Plum Prunes: variety description

Plum Prunes: variety description

Plum variety “Prunes” is known for its delicious fruits, which are often used as dried fruits. If you grow such a tree in your garden, you will no longer have to buy this healthy dried fruit – you can make it yourself.

Description of the plum “Prune”

Plum belongs to medium late self-fertile varieties. It bears fruit abundantly and is resistant to disease, drought and frost. Of the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning the frequency of fruiting.

Delicious dried fruits can be prepared from prunes.


  • medium-sized tree, 3-4 m high, with an oval crown;
  • smooth grayish brown bark;
  • thick skeletal branches;
  • large conical buds;
  • medium-sized ovoid leaves;
  • dense sheet plate with corrugation;
  • white flowers, arranged in 2-3 pieces from one bud;
  • large fruits of regular rounded-elongated shape with a seam in the form of a narrow dark strip;
  • thick rind of deep blue color with a sourish taste, poorly separating from the pulp;
  • greenish-yellow, juicy pulp with a pleasant sweet taste;
  • large bones.

The average weight of one fruit is 45−55 g. Elastic beautiful fruits tolerate transportation well and are suitable for fresh consumption, for processing and harvesting for the winter. From 1 kg of plums, about 220 g of good sweet prunes come out.

How to grow the Prune variety?

Trees of this variety prefer sunny areas, protected from harsh gusts of wind and drafts. Seedlings growing in the shade do not develop well. Places with a high level of groundwater or waterloggedness are categorically unsuitable for planting.

Young trees are planted at a distance of 3 m from each other. Pits need to be prepared at least 10 days before the intended planting. The depth of the holes is 0,5 m, the diameter is 0,7 m.

On clay soils, planting pits can be made deeper by pouring drainage from rubble or pebbles to the bottom

The soil from the dug holes must be mixed with rotted manure in a 2: 1 ratio. When planting, you need to ensure that the root collar is at a distance of 4-5 cm from ground level. If the root collar is covered with earth, the tree will develop poorly and bear poor fruit.

Plum of this variety forms a lot of root growth, which must be removed regularly. If this is not done, the mother plant becomes weak and cannot produce much yield.

Watering plays an important role. Drought during the formation of ovaries can cause them to crumble

Plum “Prune” does not have any special requirements for care, so it can be grown by novice gardeners. Having studied the basic rules of planting and caring, you can get such a tree in your garden.

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