Plum tincture at home – a recipe for vodka and alcohol

There is one beautiful, but rather fictional fact: Queen Elizabeth II begins her first meal with two plums. It is known for sure that Her Majesty is not averse to knocking over a cocktail of one part gin and two parts Dubonnet in the evening. She just didn’t try our homemade plum tincture…

In fact, the queen would have liked plum liqueur or liqueur more. Plum tincture is a masculine drink, strong, but easy to drink and does not cause a hangover. For the king, in general. Cooking it is not difficult, but it will take endurance (both the drink and yours). Get patience, good moonshine, alcohol or vodka, as well as ripe plums. Recipes, by the way, are suitable for all varieties of plums, but the best tincture is obtained from Hungarians, renklod and mirabelle.

Plum tincture bitter on vodka

  • 1 kg ripe plums
  • ¼ pits from plums
  • 1 liter of vodka or moonshine 45%

Wash the plums, cut in half and remove the pits. Transfer the fruits to a jar of a suitable volume, add ¼ of the total number of plum seeds and pour vodka. Seal the jar tightly and put it on the windowsill or any other sunny place in your house. After a month, drain the tincture through a sieve, filter and bottle. Before drinking, it is recommended to wait a couple of months, and preferably six months. The tincture is very drinkable, despite the fact that there is practically no sugar in it (except for those sugars that are in the pulp of the plum). No hangover in the morning.

Plum tincture “Tempered” on alcohol

  • 1 kg ripe plums (Hungarian)
  • 0,5 l of alcohol or moonshine 60-70%
  • 1 tbsp sugar (optional)

Wash the plums, break and remove the pits. Pour them with alcohol so as to completely cover the fruits, and leave in a warm sunny place for at least 2-3 months (sunlight will change the color of the drink, make it lighter, straw). Then drain the tincture through a sieve, filter, add a tablespoon of sugar if desired, stir and bottle. It is recommended to withstand for a long time, up to several years – you will not regret it.

Plum in wine with rum

  • 1 kg ripe plums (Hungarian)
  • 0,4 l dry red wine
  • 0,2-0,5 l of vodka or alcohol*
  • 400-700 g of sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 0,8 l light rum

* The amount of vodka or alcohol, as well as their strength, affects the final strength of the drink. When adding 0,2 l of vodka, you get a drink with a strength of about 30% +.

Rinse plums, remove pits. Boil wine in an enamel saucepan, add cinnamon, sugar (choose the amount at your discretion) and chopped plums. Boil for 1 minute. Then the mixture must be cooled, poured into a jar of a suitable volume, add vodka / alcohol and rum. Close the jar tightly and insist in a dark, cool place for 2-3 weeks. Then drain the tincture through a sieve and filter. Keep the drink as long as possible.

Liquor tincture on plum with rowan

This is more of a liqueur, but I liked the recipe so much that I decided to include it in this article. Also, instead of 150 ml of water from the original recipe, I added 250 ml of vodka to make the drink a little stronger than originally intended.

  • 500 g rowan
  • 500 g ripe plums
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 500 g sugar
  • 250 ml of alcohol
  • 250 ml of vodka
  • 1 lemon

Collect mountain ash away from the roads. Rinse it well, let it dry and leave it overnight in the freezer to remove the bitterness. Rinse the plums, remove the pits. Place rowanberries and plums in a saucepan, add sugar, juice of one lemon and cinnamon stick. Put the pan on the fire and boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Then cool the contents of the pan, add vodka and alcohol. Pour everything into a jar of a suitable volume, close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark, cool place for at least a month. Strain, filter and bottle.

Long exposure is welcome.

Alcoholic plums that remain after making the liqueur do not need to be thrown away. Transfer them to small jars and fill with the rest of the liquor, for example, with the part that remains after removing the drink from the sediment (cloudy fraction). Plums stored in this way can be used all year round to decorate cakes, ice cream or desserts, as well as an ingredient in meat.

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