Plum Prunus was bred by crossing related crops: cherry plum and wild blackthorn. There is also another opinion that the Adyghe Prunes hybrid was obtained from unknown parents. Many novice gardeners under this name mean other varieties of plums with dark fruits, which is fundamentally not true. The main purpose of the fruits of this crop is to obtain dried fruit.
History of variety breeding
There is no exact information about the origin of the Prunes variety. Most often, this name means thorns. It was she who was obtained by crossing cherry plum with wild thorns. Sometimes there is information that Prunes were bred in the 37th year of the last century at the Maikop station. The result is a hybrid, but his parents are unknown. The variety was given the name Adyghe Prunes and included in the State Register in 88 of the last century. It is about this culture that will be discussed further.
In everyday life, prunes are called dried plums that have been smoked. To obtain a popular product, the Stanley plum variety is most often used. The culture was brought out by an American breeder in the 26th year of the last century. Stanley has been on the State Register since 1983.
Prunes are also made from Hungarian plum, as its fruits lend themselves well to drying and are highly saturated with sugar. There are several varieties of Hungarian. The most common varieties are:
- Italian Hungarian common in the southern regions. The heat-loving mid-season variety is able to freeze in cold areas. The plum is self-fertile, requiring no pollinators. The tree grows up to 5 m high. The crown diameter is about 6 m. Plum does not tolerate drought, bears fruit for 4 years after planting. The yield reaches 50 kg per tree. The weight of the fetus is about 35 g.
- Homemade Hungarian bears fruit weighing 20 g. Plum variety Late prunes, heat-loving, begins to bear fruit from the age of 7. The tree grows up to 6,5 m high. The yield is about 150 kg.
- Hungarian Wangenheim considered a hardy crop. Plum variety Prunes are early, resistant to diseases, take root on poor soils. The yield of an adult tree reaches 60 kg, but the inflorescences require pollination. Fruiting begins at 6 years. The weight of the fruit reaches 30 g.
- Hungarian Korneevskaya differs in frost resistance and drought resistance. The variety is self-fertile. Pollinators are not needed. In terms of ripening, the plum is mid-season. Fruiting begins after 6 years. At this time, the yield reaches 30 kg. The weight of the fetus is about 35 g.
For the production of prunes, the Renklod Karbysheva plum variety is well suited. The tree is self-fertile, tolerates frost well. Fruit weight is about 40 g. The stone is easily separated from the pulp.
The mid-season variety Blue Bird is also used in the production of prunes. Fruiting of the seedling occurs in the third year from the date of planting. The variety is self-fertile, resistant to frosty winters. Fruit weight is about 45 g. The stone is easily separated from the pulp.
Dried prunes can be made from plums of the Raisin-Eric variety. The culture is thermophilic, southern. The birthplace of the medium-late variety is the Crimea. Pollinators are required for fruiting. The yield of an adult tree reaches 115 kg. Fruit weight about 10 g.
From the cherry plum variety P-31, the Ural Prunus plum, which is also called Prunes of the Urals, was bred. Another parent of the hybrid is the Ussuri plum. As a result, when crossing all varieties, a late prunes was obtained from the Ussuri plum, which is distinguished by good frost resistance. Fruits grow of medium size, weighing no more than 16 g. The tree grows up to 2 m high. The variety is not self-fertile. The best pollinators are the Ussuri plums, as well as the Ural red.
The video compares prunes with ordinary plum varieties:
Description of the plum variety Prunes
Now we will look at what the Prunus plum looks like, which is widespread in households. The trees grow tall with a spreading crown. The average height of the plum is about 4 m. The length of the fruit branches does not exceed 50 cm. The plum throws out large flower buds. Foliage grows slightly wrinkled. The sheet plate is strong, thick.
The fruits of the variety Prunes are large, weighing from 40 to 45 g. The skin of the plum is dark blue, when fully ripe it acquires a black tint. On the fruit there is a depression near the stalk and a vertical strip that runs through the entire fruit. The shape of the plum is round or slightly elongated in the form of an oval. Despite the rough skin, the pulp of prunes is juicy and full of fibers. The bones separate well.
Variety Prunes is suitable for growing in the middle lane. Numerous reviews of summer residents about plum prunes in the Leningrad region indicate that the culture tolerates winters well. Due to the fact that the culture is self-fertile, a large harvest is guaranteed even in the absence of pollinators growing nearby.
Characteristics of a variety
Variety Prunes should not be confused with ordinary blue plums. To get to know the culture better, let’s take a look at its characteristics.
Drought resistance, frost resistance
Prunes are considered a frost-resistant variety. Plum easily tolerates drought, but loves watering. In winter, fruit branches rarely freeze.
Plum pollinators
In terms of ripening, prunes are classified as mid-late varieties. Flowering begins in the spring at the same time as the foliage appears. Plum is considered self-fertile, not requiring the growth of a number of pollinators.
Yield and fruiting
The variety is considered high-yielding. There may be occasional breaks in fruiting. A lot of fruits are tied. The tree can shed excess plums.
Scope of berries
The main area of application of Prunus fruits is the production of dried fruits. About 22% of the finished product is obtained from fresh plums. Prunes are usually smoked. Fresh plums are used for preservation, they cook compote, jam, make tinctures.
Disease and pest resistance
Plum is resistant to all fungal diseases. Pests in the form of aphids, sawflies, scale insects can settle on a tree. Preventive spraying helps prevent crop destruction.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Prunes have the following positive qualities:
- a self-fertile variety can be grown alone without the mandatory planting of a pollinator;
- abundant fruiting, high yield;
- plum adapts to the climatic conditions of the region and is not too demanding on the soil;
- the variety resists fungal diseases well;
- excellent winter hardiness allows you to grow plums in the middle lane, the Leningrad region, the Moscow region;
- The culture is drought tolerant.
Of the negative qualities, only the rough skin of the fetus and interruptions in fruiting can be distinguished.
Features of landing
Prunes can be grown according to the same rules as regular plums. Let us consider in detail the nuances of agricultural technology.
Recommended dates
Plum seedlings are best planted in early spring. In the southern regions, planting time falls in March. Gardeners in the middle lane and the Moscow region plant plums no later than the second decade of April. It is advisable to prepare the hole in the fall or not earlier than two weeks before planting.
Choosing the right place
Plum Prunes love to grow in hot areas. The tree can be planted in any place where there are no drafts and waterlogging of the soil. The culture takes root perfectly along buildings or a fence.
Although drought tolerant, the plum loves moderately moist soil. If there is such a plot in the yard, then you can safely plant a tree here.
Like any plum, Prune loves loose, light soil. When planting in clay or black earth, sand is added for looseness. High acidity of the soil also has a bad effect on the tree. Reduce the rate by introducing lime into the soil. If the groundwater layers are high on the site, the drain will not grow. Alternatively, you can try planting a seedling on a hill.
What crops can and cannot be planted nearby
Plum loves loneliness, but does not refuse neighborhood with other fruit trees. Nearby you can not plant any kind of currant, walnut, coniferous trees, birch. A pear is considered a bad neighbor. Plum is friendly with all other fruit trees, but the distance necessary for the development of roots and crown must be observed.
Selection and preparation of planting material
Prune seedlings can be taken from friends by digging up young shoots. However, planting material from the nursery is considered the best. The seedling can be sold with an open and closed root system. The latter option is better in terms of survival. The main requirement for good seedlings is the presence of a developed large root, side branches, live buds. The bark should be smooth without cracks or damage.
Landing algorithm
For spring planting plums, a hole is usually prepared in the fall. After plowing the land, weed roots are removed from the site. A hole is dug up to a width and depth of up to 70 cm. If the soil is heavy, the depth of the hole is increased by 15 cm. The added space is covered with a drainage layer of stone or gravel.
Fertile land is mixed with manure or compost in a ratio of 1:2. The hole is filled with the finished mixture, covered with a heater for the winter. In the spring, before planting Prunes, part of the soil is removed from the pit to fit the root of the seedling.
For a seedling with an open root system, a support stake is driven in the center of the pit. If the plum is bought with closed roots, growing in a container, it is carefully removed and, together with a clod of earth, lowered into the hole. A support stake is not needed for such a seedling. Backfilling is carried out with fertile soil previously removed from the pit. The seedling is watered, the trunk circle is mulched with peat.
Plum Aftercare
Immediately after planting, the plum is watered until the tree is well rooted. Initially, pruning is done to help form the crown. In the future, old and dry branches are removed. Prunes sprout a lot of young shoots. It must be cut at least four times per season.
An adult tree is watered up to 6 times per season. Be sure to need moisture after flowering, during the ovary, at the end of harvesting, in late autumn before wintering.
The video talks about the spring feeding of plums:
The seedling initially has enough nutrients introduced during planting. In the second year, prunes are fed with urea in early spring and June. From the third year of life, the first top dressing is made in early May. The plum is poured with a solution of urea, dissolving 30 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. In early June, a second top dressing is done with a solution of 3 tbsp. l. nitrophoska and 8 liters of water. The last feeding of Prunes falls at the beginning of August. The solution is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. potassium and superphosphate per 10 liters of water.
Diseases and pests, methods of control and prevention
The plum variety is resistant to fungal infections, but in case of manifestation, the tree is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Severe damage can only be eliminated with a systemic fungicide Hom. With manifestations of moniliosis, the plum is sprayed with Skor.
It is important to carry out preventive treatment with pesticides. Aphids, scale insects, sawflies, weevils can destroy the crop and the tree itself. In autumn, fallen fruits and leaves must be removed from the ground. Many pests hibernate in organic matter. In the spring they will again move to a healthy tree.
Plum Prunes in cultivation are no different from ordinary plums. By planting one tree in the yard, the family will be provided with fresh fruits and delicious dried fruits.