev

The variety was bred in the second half of the XNUMXth century from Victoria and Skorospelka Krasnaya. Is one of the most popular. The fruits are egg-shaped, yellow in color, with a red side. The pulp of plums is medium juicy, but dense, the taste is sour.

This variety of yellow plum belongs to the late ones, so the fruits ripen only by the end of summer or the beginning of autumn.

Advantages: excellent taste of fruits, resistance to dangerous diseases: clasterosporia and fruit rot. Disadvantages: low frost resistance and drought resistance, relatively low yield, susceptibility to attack by ticks.

yellow self fertile

Description of the yellow self-fertile plum with a photo: its fruits are yellow, medium in size, round in shape, with a dense skin and medium-dense pulp. The taste of ripe plums is sweetish, with sourness. The yield of this variety is good. The fruits of the Self-fertile Yellow can be harvested as early as the beginning of August. Advantages of this variety: transportability, cold and drought resistance, good resistance to diseases and pests. Of the minuses, one can single out the size of the tree, the low ability to recover from damage.

Plum yellow self-fertile


The variety belongs to the early ripening ones, obtained from crossing the varieties Renklod Ullensa and Skorospelka Krasnaya. Its fruits are oval, greenish-yellow in color, with a blush. There is a light wax coating on the skin, the pulp is very juicy, sweet-sour, yellow, aromatic. The fruits are transportable, they can be eaten fresh and processed into plum juice, jam, compotes, etc.

Mother’s memory

An early variety, plum fruits ripen at the end of the second – beginning of the third month of summer. Plums are rounded, with a yellow-green skin. The pulp is very tender, sweet and sour, always juicy and also yellow. The variety shows high resistance to fruit rot and another disease – clasterosporiosis.


The variety is characterized by cold resistance and excellent yield, as well as early ripeness, fruit attractiveness, and their harmonious taste. Plums are small, their skin and flesh are yellow, there is a blush on the surface of the skin.

Greengage Green

Also an early variety of yellow plum, it begins to bear fruit already from 3-4 years of age. Fruits are yellow-green, with sweet pulp, dense structure. Suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for cooking jams, jams and similar preservation.

Plum yellow self-fertile

Renkloed collective farm

Its fruits are medium in size, their skin is greenish-yellow, the flesh is the same color. The taste is sweet and sour. Plum juicy. The trees of Renklod collective farm are distinguished by regular fruiting.

yellow honey

The variety is early, has another name – White Honey. It is characterized by unpretentiousness to the climatic features of the terrain and soil, disease resistance, ease of planting and care. The fruits are oval in shape, the skin is rich yellow with a wax coating, the flesh is greenish-yellow, juicy, easily separated from the stone. The taste is sweet, but not cloying, with a pronounced taste and smell of honey. Ripe, but not overripe plums tolerate transportation and storage well.

Late golden large

The fruits of this variety are light yellow in color, on the sunny side with a pink blush, sweet taste and excellent aroma. A feature of the variety is that fruits can ripen a little after removing them from the tree and be stored for 1,5 months.


This variety is obtained by crossing the Ussuri and American plums. Differs in cold resistance, immunity to diseases and pests. The fruits are small, amber in color and dessert taste, ripen in early August. The flesh is firm, but tender, not fibrous.


Fruits are ovoid, rather large, sweet taste. They ripen in the second half of August. Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, yield, resistance to temperature fluctuations.


This variety of domestic plum yellow self-fertile has a very sweet taste. The fruits are small, narrowed towards the edges, similar in shape and color to cherry plum.

Plum yellow self-fertile

Features of planting and caring for yellow self-fertile plum

Many gardeners are attracted by the wonderful characteristics of the yellow self-fertile plum: high yield, ease of plant care and excellent taste. But in order to get the maximum result, it is necessary to choose a variety that will correspond to the region and provide the seedling with the necessary care.

How to plant a self-fertile plum

Yellow plum can grow in almost any soil, but fertile and loose ones are still preferred. Neutral reaction is best, slightly acidic is acceptable. If the soil reaction is acidic, it must be limed.

The drain does not like excessive moisture, so you need to choose a place where groundwater does not come too close to the soil surface. You need to place the seedling in a sunny area, but not in the shade of buildings or other tall trees. The distance between two young plums should not be less than 3 m. The diameter of the landing pit is approximately 0,7 m, the depth is not less than 0,6 m.

Boarding process:

  1. Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pit.
  2. Then up to half of the fertile land with humus.
  3. Plant a tree, water it.
  4. Sprinkle with earth and tamp it a little.
  5. The trunk circle is covered with dry grass mulch.

Planting is done in spring, before bud break and in autumn, after leaf fall, but before frost. For the winter, a newly planted plant must be covered with plant material, regardless of whether it is frost-resistant or not.

Plum yellow self-fertile

Caring for a yellow self-fertile plum

In the first year, it is not necessary to fertilize the seedlings with anything; the fertilizers that were applied to the planting pits are enough. Only starting from the third year, fertilizing is done with mineral fertilizers: nitrogen – in the spring and after flowering, potassium-phosphorus – in the fall, during digging. In addition to mineral fertilizers, you can also use organic matter traditionally used to feed garden plants: manure, sifted ash, humus.

Young trees must be watered before rooting so that the ground is constantly wet, then in dry weather about 1 time in 2-3 weeks, but plentifully, pouring at least 50 liters of water under each root. Adult plums from 4–5 years old do not need to be watered, except in very strong heat.

In the first years of life, yellow plums show a strong and sometimes uneven growth of branches, so they must be cut off: remove thickening branches, in spring – frozen parts of the shoots, shorten too long ones.

Preparation of yellow plum self-fertile for winter

Many mature yellow self-fertile plums tolerate the winter cold well, so they do not need to be covered for the winter. But the seedlings of the current year need to be covered: dig up the ground around the trunk, along the way, cut out all the root shoots. Cover the surface of the soil with a thick layer of foliage, hay, straw, spruce branches. Tie the branches together and cover with burlap. In the spring, with the onset of heat, the covering material can be removed, foliage or hay can be left: they will serve as a natural organic fertilizer.


Plum yellow self-fertile will appeal to amateur gardeners for the unusual color of the fruit and excellent taste. Its agricultural technology and care procedures are no different from those recommended for plums of other flowers, so absolutely everyone can handle its cultivation.

Plum yellow self-fertile


Below are reviews of the yellow self-fertile plum of some amateur gardeners.

Medvedeva Valentina Petrovna, 54 years old, Rostov
My whole family loves yellow plum. I have 2 trees of different varieties and different fruiting periods in my garden, so in summer and autumn we always have fresh fruits in stock. They taste sweet, juicy, smell of sun and honey. We eat these plums just like that, and also close home-made preparations from them – golden jam, fragrant compotes, thick jams. In winter, they remind of summer. I recommend everyone to buy at least one yellow plum for your garden.
Alieva Marina Vitalievna, 31 years old, Belgorod
In addition to the blue plum, a yellow one also grows on my site. The variety is early, begins to bear fruit at the end of July. The fruits are medium-sized, but not small, very sweet and fragrant. At the time of mass fruiting, I cook compotes and jam from them, which turns out to be sweet and without added sugar.

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