Plum Krasnomyasaya is one of the most favorite plum varieties among gardeners. It grows both in the southern regions and in the north: in the Urals, in Siberia. High adaptability and survival in almost any conditions made this variety the most common in any region of the country.
History of variety breeding
The Krasnomyasaya plum variety was obtained at the Lisavenko NIISS in Altai (Chemal) by crossing the Chinese plum and cherry plum. Plum Krasnomyasaya has many subspecies, such as Oval, Large, Podgornaya and others. All 12 types of this plum are frost-resistant and high yielding.
Description of the Red Plum
- The tree does not differ in tallness, reaches 4 m, but representatives of this species are grown in garden farms with a height of 3–3,5 meters.
- The bark is smooth, light gray. Plum Krasnomyasaya has a compact crown, sparse, spherical. In the openwork shade of a tree, it is good to place undersized plants.
- The leaves of the Red Meat are dark green in color, with notches. The leaf blade is fleshy, light green below. The surface is smooth and glossy.
- The flowers are small, pale pink in color, with regular oval petals, their usual number is 5.
- The fruits are dark red in color, fleshy, juicy, have a sweet and sour taste with a pronounced plum aroma. The shape of the berries is round, sometimes slightly elongated. The skin is sour and may be bitter. The stone is small, oval, easily separated from the pulp. The weight of the fetus ranges from 20 g to 30 g.
- Plum Krasnomyasaya has an average fruit ripening period. The harvest is in mid-August. From one tree you can collect up to 20 kg of berries. They tolerate transportation well, do not deteriorate.
The variety is grown everywhere in the southern and northern regions, since the Red-meat plum is frost-resistant and drought-resistant.
Characteristics of a variety
Plum Krasnomyasaya has all the main features of its relatives, but there are still some features of the variety.
Drought resistance, frost resistance
Plum Krasnomyasaya is a drought-resistant variety, does not tolerate the proximity of groundwater, exposure to wind and drafts.
Differs in high frost resistance. It tolerates winters well. This is due to its distribution in the northern regions.
Plum pollinators
The Krasnomyasaya variety is self-fertile, therefore it requires the planting of pollinators in the neighborhood. Often, the Ussuri plum is chosen for this, and the hybrid cherry plum is also suitable. It is well cross-pollinated with Skoroplodnaya and plum. The flowering period of these species falls at the beginning of May, the presented varieties bloom synchronously, so there are no problems with pollination. Fruit ripening occurs in the second half of August.
Yield and fruiting
The fruiting of the Krasnomyasaya plum variety occurs in the middle – the end of August, depending on the region. In the southern part of Our Country, plums begin to ripen in early August, in the northern regions – in the last days of summer.
Plum Krasnomyasaya has a high yield. From one tree you can collect up to 20 kg of fruit. The variety bears fruit every year, regardless of weather conditions.
Scope of berries
The fruits of the Krasnomyasaya plum are used both fresh and processed. Dried fruits, juice, jam, pastries are prepared from them. Housewives make preparations for the winter from plum fruits.
Disease and pest resistance
Plum Krasnomyasaya is a variety resistant to most pests and diseases characteristic of plums. Not affected by aphids, but subject to gum disease. Well resists the main enemy of plums – clasterosporiasis.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Benefits of Red Meat:
- high yield;
- good taste of fruits;
- frost resistance and drought resistance;
- resistance to most diseases inherent in plums;
- high adaptability to climatic conditions;
- annual fruiting.
Plum Disadvantages:
- self-infertility (requires the presence of pollinators);
- loves good lighting;
- does not tolerate drafts;
- needs non-acidified soils where there is no groundwater.
This variety has more pros than cons. This is the reason for the wide distribution of plums in Europe and Asia.
Features of landing
Krasnomyasaya does not differ in most landing conditions from its relatives. But the plum is demanding on the landing site and the choice of neighbors.
Recommended dates
The tree is planted in the spring, after frost, in the soil already warmed by the sun. Depending on the region, this may be the end of March – the beginning of May.
Planting is possible in the fall, before the onset of frost, when the soil is still warm enough, and night temperatures do not fall below zero.
Choosing the right place
Red meat grows on any soil, except acidic. Requires a well lit area.
It is advisable to place the seedling in the south or in the eastern part of the site. The place for the plant is chosen sunny, exclude the windy side. It is good to plant a tree under the cover of a building, a fence, and other trees.
Plum planting:
What crops can and cannot be planted nearby
Plum Krasnomyasaya gets along with many horticultural crops. The only thing that cannot be planted nearby is tall trees. Red meat does not tolerate blackouts.
Since this variety is self-fertile, it is good to plant a seedling surrounded by cherry plum and any type of plum, keeping a distance of 10 meters.
Selection and preparation of planting material
It is better to purchase a seedling for planting in a nursery to get a beautiful cultivated plant. Choose specimens with a well-developed root system and an even, strong trunk, thick and strong enough.
After choosing a plant, it is necessary to wrap the root in a cloth or oilcloth to retain moisture until planting. On the site before planting, the tree must be removed in a dark, cool place.
Landing algorithm
- For the future tree, they dig a hole 50-70 cm deep, depending on the length of the roots.
- The entire root should fit in the hole, with the exception of the root collar, which should remain on the surface.
- In the middle of the hole, it is necessary to hammer a wooden peg about a meter long: it will serve as a support for the seedling.
- A seedling is lowered into the middle of the hole and tied with a soft twine or ribbon to a peg slightly so as not to damage the plant stem.
- The root system is covered with loose soil and gently trampled down.
- Then the seedling must be watered abundantly.
Plum Aftercare
Plum Krasnomyasaya does not require complex care, but pruning, watering and winterizing the plant are necessary.
- Pruning of the plant is carried out in the fall, after harvesting, in the spring, before the start of sap flow, or in the summer as needed. Remove old dry branches, thin out the crown, trying to bring its shape closer to spherical. To do this, cut off the long parts of the old branches, contributing to the formation of young shoots.
- In autumn, after harvesting, the plum should be watered abundantly 2-3 times.
- It is good to combine moisturizing with top dressing. In a bucket for irrigation, you can dilute humus or nitrogenous fertilizers according to the instructions.
- In anticipation of frost, it is good to wrap the tree trunk with branches of spruce plants or shrubs. From above, garden insulation is wrapped with cellophane, roofing felt or cloth. This will protect the tree from frost and rodents.
How to prepare a plum for winter, you can learn from the video:
Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention
Red meat is not susceptible to diseases characteristic of plums. But there is a disease that is inherent in this variety – this is gum disease. Gum is a thick, tar-like substance that is released from damage to the trunk of a tree.
To prevent and treat this disease, you can take the following actions:
- Do not injure the tree by scraping off the old dead bark to a deep layer.
- Grow varieties according to their survival rate in certain climatic conditions: frost or sun can damage the integrity of the bark.
- Whiten tree trunks 2 times a year – in spring and autumn. This will protect the plum from the rays of the scorching sun.
- Wrap the plum for the winter, protecting the trunk from frost and rodents.
- Pruning with special tools (do not break branches), do it on time, without waiting for old branches to break off.
For treatment, the gum is cleaned with a garden knife, disinfected with copper sulphate, and the wound is covered with garden pitch.
Plum Krasnomyasaya is one of the most unpretentious varieties of this species. The yield of the tree is high, and care is practically not needed. If the garden needs to be replenished with an undemanding, but well-bearing specimen, then this variety is ideal.