Plum Ural

Plum Uralskaya is a frost-resistant variety of a fruit tree. Widely distributed in the northern regions of the country. Excellent taste qualities of fruits, regular fruiting, a large harvest made the variety in demand in large and small gardening.

History of variety breeding

Subspecies of the Ural plum were bred by breeders after a series of scientific experiments. Red, yellow varieties appeared thanks to the Chelyabinsk scientist Mullayanov K.K. He crossed the cherry plum hybrids, obtaining a new variety. In 2002, they crossed the Yellow Hopta with the dogwood. The result was the Ural Golden Plum.

Description of Ural plum varieties

The Ural plum variety was bred for the purpose of cultivation in the harsh climate of Siberia, the Urals. Its subspecies are very popular with local gardeners:

  • Ural Yellow;
  • Ural Red;
  • Ural Golden.

Ural Red

A distinctive feature of the Ural red plum is an increased level of frost resistance. The variety can be grown in the northern regions with low temperatures.

Red plum has a number of characteristics. They must be taken into account when planting, leaving:

  1. Trees of medium height. Mature plants reach 2-3 m.
  2. The crown is thick and wide.
  3. The fruits are small. The weight of one is 15 g. The plum is red, oval in shape. In the process of maturation, the side seam may be covered with cracks.
  4. The taste is sweet with sourness. Yellow flesh is juicy. The bone is small.
  5. The first crop is harvested after 4 years. Fruiting increases every year.

Plum Ural

Ural Golden

The history of the subspecies begins in 2002. The breeder bred a new variety by crossing Yellow Hopta with dogwood. The main features of the hybrid:

  1. Tree of medium height.
  2. The crown is spreading, dense.
  3. Golden fruits weigh 15-17 g. The pulp of plums is yellow, juicy, sweet.
  4. Harvest regular, plentiful. Fruit ripening speed is fast.
Important! The subspecies has a high level of resistance to diseases and pests. Additional protection against aphids, clasterosporiasis is required.

Plum Ural

The fruits can be consumed fresh. Golden plums are often used for canning.

Ural Yellow

The subspecies of the Ural plum is oriented to the harsh climate of the northern regions.

Plum Ural

The yellow variety has distinctive features:

  1. It is shaped like a shrub. Grows up to 2,5 m.
  2. The crown of the plum tree is spreading, dense.
  3. The branches are flexible. At the base they are wide, the endings are thin.
  4. Plum blossoms in mid-May with beautiful white inflorescences.
  5. The fruits are round in shape with a small stone. The weight of one plum is 15-16 g. The taste is sweet without sourness.
  6. Fruiting is regular in early August. One tree gives 10-15 kg of fruit.

Plum Ural

The fruits of the Yellow Ural Plum tolerate transportation well and are stored for a long time.

The variety is self-infertile. He needs additional pollinators. Another subspecies is best suited for this – Ural Red. The variety is unpretentious. Regular watering, top dressing, additional warming are the main care procedures.

Ural prunes

Ural prunes are a frost-resistant variety. Distinctive features of the subspecies:

  1. The tree is average. Grows up to 2 m.
  2. The crown is spreading, dense.
  3. The shade of the fruit is from dark red to black. The weight of one oval plum is 15 g. The taste is sweet, slightly tart.
  4. The harvest of the subspecies is regular, plentiful.

Plum Ural

The fruits tolerate transportation well. Most often they are used in the manufacture of dried fruits.

Characteristics of a variety

The characteristic features of the Ural plum allow you to build a competent scheme for caring for the plant. This will contribute to a bountiful harvest, the health of the tree.

Drought resistance, frost resistance

Subspecies of the Ural variety have a high level of frost resistance. The variety was bred for distribution in the northern regions. The plant favors a warm climate. Under drought conditions, the plum needs regular watering.

Plum pollinators

The flowering period is early. In May, the plant is covered with fragrant inflorescences. To obtain a crop, pollinators are needed in the form of other subspecies of the variety: Ural Red, Yellow, Golden. The fruits have an average ripening rate.

Yield and fruiting

The variety gives regular, plentiful harvests. The first fruiting occurs on average 3-4 years after planting the seedling. The fruits of the Ural plum are large, sweet.

Scope of berries

The fruits of the Red, Yellow, Golden plums are used for conservation: jams, jams, compotes. Ural prunes are great for harvesting dried fruits. Fresh fruits are a delicious summer dessert.

Resistance to diseases, pests

The level of resistance to diseases, pests in all subspecies of the Ural plum is high. The golden variety can be affected by aphids, klyasterosporiosis. With additional preventive measures, this problem can be avoided.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The undeniable advantages of the Ural variety favorably distinguish it in comparison with other varieties of northern fruit crops:

  1. High frost resistance.
  2. Trees are pollinators within their own cultivar.
  3. Harvests of large plums are regular and plentiful.
  4. Good resistance to pests and diseases.
  5. Possibility of long storage of fruits. Excellent transportability.

During frequent thaws, plum immunity may decrease. She needs careful care during this period.

Features of landing

Planting Ural Red, Golden, Yellow Plums is a standard process. You should carefully choose a place for landing, follow the recommended sequence of actions in a favorable period.

Recommended dates

Best time to plant: March-April. Seedlings planted in early spring will strengthen, acclimatize, and prepare for autumn and winter frosts during the summer period.

What kind of soil does the Ural plum like?

Frost-resistant plant prefers sunny places in the garden. The landing area must be on a hill. Plum does not like drafts. In the lowland, it will be blown by strong northerly winds. Fertile soil is perfect for the Ural variety. Choose a soil with a neutral level of acidity. Otherwise, the variety grows slowly, bears fruit poorly.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby

Do not create an artificial shade for the plum. Tall trees with a spreading crown are not suitable as good neighbors (maple, birch, poplar, etc.). Subspecies of the Ural plum take root next to each other. Often plantings are formed precisely from varieties of the same variety.

Selection and preparation of planting material

A standard set of planting materials should be ready two weeks before direct work with a seedling:

  1. Shovel.
  2. Rake for loosening.
  3. Fertilizers.
  4. Devices for additional support (stake, rope).
  5. Water.

Landing algorithm

Landing preparations begin two weeks in advance. The selected seedling must be carefully examined. Dry, rotten areas are cut off. The remaining parts are processed with potassium permanganate. The stages of planting a seedling are not labor-intensive:

  1. The formation of pits. Holes are dug in advance. The parameters of the planting holes should correspond to the size of the rhizome. Width – 70 cm, diameter – 70 cm.
  2. Soil preparation. The soil from the hole is mixed with peat, humus. The resulting mixture is poured into the pit.
  3. The seedling is lowered into the recess. A stake is placed next to it for better fixation. The stalk is sprinkled with earth, rammed.
  4. Watering required. Up to 15 liters of water are consumed per plant.
  5. With a soft rope, the seedling is tied to a peg.

Plum Ural

Plum Aftercare

Ural Red, Yellow, Golden plums do not require careful maintenance. If a gardener wants a high-quality, plentiful harvest, then it is necessary to adhere to the established rules:

  1. Watering. Water five times during the season. The first moistening is carried out during the swelling of the kidneys. The second – before flowering, the third – after it. Active watering should be carried out at the stage of fruit formation. At least 20 liters of water are consumed per tree.
  2. Additional fertilizing. Organic fertilizers are applied at the time of digging the soil in spring and autumn. During flowering, after it, the plum is fed with potash, phosphorus preparations.
  3. Trimming necessary for the formation of the correct crown. The best period is April, May. A newly planted seedling is shortened to a height of 70 cm. In subsequent years, they work with a central conductor. It should be higher than the side shoots.
  4. Prevention diseases, pests.
  5. Preparation for winter. A frost-resistant plant needs additional shelter before the onset of cold weather.
Important! Fertilize the Ural plum from the third year of life. Before that, she has enough top dressing laid in the planting pit.
SUMMER CUTTING PLUM. Simple principles.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention

Disease / wrecker

Method of struggle



Treatment with insecticides:

· «Novaktion»;

· «Sumition»;

· “Fufanon”.

When spraying, the solution should fall on the inside of the leaves.

As a preventive measure before flowering, after it, the entire tree is sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture. Be sure to destroy dry, rotten branches, clean the area around from the remnants of fruits, dry leaves


Use spraying solution:

· Bordeaux liquid;

· “Kusproska”;



Ural plum is a popular northern fruit tree. Due to frost resistance, it is widely distributed in Siberia, in the Urals. Red, Yellow, Golden plums are bright representatives of the variety. The regularity of a bountiful harvest is one of the main advantages of subspecies.


Kornev Matvey, Yekaterinburg
For our harsh climate, few varieties of fruit trees have been created. Not every plant will withstand a prolonged cold period. Ural Red plum perfectly takes root in conditions of low temperatures. The variety has been producing a large harvest for the fifth year already. Each time it becomes more and more. Children are happy with tasty and large plums.
Losev Mikhail, Chelyabinsk
Our city is the birthplace of the Ural plum tree. The golden variety is the first tree planted in our garden. We knew that there would be a lot of fruit. The first harvest exceeded our expectations. Large golden fruits pleased with sweet taste. They made excellent jam, compote. The grandchildren ate the sweet fruit with pleasure.

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