Plum Red Ball

Plum Red Ball is a popular and beloved variety by gardeners. A Chinese woman is chosen for tasty fruits and short stature. Unlike standard varieties, the Red Ball is characterized by unpretentious care.

Plum Red Ball

History of variety breeding 

Breeding work is aimed at creating varieties that best meet the needs of gardeners. The Chinese Red Shar plum combines the characteristics of the American Burbank variety and the Ussuri Red. The authors were H. K. Enikeev and S. N. Satarova. Work on crossing species was carried out in the laboratory of the Moscow All- Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery. The variety was included in the State Register in 1989. This plum variety has the second name Raspberry ball.

Description of plum Red Ball

The tree is very suitable for growing in the garden. Plum Ball Red attracts with the parameters not only of the fruit, but also of the tree. An adult plant reaches a height of no more than 2,5 m, which makes care, as well as harvesting, very comfortable.

Plum Red Ball

The bark is smooth brown. There are very few branches on the tree, they are sprawling. Therefore, the crown cannot be called thickened. The variety forms ovaries on annual shoots and bouquet branches, which must be taken into account when pruning. The leaves are large, green, with a matte color, serrated edge. Plum blossoms before leaves appear. It pushes out 2-3 flowers from one bud, so the tree looks like a huge flower. But not every flower gives ovaries. The fruits are the pride of the plum. Large balls, justifying the name of the variety, reach a weight of 40 g each.

Plum Red Ball

The pulp is loose, slightly fibrous, the skin is dense with an inconspicuous side seam. The juice is very fragrant, sweet taste, tasty and healthy. The bone is easily separated.

Important! You need to harvest on time, otherwise the plums will burst and lose their presentation.

According to the recommendations of the originators of the variety, it is best to grow the Krasny Shar plum in the regions of the Central Region.

Characteristics of a variety 

To get the desired result, you need to be familiar with the characteristics of the plum. In this case, the whole algorithm for the care of the variety becomes clear.

Drought resistance, frost resistance 

The frost resistance of the Red Ball is very high. Even prolonged frosts down to -35оC and temperature fluctuations do not affect the condition of the tree, its yield. This characteristic of the Red Shar plum variety makes it possible to grow fruits in areas with cold winters. But sudden return frosts are not very desirable, the tree can freeze slightly.

Plum pollinators Red Ball

For good plum fruiting, planting of other varieties is necessary. Crimson Ball is a self-fertile species. The best pollinating varieties for the Red Ball plum are plants that bloom in one period:

  • Chinese plum;
  • plum Nezhenka;
  • plum plum;
  • cherry plum Kuban comet;
  • cherry plum Gold of the Scythians.
Important! Do not plant nearby as a pollinator House plum.

Flowering at the Red Ball comes very early, 2 weeks earlier than other varieties. The number of ovaries must be normalized, and in the first two years after planting, flowers should be removed. Otherwise, the fruits will be small, the ripening of the crop will be delayed.

Plum Red Ball

Yield and fruiting 

Plum begins to bear fruit quickly, after 2-3 years after planting, you can harvest the first crop. The fruits ripen in August. The peculiarity of flowering (the number of flowers from one bud) allows you to collect up to 18 kg of large “plum balls” from one tree.

Scope of berries

Plum Raspberry Ball belongs to the varieties of table destination. Therefore, the fruits are equally good both fresh and prepared. Plum jam, jam, jam, compotes, juices are prepared from them. A very popular variety for making table wine.

Disease and pest resistance

The Chinese plum of the Red Shar variety is highly resistant to perforated spotting (clasterosporiosis), monilial burn and other fungal infections.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The description of the plum Raspberry Ball and the reviews of gardeners-practitioners make it possible to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the variety. The pluses include:

  • versatility of application, taste and commercial qualities of fruits;
  • high productivity;
  • early ripening;
  • good portability;
  • precociousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • convenient size of the tree, medium thickening of the crown.

Gardeners consider the disadvantages of the variety:

  • early flowering period, which may coincide with the period of return frosts;
  • self-infertility, the need for additional pollination;
  • warming up the root collar in spring.

Features of landing 

Planting varieties Raspberry Ball does not differ from other plums. But the further development and growth of the seedling depends on the quality and timeliness of the event.

Recommended dates 

In the areas of the middle lane, the Red Shar plum is planted in the spring, best of all in April. For the southern regions, autumn planting is recommended: in late September or early October. If the seedling was purchased at a later date, then it is added dropwise in an inclined position until spring.

Choosing the right place 

For the Red Ball variety, the best place would be a plot on the southeast or west side of the garden with fertile soil. Plum does not tolerate stagnant water, so plant a tree on a hill or make good drainage. The second nuance is protection from drafts. This role can be performed by the wall of the building or shrubs.

Important! Plum should not be planted in close proximity to nightshade.

What crops can and cannot be planted nearby 

Plum responds favorably to the neighborhood of apple, black elderberry and currant. But next to a walnut, pear, hazel, fir, birch, poplar, planting a Raspberry Ball is not worth it. For small garden plots, it is possible to combine a plum with a pear only if the distance between the trees is at least 4 m.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For planting plums, it is better to take an annual seedling of the Red Ball. According to the observations of gardeners, they take root well. Focus on:

  1. Roots. Should be moist, without damage, kinks, signs of decay.
  2. Kore. It is important that there are no cracks, wrinkling, and the trunk is in good condition.

Landing algorithm 

3 weeks before planting the Raspberry Ball plum, dig a hole 65 cm x 70 cm.

Mix fertile soil (2 buckets) with humus or compost (1 bucket), 400 g of superphosphate, 1 kg of wood ash. Soak the roots of a plum seedling for 6 hours in water.

Form a mound of soil at the bottom of the pit, install a plum seedling, level the roots.

Sprinkle with soil.

Important! Do not deepen the root neck, it should rise above the soil level by 5 cm.

Make a near-stem circle, pour over the plum, mulch.

Plum Aftercare

The main measures for the care of the Red Shar variety consist of:

  1. Glaze. Plum is sensitive to soil moisture. Overflow leads to rotting of the roots, moisture deficiency to drying out. An adult tree needs 25-30 liters per week, especially at the beginning of summer, when the crop is ripening and fruit buds are forming.
  2. Top dressing. The variety is not picky about annual top dressing. For plum, it is enough to apply organic matter and mineral complex fertilizers once every 3-4 years. Organics are dug up with soil, and minerals are applied in the form of a solution after watering. You need to feed the early ripe Chinese plum Red Ball in the fall, and add nitrogen components in the spring.
  3. Clippings. For the variety, only preventive and sanitary pruning is recommended. The plum crown is not thickened, so attention should be paid to cutting out shoots, shortening shoots, and removing broken and dry branches.

    Plum Red Ball

  4. Winter preparations. It is necessary to prepare the plum for the winter period. Despite frost resistance, the Raspberry Ball variety can suffer from a sharp cold snap after thaws. The second reason is rodent protection. It is good to cover the trunk with mulch, followed by tying with burlap.
Important! Do not use polyethylene and roofing felt, the variety has a tendency to warm the root neck.
SUMMER CUTTING PLUM. Simple principles.

Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention 

Chinese plum may be affected:

Disease or pest

Prevention and control measures


Remove plant residues after harvesting and treat with a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 l of water).

fruit rot

Regular removal of damaged fruits. Treatment with Bordeaux liquid (1%) in the period of fruit size 3 cm.

root cancer

Disinfection of instruments and planting material. Processing plums with copper sulphate.

Milky luster

Autumn whitewashing of the trunk with lime, top dressing with urea before flowering.

Plum Red Ball


Plum Red Ball is a very beautiful and comfortable tree. At the time of flowering it is very decorative, when harvesting it does not cause trouble due to low growth, the fruits of universal use – it is pleasant for gardeners to grow such varieties.


Sklyarova Anna Timofeevna, 54 years old, Belgorod
I dreamed of planting a Chinese plum for a long time. I opted for the Red Ball. Our trees are 5 years old. They began to bear fruit early, the plums are large, very tasty. We do almost no processing, only spring preventive and very careful preparation for winter. We remove all the remnants, dig up the soil, apply fertilizers, insulate the trunk. It is important not to let weeds grow, then there are much less diseases in the garden.
Karpov Vasily Ivanovich, 44 years old, Voronezh
My Chinese girl is already 8 years old. The variety Krasny Shar does not belong to centenarians, therefore I am preparing planting pits for planting new seedlings. Satisfied with the yield, the quality of the fruits too. Very easy tree to care for and pruning. There is no thickening, the size is average, each branch can be reached. I plant plums separately from other trees, so there are no problems with diseases.

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