Plum snow white: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The plum is a fruit tree that produces sweet and juicy fruits with hard pits. In our country, plums are widely used in cooking. They can be dried, dried, canned, baked and eaten fresh. In total, about 30 varieties of plums grow in the world. Today we will talk about one of the most frost-resistant representatives of its species – the Snow White variety.

Variety description

Snow White was bred by the breeder K. K. Mullaianov specifically for the conditions of Siberia and the Urals. The most important asset of the plum is its frost resistance. According to confirmed data, the trees successfully endured frosts down to -1998°C in 40.

Plum snow white: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The tree grows on average to a height of only 2-2,5 meters. At the same time, it has a fairly spreading crown with a diameter of up to 4 meters.

The leaves are oblong in shape. They are painted in rich green. The outer surface of the leaf is smooth and shiny. The average annual growth of the crown is about 50 centimeters. Flowers bloom before leaves appear. Peduncles are painted white. Leaves appear immediately after the tree has faded.

The name of the variety comes from the color of the fruit. They have a light yellow skin, which becomes covered with a dense white waxy coating during ripening. Themselves the correct rounded shape. The average fruit weight under favorable conditions and sufficient care is up to 30 grams. From 1 tree in a harvest year, you can collect 20-30 kilograms of fruit. It is also worth noting that the size of the fruits directly depends on their number.

If the tree is, in the literal sense of the word, covered with plums, then there is no need to wait for the giants. If the harvest turned out to be moderate, then the fruits will be poured and large. According to taste characteristics, Snow White is given 4,6 points out of 5. Even in a ripe state, a slight sourness remains. This variety is classified as mid-season, so the harvest is planned for the second half of August. Snow White should be planted in soil with a neutral pH. If your soil gives an acidic reaction, then fluffy lime can be added during digging.

Video “Vaccination for plum”

06 05 12 Mitino Plum grafting

How to choose a seedling

The right choice of planting material is the key to good survival and high yields in the future. It is best to purchase young seedlings aged 1 to 2 years. If you are not well versed in gardening, choose trusted certified nurseries and stores to buy. When buying a plum from your hands, you run the risk of making a mistake with the variety and getting something completely different from what you expected.

The trunk of the seedling should be smooth, without damage and signs of disease. Pay special attention to the root system. Roots should be developed up to 30 centimeters long. It is advisable to choose such options where the root system has many branches and small roots. It will be easier for such a plant to take root in a new place.

Plum snow white: advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Be sure to check the root in the cut. Inside it should be juicy and white. If you see a brown-black color, then the plant has been without soil for too long or has frozen. In addition, there should be no growths and seals on the roots. Such neoplasms appear with cancer of the roots.

As for the shoots, by their color you can roughly understand what kind of variety you have in your hands. Since Snow White produces light yellow fruits, the shoots should be painted in a grayish, greenish or yellowish hue. If the shoots are dark with a purple tint, then the fruits will be dark. You can plant acquired seedlings both in spring and autumn. The main thing is to withstand all the features of agricultural technology.

 Video “Formation and pruning of seedlings”

How to properly care for a tree so that it gives the best harvest, see the video below.

Shaping, pruning cherry plums, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, apricots, peach bushes.

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